She throws her fur coat over your body, that is gdlk.
she’s not the first though
I played P3… and I don’t think that matches her personality…
Its been 2-3 years after P3 Fes. She obviously…matured and you know not getting depressed about…certain things. She still has her “execution” personality
Ok for anyone confused about never touching a Persona game before and wondering if your should get this game no need to worry. You can enjoy the fighter without even touching story mode if 30-40 hours of VN can turn you off. However, If you want to get a QUICK(i.e not having to play 100+ of rpg) fix on what the setting,characters,plot, and etc I suggest watching the Persona 4 Anime. It gives you enough background info that you would understand the fighter better. Of course if you played the rpg before you would enjoy the anime better due to the inside jokes/references present.
Something related to Skullgirls, I find this Mike Z philosophy admirable when he discusses DLC content. "Zaimont believes that as soon as you’ve spent $60 on extra content, the game should have enough new stuff that it warrants being considered a sequel to what you started out with, which is something they may possibly implement with Skullgirls."
dem interviews with Mike Z =]
“We have those features and stuff but… uh… I forgot about them cause they aren’t my job” lol. He is so cute =3
He probably should have bring Peter for this interview in pokeball or something.
I hope that canonical storymode truly is in works. I can’t wait to see it.
They confirmed a Canon story mode will be coming since many people asked about the topic when they discovered Double ending
Mike wants to give enough content that’s it like a sequel? First company to use DLC correctly?
Yep, this is why you will see even more indie groups rising up soon.
Hell, that’s pretty much the only option for us in Australia.
The industry isn’t dying at all though, you just can’t look to the brand names you know to find what you want anymore.
That list is depressing… there is just about every Australian AAA developer other than 2K Australia…
hooray for (really good) SG cosplay at the Konami booth
Holy shit…
Why does Ms Fortune’s top’s seam continue onto her boob?
I really have to get that off my chest. The fact that you noticed that means you were staring at her chest far too long, bro. I can understand that she’s quite titillating in that ms.fortune cosplay, so next time don’t get busted by exposing your actions through your words.
I’ll be maining Aigis and probably Elizabeth as a side character.
Also, that SG cosplay is really good, a Valentine with a decent rack.

Underboob is like, more difficult that it needs to be to make happen. All sorts of flesh adhesives to keep em from falling all over the place. I’d rather have her wear a more modest shirt than have a wardrobe malfunction and leave. All of them are really well done though, I’m always glad to see ladies rocking the Skullgirls cosplay.
Ok so I guess I’m gonna get P4A since I think it will be fun to mess around with but I’m getting it for Xbox so I probably can’t play with most of you lol. No way am I buying two copies of a 60$ game.
I’ma likely get it for Xbawx as well Dizzy, so you can play with me
Would smash ALL.
Yeah getting p4A for xbox since i mostly use ps3 for watching blue-ray movies or playing ps3 exclusive fighters these days
Jessica Nigri cosplaying as Valentine is just… HRRRRRRNG… yeah.
edit: Also, image quoting is STILL not allowed in here. Dunno what gave you guys the impression that it was allowed again.
edit edit: The Ms Fortune cosplay does have some underboob, but juuuust a little.