Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

So why does he love them all no matter how many you have? Does he just suck at managing his money and blow it all on the most expensive transportation he can afford no matter what? What about when you finish the stage with no rings? Does he travel by hitchhiking and giving sexual favors?

These are the deep questions that sonic games will have you asking.

Look at sonics hair. And he can turn into some sparkling golden muthafucka. The guy quite clearly got some saiyajin blood. saiyajin don’t fight with unfair advantages. sonic gives up whatever advatnage (=rings) he has before every stage so it’s a fight on equal grounds

im under the impression that watching this movie is actively killing my brain cells
maybe its some scientific experiment whether its possible to turn people into real life spidermen
step #1 reduce intelligence level to that of a spider

He always goes for max level transport. Gotta travel in style.
When he finishes a level without any rings he takes out a massive loan to cover transport costs, which he then tries to pay off with the excess rings from easy levels.

But then he goes Super Sonic and starts snorting all his cash for super powers, which just throws him deeper and deeper into debt.

The guy’s a train wreck.

speaking of sonic : [LEFT][/LEFT]

sidenote am i the only one who has SRK crashing on him at least 10 times per day
"unexpected data errors" or not loading the page or someshit

This explains why he is always running so fast
he is trying to create max distance between himself and his … followers

It happens to me but a refresh always fixes it.


I wonder whether anybody on this planet ever
scored a girl who didn’t weigh 10 times his weight
the way this dumbfuck is “flirting” with emma stone

I really wonder why society suddenly decided it was a bad thing to teach people to keep themselves in shape, have confidence, and not be dumbfucks
some guy came out yelling “if u dont like me just cus im a stinking sweaty fat childish bastard thats racist” and everybody else was like "oooh he’s right!"
what the fuck.

That Marie artwork is amazing.

And I agree, Parasoul is all Tits and Ass. She has the perfect cartoon 1950’s figure, and with her back being covered mostly, I can see it as being hard to get just right.

Wow, that’s really cheap, awesome.

Hey, this thread exists.

SRK has been crashing a lot, but refreshing generally works instantly.

Posting mostly so I get notifications and wont forget it exists.

EDIT: SRK crashes immediately after I post this, lol.


Movie got 1600% better instantly

This is the randomest movie ever

What’s with all the triple posting Vulpes?

I’ve been busy drinking and then accidentallying my wrist open. I’m here now, though

In case you are offended: Post more, then I can’t.

yeah more marie son more marie