Skullgirls Bugs & Glitches Thread - Check First Post

Tried this tonight. Still didn’t fix any of my problems. Profound sadness.

I’m just going to get a new stick. I found a guy who’s going to cut me a nice deal on a SCV Hori. I’ll be trading him my SE as part of the deal, though (I’ve told him about the issues I’m having). It’ll be sad to part with it since I put some work into making it my own, but at least I’ll be able to play the game. Also, now I have an excuse to place yet another order at Focus Attack. I’m sure Jaleel will be happy to take some more of my money.

EDIT: This means I won’t have anything to come in here and bitch about anymore. I’ll get to stop crying and play the game.

[LEFT]Console : Xbox360
Console model : S (I think?)
Hard drive size :
Game mode glitch occurred in : Training
Team and assists you used :Cerebella (excellabella)/ Double (hornet bomber MK)
Team and assists opponent used: Cerebella
Stage being played : Little Innsmouth (night)
Type of glitch : Gameplay[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The IPS kicked in at a time I don’t understand using this combo:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Double: c.LK c.MK HK (jc) j.MK j.HK qcb+MK LP MK-MK HK (jc) j.LP j.MK j.HK qcb+MK c.LP MK-MK c.HP dp+HK qcf+PP[/LEFT]
[LEFT]DHC to Cerebella: qcf+PP c.LK c.MK (jc) j.MP j.MK LP MP HP Assist[IPS KICKS IN][/LEFT]


My man just acting like this is a good thing. sfoba;isubvya;jb

[LEFT]Console : PS3[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Console model : Fat[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Hard drive size : 60[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Game mode glitch occurred in :Network, Ranked[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Type of glitch : Network “Bug”[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Other : Countinuation from original post about tier-ing on ranked network play[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Mike thank you for answering that question. My question is, will ranking be reset? I know its not important, but considering this is a game i really want to track my progress in, it would be nice to aim for the top. I don’t know if anyone has brought it up yet, but when you log in and out of a ranked, it will eventually switch you from “finding a room” to “creating a room.” I’m guessing this was intentional, but wanted to make sure.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I too have been stuck at the same tier 8 and unable to play ranked matches. I tested this at several different time over a period of several days before i made this post. When I did get matches they were always with the same two or three individuals. It’s a little frustrating because I can rarely play ranked, if at all…[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Other then that, the game has been amazing. Really rekindled what I love about fighting games. Thank you, I fully support this game and any future endeavors you might undertake.[/LEFT]

Console : Xbox 360
Console model : 1st generation (the white fat one with no hdmi port)
Hard drive size : 60GB
Game mode glitch occurred in : Quick Match versus mode
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : N/A
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : N/A
Stage being played : N/A
Type of glitch : Other
Other : loading screen hang up

This has only happened maybe 3 or 4 times so far out of a couple of hundred games so it’s not a huge issue. It might even be an isolated issue. If I go to versus mode Quick Match and cancel the search, occasionally it will hang up on the “Please wait…Network shutting down” screen. The skullheart icon is still spinning and I can navigate the Xbox Guide (friends list and such) so it’s not frozen per say. It just stays on that screen indefinitely. I eventually have to back out to the dashboard and reboot the game.

Also because it might be a networking issue, I’m on a wired connection. I’m on the East coast and usually searching “any” region (thank you for putting in ping!)

Yeah. You’re supposed to be able to combo the assist forever, I’m fine with that if it takes more work than just “oh hey I hit both SNAP GO”. I’ll try to get it to not display the burst sparks, that’s wrong. :^)

Same as the vid posted a few pages back - if P2 DHCs on the exact frame of a REGULAR superflash from P1, it’ll freeze. Fixed in our codebase, but that doesn’t help you guys yet. >.<

Hey, thanks! Yeah the priorities are backward for her assist motions, QCT+throw is > DP+throw. Good find - fixed.
Are there any other overlaps like this?

[LEFT]IPS continues for the character regardless of when they hit with moves - if Double’s assist (which I assume is who you called) is a move you already used in your combo before, it’ll trigger IPS. ?[/LEFT]


I don’t know. (-.-) I think that’s a specific request we have to make, so I doubt it. Though since it’s based on performance rather than accumulated points or win/loss record, when we do fix PS3 matchmaking you should be able to move to your actual spot pretty quickly.[/LEFT]

What am I supposed to say? The game has bugs that weren’t found, and you found one. Now it can get fixed, which means it won’t happen to you or anyone else again in the future. In the grand scheme of things, this is “a good thing”. I am sorry it happened to you, but that won’t change the result.

I’ve encountered the same issue.

Console model: I have the white fat XBOX WITH an hdmi port. 60GB i think.
Type of glitch: game hangs in online menus.

Got stuck at “Please wait…Network shutting down”.
Attempting to join a game, but before actually seeing the ping menu. It seemed to happen when I pressed B to back out, knowing the connection attempt was going to time out, but before it actually did. Had to exit to dashboard.

I have also had the stage select screen hang at 0 seconds remaining, after having played some unranked games and then gone to “change stage” from the in-game menu. Had to exit to dashboard.

You could send me a stick!

Any idea why this is happening? I hate to be a pest but this is keeping me from playing the game. Whats the point of trying to find combos if the combo system randomly tells you that your combo doesn’t work?

[LEFT]Console : Xbox 360[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Console model : older[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Hard drive size : 120[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Game mode glitch occurred in :Network, Ranked[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Type of glitch : extreme slowdowns online[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This has been a consistent glitch that i have faced. and these are slow downs during certain characters or events happening…[/LEFT]
[LEFT]at times when doubles heads super is being used the game slows down to a horrible crawl[/LEFT]
[LEFT]when parasoul is out… this seems random, but whenever parasoul is out dhc or hard tagged, the game slows down, network is fine, i have a ping going on a second monitor to googles public dns as well as other sites, my network connection seems fine. Me and another player are both experiencing the parasoul slow downs, he thinks it has something to do with her level 3 but isn’t sure.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I also sometimes get slow downs when assists are called. but that could just be the player[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Ive consistently had this problem and its making online play very frustrating as Parasoul happens to be pretty popular character. and cat head supers are pretty common as well.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]edit(reformatted to not be so damn derpy)[/LEFT]

Console: 360
Model: Elite
HDD: 250GB
Game Mode: Network, Unranked
Type of Glitch: I did Val’s level 3 as time was about to run around. I got the level 3, but then time ran not (didnt stop @ 01) and i lost due to life lead.

I thought the timer was supposed to stop when you do a super lol.

Holy crap you’re right, I missed marking the toss and the teleport of that super since they’re the same frames as Izuna Drop. Good catch, fixing now.


i forgot about this one

when playing unranked, if both players pick stage after a match, what will happen is that the characters are repicked, but then the stage selection stops working. the timer keeps counting down, but you cant pick or scroll through stages on either side.

then the timer will run out, and stay stuck at 0 and there is nothing you can do but return to dashboard…

again, 360.

dunno about ps3.

i was playing a first to 15 today, im still getting slow downs, a little different this time

was play painwheel/peacock/double vs peacock double. Whenever double was brought out the game slowed down. This was on any map : ( its consistently been happening

A little graphical glitch which could be intentional. When IPS is activated in a combo and you continue the combo with a super, the pink poofs aren’t shown on the opponent any more (dependent on the blockbuster) until you try to continue the combo after the super but you can still burst during (SOME) blockbusters.

I’m not sure if this can really be classified as a glitch, but I’ll throw it up here anyway for reference. I’m playing on a 360.

I was playing Cerebella’s story mode, versus Marie. She was in her third form, we’re both one hit from KO. I manage to hit Marie for the KO just as she casted the black shadow overhead. KO freeze frame, I win. Then Marie’s shadow comes down from the sky and hits me, KOing me as well. Another normal KO freeze frame.
I thought it was going to be a draw, but the game still advanced normally as if I won. That just seemed weird as hell to experience.

^ Not a glitch. Left in the game for players who wonder if their attack, if uninterrupted by KO/time, would have killed/hit the other player.

This happened to me in a quick match too, the Fortune’s head floating part at least. The fight came down to my Peacock/Double vs. his Fortune. I did a random Argus from fullscreen to try to chip and he threw his head at the same time. Either Argus’s killing blow traded with her head or her head hit after she died. Then it just flew straight up off screen.
If it’s not gameplay impacting, I kinda hope that doesn’t get fixed. It was the most hilarious thing.

I’m sure this has been posted but Valentine’s throw ruins her combo potential by putting her right at stage 4 and ready to burst.

Basically, throwing with Valentine means your BnB’s won’t work after the air dash part.

I can post an example if needed. Mr.Z?

I don’t know if it’s a glitch but i have hard time to do dash when i input two buttons. I heard Mike Z said the timing is lenient but i miss them so much. I get often a standing attack. It’s really weird O_o

  • During blockstring i “mash” pushblock and nothing happen most of the time. Example, i block the rolling attack of Filia and i cannot pushblock until the end of the move. I know when you get hit again it negates the pushblock but in my example, i don’t even start to pushblock. It’s look like the game doesn’t register my input in some situations (during hitstop ?) I feel frustrated :(. I have mapped two button to a shortcut in training mode and i keep missing pushblock when i input most of the time.

Console: 360
Model: Elite
Controller : Madcatz TE stick first generation
Game Mode: Network, Offline, Training Mode