Skullgirls OTT! -Random select is top tier

I’m staring at it right now. It’s all done apart from the shading (which is actually usually my fasted part)… and Parasoul. Dear God she’s like the anti-Russai when it comes to drawing people. I’ve redrawn her about 8 times at this stage but I think I finally have her looking somewhat right.
Would you believe I’ve actually been working on it almost every day for two weeks now? I’m having that much trouble drawing her! XD I’m really sorry about this - it’ll be done soon I promise!

Also, Krieg is bullshit. It’s got 6 spokes when it’s closed and 12 spokes when its open. Hell, sometimes it only has 9 spokes.
I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic umbrella or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Ah. That sucks man. I wonder why you have so much trouble drawing Parasoul… Is it just her figure?

Well Kreig is a living Umbrella, so maybe he can change his spokes or something… but most likely someone screwed up in the drawing phase.

I believe you will finish it, and I apologize for picking your bane character to draw, haha.

What what where link need might Avatar new wild yes


at this point i have such a hard time watching movies without pausing them every 10 seconds saying "this is so dumb"
this is no exception

dunt read if u want to b more surpriseamaze by the genious storyliners

[details=Spoiler]we have this hyper genius guy
who breaks into a secret genetics facility
and there is this really strange looking thing which moves and has spiders on it and is illuminated in blue light
and he opens door and goes into the room and looks at it closer
and then he randomly touches it and shakes it a bit

yeah the first thing I’d od when breaking into some secret genetics facility would be going into a closed off room and touching some strange looking thing with spiders on it[/details]

This movie is lacking so much energy i occasionally pause to listen to some music because that’s more fun //

Okay its getting funner I’ll give it that. Hope it stays like this.

The two things that get me is firstly her figure - I’ve always been bad at hips and Parasoul is 50% hips. (The other 50% being her chest), and then the second is her hair, which sort of bounces out from the back of her head and is sufficiently long to cover most of her back. Because her chest/waste/hip ratio is so bonkers it ends up looking strange when most of it is covered by hair that falls down in a weird arc. I learned to draw via Technical Drawing so really stylistic stuff like Skullgirls always causes me trouble!

And haha, I’m not serious about Krieg :stuck_out_tongue:

As the above image shows, this game involves a maid with a flaming skull in place of her spine and internal organs that uses a skeletal vacuum cleaner as a weapon. Random spoke counts are hardly an issue.

I like it. Nice chest, good ass, nothing wasted.

gdlk play by play commentary from vulpes

Still think the Spider-Man 2 train scene was the most powerful movement in recent Spider-man films. The writing and execution was just too great


Spidey Saving New-york citizens and they save him from falling. “he is just a kid”-Shocked train passenger. Swear this was the least fraudulent spider-man movie scene i witnessed

I thought it was a bit ham fisted myself :confused:

They try and do it again in Amazing Spider-man but it’s way clunkier and even cheesier.

I can continue if u like but it’s really difficult right now
The movie is currently riding just on the edge between dumb dumb and good/funny dumb
changing tacts with every second
every time i try to laugh im like oh god this is so dum- and then i try to laugh and then it gets dumb
this movie is exceeding my reaction capacities

nah i’m good. i fucking hate spiderman movies. spider man 3 is straight up my least favourite movie ever made.

kind of uh

[details=Spoiler]guy breaks his bathroom in half while trying to brush his teeth bc his strength makes him crunch everything (eg he tries to turn water on and instead destroys the tap)
one scene later he is typing on keyboard and it doesnt get damaged at all
interested to see what his aunt and uncle are going to say about the bathroom later
or whether it’ll just get ignored and not appear again
maybe they both die before they see it, that’d be a prty good solution[/details]

I’d tell u to watch some UweBoll movies but then again I don’t want to but then again I just did. Uh

Oh I have seen Uwe Boll movies, but those are way less painful because I believe they were ade with at least with a slight intention of “so bad its good”, and they are marketed to be shit movies.

spiderman 3 was just a waste of time. an absolute painful mess in every department and the only reason I never left because I was on a date, but the memory forever tarnished my image of her.

this uncle parker is so getting on my nerves

[details=Spoiler]"oh there is this guy and he has been bullying you for ages and hits you and shit and now u dared to humiliate him. u r bad guy"
fuckin dumb wussy shit[/details]
im thankful every time he dies

u arent allowed to watch these kind of movies in theaters
u did 100% wrong thing which caused the opposite of the original intention to happen

i think of these films as relationship movies

theyre made so you watch them with your girlfriend
and then u notice it is shit
so youre like "ugh okay i dont really want to watch this"
and since ur TV is near bed and room is dark and its late anyways
this now saves your relationship

in movie theaters this only works for daring couples

i guess secretly taking pictures of the grand love and never talking to her but instead putting the pictures up as wallpaper on his pc and having his uncle tell the girl that this is the case AND STILL FUCKIN SCORING is supposed to make all the dumpster shitheads virgins happy that they’re going to be able to marry their waifu soon

but it’s really annoying to watch this shit

dyou know this when people say they are like totally into horror movies because they feel like theyre next to the protagonist and want to shout DONT GO THAT WAY DONT GO
i dont get what the fascination of that is // im totally NOT into all these shit movies because i feel like i’m next to the protagonist and want to slap his face and shout YOURE A FUCKIN DUMBFUCK WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB