Skull Girls Story Discussion Thread: ALERT! SPOILERS INBOUND!

hrmm, maybe they should pack in a story “chapter” with each DLC character

like whoever is released first gets chapter #1, which consists of a certain amount of battles (with switching player characters MK style) with dialogue. and each character release expands and progresses the overall story. and more character colors too.

i think we may be getting off topic since now we’re talking more about business than actual spoilers

I still think that characters should not be bundled, or else they go up in price and no one want to pay too much for DLC characters, DLC bundles should contain the less “must have” items to make them worth more the investment, Like a Color Pack bundle with a Stage and First Arch of the DLC Story mode.

But business spoils everything!

Pfft, Suikoden 2. Play the original Suikoden.

Gremio, no :’(.

Pfff… play Shadow Hearts Series, grim as all hell and even the bad endings are the canon ones.

I’m one of the people who doesn’t mind the lack of a true ending, since the stories still give me a bigger picture of the world in the games. Besides, the true ending in Blazblue was dumb.

Hm, I don’t know, maybe it’s because Cerebella is the agent of a gangster whose mob enslaves, kidnaps, steals, extorts, and murders, and doesn’t give a shit about her?

Frankly, if Fortune had wished the Medicis dead, the world would be a lot better without them (Although there would be some definite unfortunate collateral damage; see Fillia), and Cerebella would probably be better off. I don’t think she’s a “bad guy”, but she’s certainly easily-manipulated by someone who makes Al Capone look like a nice guy.

I don’t care about Fortune, but Cerebella really should have really begun to reconsider her role in the organization before handing them the powerful artifact and crushing someone into a gem.

I don’t think this is off topic. After all this is story related dlc we are talking about. Any talk that is connected with any story content for this game is good here.

Is there even a need for a “true” story line, isn’t that what a sequel is for?
Now adding something like MK9’s challenge tower, with silly non-canon story bits like in that, would be fun.

I would love that. Specially, that, the silly stuff renders little gems like this:

Thanks to

Cerebella seems more misguided than manipulated. She’s the one who put herself in a position where she felt gaining a smugbag’s affection was to do what he asks of her. Said person is the closet thing to father figure she got. The relationship needs to be further elaborate on to see if it’s full blown manipulation.

What kind of logic is this? O_o
Sequel is supposed to CONTINUE story, not STARTING it.

Okay. I didn’t post about characters’ endings yesterday so here we go.

Filia: story itself is good but it seems to be a placeholder with the purpose of not to spoil her past or Samson’s role or whatever. I think all this stuff has major significance in main plot-line hence its absence in arcade ending.

Cerebella: I can’t understand this one really. For starters I can’t see a one single way of how it’s possible to be pure of heart while working as MAFIA’S LEGBREAKER dammit. Mind = blown >>
Apparently it’s bad and impure to hurt people for personal reasons but it’s perfectly fine to beat the shit out of innocent if some scum was asking to do it for HIS personal reasons. K, I gotcha >
And I can’t quite understand why everybody are hating on Vitale and no one is questioning Bella’s motivations? I’m not have an issue with her squashing Forty but I certainly can’t tell why is she suddenly upset after making a man she is adore happy. Is she sad about being responsive of giving entire capital in Vitale’s hands? But I’m pretty sure he was aiming at something like this entire time. And it’s hard to believe she wasn’t aware. I guess it’s like she’s responsible to help Medici mafia even if she’s not happy with it but it just kinda turns her in ordinary goon if true. Is she manipulated THAT much that her lack of resolve to decide for herself was evaluated as purity? I can roll with it but this explanation just makes her pretty bleak as a character. Especially in comparison with others.
[On a sidenote: It was stated in Parasoul’s and Forty’s stories I believe that head of Medici’s family is Lorenzo. If so it seems that Bella is helping Vitale to take control over the family first]

Peacock: this one is legit, hands down. Although it’s not stating things clear it gives a good look at Marie’s backstory and also gives Peacock nice showtime as a character. Not to mention that scenes of her storming Medici tower were forged of pure awesome. Reminds me of Hit-Girl’s action sequence in Kick-Ass movie a lot. And that sequence was godlike I must say.
On a side note it seems that Dahlia gun’s shells are quite shotgun-looking. Which is cool. I love me some shotguns. Her legs are seem to be mechanical too btw. Also on the picture when Peacock is entering top floor with her cronies she have Vice-Versa in her hand. I wonder what is the thing Avery is stabbing. Does anybody know?

Parasoul: another legit one. Although there are questions about all that “I have no time to react” stuff story itself is dramatic. And “sleep well - tomorrow we’ll start training” line is one of the two moments in the game I find immensely awesome personally. Also Adam. Dat pokerface.

Ms. Fortune: not quite dramatic as the others but I was pretty sure things will not go well after her return. Which was confirmed. Oh, well.
Irvin for DLC?

Painwheel: lol at 36E-25-40 password. This one goes pretty much as expected. Although I can’t understand why she turned into SG despite of destroying Skullheart. Does it have something to do with SG blood? O_o

Valentine: theories of her being double agent and triple bitch are confirmed. Yay for us I guess. Anyways it explains her motivations and plans which makes it legit as well. For people who thinks that she’s not evil after it: do not forget that she created Painwheel for destroying SG. And all this shit with building hatred in her had only one goal - make Painwheel hate Valentine so much that she’ll be able to neutralize Val after she become SG. keikaku.jpg. Painwhell is still a puppet. Although Val’s determination to destroy root of evil is kinda admirable she is still sick bastard. Do not forget it.
Oh, and Painwheel taking bonesaw while ripping off the mask is epic as hell. Second crowning moment of awesome for me.

Double: not much to say here. I think it confirms Double isn’t part of Trinity. Oh well.

That’s it pretty much. I’m sorry if I sound rude. I really was digging dialogues and art. I was just really salty because SG Universe has so much more to offer and I didn’t quite get it. Nyoro~n.

Shin Story mode 4 DLC!!! LEHHHGO!

Ravi, I would pay a shitload of cash for a quality story mode. A SHITLOAD. To be honest, I really bought this game more for the story and characters. So just make sure it’s a TRUE story mode that combines all the characters, potential DLC, and canon events. Oh, and kill as many characters as necessary to drive the story as long as it’s not overkill.(no sarcasm) Also, I could’ve sworn Venus said one of these stories was canon.

EDIT: Also, I’m willing to pay a good bit since your team at Reverge isn’t cash-happy dreamcrushers like most gaming companies. We all know you need the scratch to make this happen. So I’d be cool paying even 20 for this.

Ehhh…Seems like we’re stepping into Blazblue territory now.

Not that I’m comparing SG’s story to BB, I actually enjoy SG’s story.

Better Idea, start a KickStarter project to found the DLC.

It worked with Wasteland 2.

I put more money than I should have in that game.

Men are useless in the SKullGirls universe :smiley:

All stories are true, but an audience can only follow one story. It’s kind of like talking about quantum physic theories: there are an infinite outcomes at any giving time, but the reality that you perceive is only one of them. Just because you can only interpret or perceive one outcome does not mean the other outcomes are invalid.

This actually isn’t a new thing with FGs. This is actually common with Street Fighter. With Alpha series, the story canonically starts with Alpha 2. As Capcom chose to have Alpha 2’s overwrite the story of the first. They did the same with SFIII with Double Impact overwriting New Generation. It wouldn’t surprise me if the same happened with SFIV.

I believe KoF started this way as well. Stuff started being canon with 95.

Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t spend money for a dlc that only included the “true” story mode (on principle), and I really really want to support this title . If its bundled with other stuff that affects competitive play, then yeah, I’d buy it without hesitation. Like people have said, bundle it with essential stuff, like characters.

I’m wondering, if this title does really well (I certainly hope so, I do love the game), wouldn’t it be better to push the idea of a single dlc that included all your planned characters/stages/modes/enhancements instead of tons of tiny dlc packages? I’d easily pay another $15 for that; in case your plans include a huge roster/major addons and/or overhauls, then perhaps you could make Super SkullGirls Turbo, I’d certianly buy it for 60 and wait for it :P. Its just that, I’m not sure i like the idea of buying 2 character dlc’s every couple of months for the next 1-2 years and spending about 80 bucks on it.

/end rant

As for story, heh, the character whose background I enjoyed the most, was the whole Filia/Painwheel bit, I don’t know, I felt awful when painwheel showed up at her door and her parents called her a monster. Fortunes past life also seems fun to explore, I don’t know; I certainly think SG has the potential to be turned into an anime (cartoon?) series, lots of room to move on.

The only reason I don’t like the “bundle other stuff with characters” is because it rise the price of said characters, and that’s something that the FGC don’t really like too much.