Skull Girls Story Discussion Thread: ALERT! SPOILERS INBOUND!

This is off topic to what’s currently being discussed, but I just want to say that I really enjoyed Valentine’s story. Also that in the end of Double’s it mentions something like that there isn’t a canon ending, but there is one that links them all together to the true ending? That could be me just making something up. But if it isn’t, would we eventually see a final ending when more characters have been added to the Skullgirls universe (well become playable)?

Also about the Samson thing. Notice at the start of fights where Filia says “Do I know you?” and Samson comments on (I think it’s Peacock) and says “No you don’t”. Couldn’t this be linked to the fact Samson either knew Filia before she lost her memories or actually has her memories.

I did just think Ms Fortune was a bit weird in the stories. In her own she suddenly gives it up after wanting it so much. But in Cerebella’s she seems to want it even more. I just don’t understand it. Maybe I just didn’t like how it turned into a “I’ve learned my lesson” kind of ending. But adding the detective in her ending leads me to believe he may become his own character (or get his own story at least) to follow up on Nadia’s ending.

Check out Ravid’s comments starting from page 5.

Maybe they are these girls, seems likely I saw the Nautilus headed girl in the ending shot of fortunes story.

Chesty McBreasty’s story was nice. Made me appreciate her and Painwheel so much. I’m guessing the endings–or more so entire story modes are like the different chapters in Higurashi. They actually happened, but in a different timeline and there is a timeline where all the actors get a role similar to how Rika was stuck in the loop for centuries until Keichi and finally Hanyuu joined in.

That start up is shared between a few people. Mainly the one’s that also have quotes hinting they know Filia:

Cerebella: “The new doo isn’t you.” "You shoulda stuck with the family."
Peacock: "Huh, I expected more from the Medici mob!"
Parasoul: [it’s a stretch] "You’re under arrest."
I think Valentine says something too but I’m not sure…

Me and you are on the same page with Samson having her memories. I doubt they knew each other before. I also doubt the detective’ll be made playable.

Why isn’t my idea canon yet?

Because it’s not a good idea.

As for Irvin, are we sure that’s his portrait in the Medici lobby? None of the portraits on the walls look like Irvin at all to me.

I think Ms. Fortune’s story might be the most “canon” through-and-through, sans her actually defeating the Skullgirl. It seems to me as if Fortune realizing that she doesn’t need to wish her gang back, is a conclusion she could make without actually having to go anywhere near the Skull Heart. I think if you just kinda omit her clashing with the Skullgirl, then her story doesn’t contradict the others at all.

On a random note, I wonder how the DLC chars’ stories will be handled in terms of overall canon-icity. Will they be little short noncanon sotries like these ones that tie into the larger chain of events in some way, or will they be relatively separate? More random thoughts: Reverge needs more cash money so they can get all the VAs onboard to voice-act the storyline. I’m also really curious about what all the side characters sound like.

Well duh it’s a great idea. :slight_smile:

And Alex could make a bunny suit girls/Pimp King Vitale version of his Double-hentai pic.
Except instead of being eaten, all the ladies could fawn over the greatness that is Vitale.

[details=Spoiler] Scott pilgrim scene


Jk jk jk jk jk

Anyway I do agree that Fortune’s is probably the most canon ending right now.

Valentine’s most canonical for me in a sense that it explains all her plans and motivations. And shining light on PW’s creation at the same time. Really informative and I’m pretty sure all this stuff is relevant.

Thing is about Valentine’s, it’s relevant to her motives but the details would make the other stories not make sense if you mashed them together. Mostly her killing off Peacock and becoming the Skullgirl.

That’s what I mean by Ms. Fortune’s being most canon, her story details don’t interfere with any of the others’ at all as long as you omit her fighting Marie. Like, when the big canon plot rolls around I have a feeling Ms. Fortune’s particular plotline isn’t going to see much change, but Val’s probably will.

That’s probably a good thing for her though, because that means she can be as mysterious as she wants in the canon plot but we still have a good idea of what she’s about from her own storyline. Maybe she won’t have to go Skullgirl in the main plot even, that would be nice. ;-;

What was with Marie in Val’s story, anyway? In Double’s story she practically begged her not to hurt Peacock, but in Val’s she’s just like “IDK I don’t care just go kill her w/e”…

with several members of the cast being the skullgirl or soon to be one at the ends the various non-canon stories, i got to wondering: can there be more than one skullgirl at once?

Again pointing out that I don’t think any of the story threads are “non-canon.” It’s a weird multiple universe/fate/possibility thing, where they all happened and didn’t.

Just seeing lots of “canon” being thrown around and, while I may be wrong, that’s not what I got out of the story.

I was browsing through the story mode assets and spotted a few things.

I had thought ol’ Shell Head was a daughter too, but it doesn’t really look like her in the ending.

It sort of looks like her, so it might be down to the artist just drawing her differently, or working from different concept art.

Taking a closer look at Filia’s flashbacks made some more connections. Ever take a proper look at those pictures hanging in Medici Tower?

Lorenzo, Vitale, Filia’s father and a mysterious other person.

Finally putting my many years of Resident Evil picture puzzle solving experience to good use, the pattern suggests a 4th Generation Medici. ie, Filia’s brother. I’m gonna call him Filius for the moment.

The World page mentions that Lorenzo is as old as anyone can remember. If he’s Filia’s great grandfather, he’s definitely been hanging in there for a while.

Taking another look at that Filius picture…

This doesn’t really hold much water. I thought Irvin and Filius looked very similar in that sketch, but then I saw that painted picture and the similarities dropped away a bit. Their chins and noses in particular put me off. Still worth keeping in mind I guess?

Quick look at Dahlia:

Check out that ear. She’s not human.

Another one that probably wont go anywhere:

This dog pops up alongside Painwheel and a faded blond boy in Fillia’s flashback. Why is the dog significant? Could it be that marking on his neck?
Maybe Samson’s had a pretty rough time of it since he helped kill everyone in Squigly’s family.

Makes me want to go back through Filia’s story and see if Samson makes any dog references.

Hot yaoi action

With Beowulf and a circus performer?
I can’t really make out that text. Taliesin? Alecsin? Al Esin?

Ooh, also, bonus points that just came to me. No pictures this time though ;D

Lorenzo is as old as anyone can remember.
Lorenzo was formerly the owner of the Life Gem - a gem that grants immortality.
Ms. Fortune steals the Life Gem.
Lorenzo suddenly falls sick and gives control of the Medici family to Vitale.
The Medici mob suddenly start kidnapping Dagonians from Little Innsmouth including one very dear to Ms. Fortune.
Ms.Fortune is now trying to track down the Medicis.
A detective that has a passing resemblence to a 4th generation Medici suddenly shows up to help Ms.Fortune track down the kidnappers.

Even without that last point, it seems like a fairly possible ploy for the Medici’s to be using the kidnapped Dagonians as bait to get the Life Gem back.

Woah. This all kinda makes sense. Well done for finding all this out. Must have taken you quite a while do put this all together.

Now the Ms Fortune ending seems even deeper. I did find it weird how they end it on another plot point. Maybe they plan to add more story in later. Well more like a sequel to her story but with another character (like Fillius) later on. If all endings aren’t in canon with each other then surely it’s pointless to add a plotpoint on at the very end of one’s story.

Haha, yar, I spent a little longer doing that than I meant to :smiley: I just wanted a good reference for drawing Peacock and ended up downloading and scouring every piece of art I could find. Tis kind of a shame that the Sprite Resource repository is missing Filia’s intro.

As LK said, Fortune’s seems to be the most plausibly ‘canon’ of the bunch if only because it’s a To Be Continued. Everyone else sort of wraps up their own little story to a degree, or ends in such a way that is only possible by killing Marie. Chopping Nadia’s encounter with Marie out of her story renders her one completely stand alone and intact with a lead in for a sequel.

However, a lot of what happens in each story is probably ‘canon’ as each character could probably hit most of their story points without clashing too much and not killing Marie:
[]Filia could still meet Painwheel and use that as a spring board to find more about herself.
]Painwheel could break free of her slavery, meet her parents and end up going back to Brain Drain.
[]Peacock goes off and does her stuff, Avian dies and she could find out that Marie is a friend, but fail to kill her.
The others are a little trickier since their stories tend to rely entirely around killing Marie… or everyone.
]Parasoul finds out of Umbrella’s connection to the Skullheart and starts her training to destroy it.
[]Valentine goes around prodding everyone into being better at killing Skullgirls.
]Double goes around prodding everyone into being better Skullgirls.
[*]Cerebella suffers the most problems because her whole shtick is going all Superman engagement ring on Ms.Fortune. Basically she’d have to go around and do something for Vitale that she regrets. Maybe punch Minette or something.
…please don’t make anyone hurt Minette, Peter or Alex. :frowning:

I think your #2 picture isn’t actually Vitale – despite the resemblance, the guy in the picture is too old. I suspect that’s actually Vitale’s father.

Here’s who I think the portraits are:

  1. Lorenzo as a young man (Filia’s great-grandfather)
  2. Vitale’s father (Filia’s grandfather)
  3. Vitale’s brother (Filia’s father)
  4. Next scion of the family (Filia’s cousin, perhaps Vitale’s nephew)

Which raises an interesting speculation: Perhaps, despite Vitale’s increasing importance to the Family business, he wasn’t actually in the line of succession to become capo di tutti capi. It might have been supposed to go to Filia’s father and thence to Filia herself – but Lorenzo’s long absence, the death of Filia’s parents, and Filia’s own disappearance threw the whole issue of Who The Fuck’s In Charge Around Here into question; Vitale stepped in to fill the gap. As for Portrait #4, he might be the son of another of Vitale’s siblings – though it may be possible he’s left the Family, if he’s the same “Irvin” who showed up in Ms. Fortune’s ending.

EDIT: “Taliesin” is a name from Welsh mythology. I may have to strangle someone, however, if it turns out that the guy’s full name is Taliesin West. Some puns cannot be forgiven.

Damn, that’s some good snooping Russai. Stuff is making alot of sense now.

I can see where Filia get’s her thick eyebrows from too, her dad has some packers their, lol. Now the question is, was Pre-Samson Filia really a typical rich snob, or did she treat people with kindness. I guess we know that she did had some kindness in her with her bond with Painwheel/Carol, she might have been buds with Cerebella.

Only time will tell.

Good Job, Russai and Jake! I didn’t think of it earlier but Jake’s suggestion makes it apparent: if Lorenzo was alive because of life gem it’s possible that Vitale is searching for it to overthrow him. Although him working in conjunction with Dahlia’s forces kinda doubts it if Dahlia is loyal to Lorenzo. Although it’s possible that she’s plotting against him alongside Vitale.

Vitale wanting to pull a coup under the table is pretty plausible. It’s not exactly uncommon for mafia heads to off one another so they can further themselves, after all… And in Cerebella’s ending, Vitale was the one holding onto the Life Gem.

Also, about Black Dahlia… I am super curious about her because I adore her character design, she seems so wicked and classy. While it’s stupidly obvious that she’s mafia-affiliated, I find it more interesting that she seems to have some kind of history with the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. That arm cannon and those mechanical legs couldn’t have come from nowhere after all, and the only place we know cyborgs come from are the Labs.

In Peacock’s ending not only does she flaunt those parts, but she also makes a really interesting remark. In case you forgot–
"…So the rumors were true. Geiger’s resorted to experimenting on children now! My, how the mighty have fallen."

I mean, wow. That’s a lot for a short sentence. She’s referring to the founder of the Labs (if what the site says is true) by name. Does she know him personally? There are rumors about their activity, who’s gossiping? And apparently they haven’t always been so… unethical. This I find fascinating.

I had the same thought with that picture being too old to be Vitale. It does have grey hair after all. The thing that nagged at me though is that aside from the hair colour (and potentially a moustache, but that could be shadows) the two of them are completely identical even down to one of the lenses in his glasses is whited out, which seems to be Vitale’s signature thing.
Ultimately I put it down to either the Life Gem or artistic liberties/errors.

However, this is a damn good line of reasoning here. Vitale’s timing for stepping up to the plate might have more serious ramifications.
If you were trying to take over an organisation and at the same time a Skullgirl showed up and started murdering members of that organisation, that would make an excellent cover to start bumping off some of your rivals - rivals like a brother that’s next in line for succession.

Doh! I totally let this slip past me in my scouring! Good catch.
So lets go back and look at Dahlia again…

Those ears look awfully similar.

When Peacock said “Cram it, granny!” to Dahlia I thought she was just making a general insult, but maybe she’s actually older than she looks, which would explain her grey hair (another match to Avian).

The insult is also direct enough that maybe Peacock actually knows who Dahlia is. (I don’t mean that she’s Peacock’s granny though.)

Ironically, Dahlia of all people is calling them out on this =]
Good findings though, LK! Now I want to know something about her even more!
Also shotgun. Shotguns are cool =]