Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

Yeah I’ve seen it before, him and Domon clash and Master Asia intervenes to stop them.

That’s why I watch movies in theaters only. Every time I’m starting video on PC some stupid shit happens so I pause it on reflex. And now I need to press play again and God knows every time I do it part of my soul is dying. That’s why I dropped all animus entirely. Except One Piece. It’s so stupid that there is any stupidity left because you know… One Piece.

also random shark pic [details=Spoiler]


I just got back from Spiderman

… and I enjoyed myself. I think it was a good reboot, and it was pretty faithful from what I can remember.

I also just heard the news about Nightwing and Cyborg in Injustice. I must know: Is Cyborg voiced by the guy who did him in Teen Titans. Also, I want Raven(voiced by Tara Strong) Now.

Most of page 4 looks like Vulpes is talking to himself.

Frank Ocean?

Ok…With that lackluster spider-man reboot out of the way guess my next movie is Dark Knight Rises. I figure this movie will shit on Avengers/Amazing Spider-Man in box-office wise . Glad they are NOT making Bane some stupid steroid freak(Batman cartoons) and actually a criminal mastermind thats not “brawns, no brain”. I’m doubtful it will live up to the predecessor because the bar was set up pretty high (I blame Joker and Harvey Dent, to hell with Batman). The recent trailers did not kill any hype for me so we will see

About Skullgirls, glad dlc content is now within sight now

Nah, turns out I’m just weird


This is Scout! Rainbows make me cry!

I was going to make a flippant comment about wanting to sound like system of a down, then wiki saved me.

I’ll be honest; guy has wanted to sound like System since he LEFT System.

I kinda liked that movie. I was bored as hell much of the time but I didn’t feel disgusted once. Which is probably because I became somewhat cheesyproof or because teens in this one aren’t acting in the way that makes you want to punch each and every one of them to death…

It reminds me of Kick-Ass actually in a sense that main hero is acting somewhat realistically. And Peter Parker is always just a guy - wearing spandex or not. I actually didn’t quiet catch superhero vibe from him. Like yeah - you want to wear mask in order to not get your ass kicked - but that’s all. He’s not like Hulk or Iron Man who can just turn their super-mode on and save the day immediately. He still should work and bust his ass off. His win isn’t granted. It’s really easy to feel sympathetic for him. Like he did catch one bullet in the leg and it’s a big deal already. Movie doesn’t feel like superhero blockbuster in a sense that main hero is more awesome that Chuck Norris. Instead Spider-man has likeable characters and somewhat convincing behavior of those. Flash Tompson and Stacey family specifically were pretty cool.

Still I was pretty bored good portion of movie so yeah - movie itself is pretty good but not downright awesome. I guess it’s easier to have fun if you’re not treating it like a part of S-M franchise. It’s a good movie on it’s own I think. Although not downright amazing.

Seems odd for marvel to go for the ‘realistic’ hero. I would think watchmen had that completely covered.

I thought Spiderman was an alright movie. Granted, it felt like an uncomfortably large percentage of the movie was “awkward teenage drama” but the action scenes made up for it.

There were certain parts were really awkward though. It got to the point where a few people in the theater yelled “WTF dude, just get in that ass” (paraphrased) and my friend and I looked at each other like “really?”

Can’t wait for “The Dark Knight Rises” though. Playing Arkham City recently has gotten me hype for that movie.

Sony are making the Spider-Man flicks so it’s their decision not Marvel’s.

I didn’t even know this album existed, thanks!

Guys. Guys. We have to calm down, before this turns into a
spiderman thread.

In completely other news, in my own personally effort to escape the new Spiderman movie, I got stuck in /that/ part of Youtube again.Are you ready to take a magical journey with me?

In other, other news, my PS3 overheats in my summer, un-AC’d apartment after approximately 5 minutes of SG. Is it too late to ask for the patch to be released at 0 degrees Kelvin?


Yes this post is completely pointless, as it should be.

Now you’ve done it.

60s Spiderman is top tier.

I think it’s time for some Italian Spider Man.

Moonrise Kingdom is the best movie playing right now, and probably in the past few years too.