Lanaya comin to Dota2
This makes even this movie watchable
This is the worst movie I’ve seen since “The adjustment Bureau”
I started watching this 4 hours ago
Got to the 1:05:00 mark just now
I am sobbing blood at this point
… You are making me nervous Vulpes… I plan to go see this movie in 4 hours with dad and bro…
Bring a hooker
Look, the good part is that you can’t pause, so it’s over comparably quick.
Kinda killed my hype for the movie I sort of wanted to see it…
Sometimes I can do Dizzy Ice Spike FRC with 100% consistancy, do IAD j.2S and all that shit without needing the visual/audio cue.
And then some days I’ll try it and not be able to do it after 20+ tries. And then I remember lolidontplaydizzy and do something else.
Jam seems like a fairly easy character. She’s definitely fun to dick around with against the CPU.
Jam was the only character I was decent with in GG.
Actually, I was ok with the loli pirate as well.
Well I just showed you that your dream girl has a penis that is longer than yours.
If you still want to sleep with her, that’s your choice (and I’m perfectly cool with it)
Maybe you’ll even grow to like it. Who knows, everyone has some unexplored fetishes.
But don’t complain about a sore butt afterwards.
Okay, finished it. End was good. Movie in general is really bad. Like, really bad.
I guess if you can live with the pro-loser-virgin-propaganda it’s watchable. I can’t.
Jam is the only cool GG character.
Now playing Lanaya.
if you thought golf was boring in real life, try editing a documentary on it uggghghghghgdfjgdfgdfgd
One of my favorite artists just released his new album and oh my word you guys there is a track that makes me weep every time I listen
The first actual “Liek this if u cry everytime”
or maybe it’s “U cry everytime u liek this”
Jam is the only GG character who makes my ears bleed.
Slayer is like, the coolest fucking character ever made. His character is style and swagger given form.
Slayer so cool. Just my favorite character.
You should watch Hayate no Gotoku episodes 38. I have no idea what the fuck the anime is about, but that episodes references GaoGaiGar. As in has a cyborg voiced by Gais VA, has Virals (also voice by him) face, and hes does attacks from the show. Even Hell and Heaven. I’m sure the anime is shit, but it’s cool just for that.