Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

Issat a compliment or an insult!

Is that a question or exclamation? O_o

It’s an exclamation because there’s no question mark. Things exists on the internet independent of the intent put behind them. OOOOoooooooOOOOOoooo.

fuck that shit wes anderson is tyler perry for white people.

It’s an observation. I can never insult someone for doing the same thing I do

This has to be the most stupid post to ever exist. I think you’re brain is Tyler Perry on Tyler Perry.

nope it was the smartest. maybe i will respect wes anderson when he stops making the same goddamn movie over and over again. its totes tyler perry for whities.

Mr Anderson doesn’t make movies, he kills computer programs. And knows Kung Fu.

wes anderson is a bitch

This is really surprising. I thought you would be one of those people who loves Wes Anderson movies, Girly!

Life Aquatic is good, Fantastic Mr. Fox has its moments, and all his films are generally impressive on a technical photographic level (except what the fuck was up with the yellow-white balance in Moonrise, looked like piss), but the guy is just a bitch who does the same thing over and over because he knows his money-making audience and isn’t willing to expirement.

Seriously all of his movies might as well be titled “Rich Kids With Daddy Problems”. Dude needs to grow up and get the fuck over it. Luckily, thats a motif that white people fucking love because, like, they can really relate, maaaaaannn. Tyler Perry for white people.

I wish I had piss that looked that pretty.
It has a look of old postcards.

Also, “White Kids with Daddy Problems” is probably a bit more accurate, though I don’t think you even saw Moonrise…

Also, the Tyler Perry for white people is super racist, because you’re basically saying how much of a superior taste white people have than those black folk. Also, keep the misogyny coming.

Hey, Fantastic Mr. Fox was fuggin’ awesome. I was actually really surprised at how much I liked that one. I watched it just cause I like stop-motion animation, but it really grew on me the more I thought about it. It is now one of like… 7 movies I own.

I just personally don’t like the yellow white balance. Doesn’t jive with me. art direction, framing, and production value were all *reallllllly *impressive.

fuck man you got me, i lol’d.

however, on a more serious note, what i am alluding to with that joke is essentially true. he knows his audiences, and where he can make his money in order to be a commercially successful filmmaker, and he exploits that general theme in order to do so. Just like Tyler Perry and his films.
He doesn’t deviate.
He doesn’t evolve.
Its the same theme, same plot points, same story, every time.

In my eyes, if you can’t change, if you can’t make each story and film its own special idea, you will never be a great filmmaker, and the same goes with all art. Look at Kubrik, David Lynch and Kurosawa (well, Kurosawa often used the same setting, but consitently had different themes, plots, character types, and devices). They are great filmmakers throughout three different ages because they were always able to express themselves wildly different from movie to movie. Hell, as far as Kubrik is concerned, no two of his films even look remotely a like.

What Anderson does just comes off as plain old immature to me.
You have family problems? Cool, man. I get that. You expressed that in really interesting ways in Life Aquatic and your earlier shit.

But either:
a) He can’t get over it. This makes him an uninteresting, stale, immature person
b) He is after that coin, which means his movie mean fucking jack shit, especially since he is an individual who promotes himself as an “auteur”

That’s where I come from with the hate. I can’t stand his movies because the dude can’t change, and that makes me not care, and that’s the biggest flaw a movie can have ever.

pfffffffffft come on guy

yeah man i kind of like that one two. the animation is super cool and realllllly well done. they also did some super interesting things with the voice recording where they record the actors in locations that resemble those of the film, as opposed to a boot, which is so smart and makes so much sense I don’t know why they don’t way more.

Fantastic Mr. Fox is a masterpiece >:|

Anyone here gonna play persona as well?

Certainly gonna give it a go, but I can’t say I’m super dedicated to playing it seriously. I’m a big fan of the source material though, so I will probably dork out and play it primarily for the single player. Kanji 4 life, dawg.

I was playing Persona just yesterday.

Just replayed Vectorman 2 recently. Still fun. Too bad vectorman ps2 game never made it.