Also, a question I’d like answered in the canon story: What happens if a guy tries to activate/wish upon the Skull Heart
If I could just have a moment of your time, however…
I think, like I said before, that if you do a canon story route, I’m really hoping that no one gets the grinding axe during it. Cere’s ending left a bad taste in my mouth, as did Double’s. Double’s was in character, sure, but Cere doesn’t seem like the kind of girl to just… do that. Granted, I really don’t know much about her, but killing off one of my favorite characters of course it’ll leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Then there’s Marie. We know very, very little about her, and really, there is SOME stuff we know, but not much. I really feel that the titular Skullgirl really gets little to nothing plotwise except Peacock’s ending. I’m really hoping that you’re somehow able to write around her situation and keep her alive. She’s an interesting character, and I hate seeing wasted potential. I mean, she is going to be playable, right? I’m sure you already have a plan, but, c’mon.
Which makes me kinda hope that if you beat the True Route you’d be able to unlock a dumbed down Marie… lol.
Don’t listen to these guys about not killing characters off or any other story advice please. Make the story EXACTLY as you guys envision it. They can do their own fanfics or characters and story, these are your characters and story.
If there is a sequel, a dead character can always pull a Kliff/Justice (if you even choose to bring them back) and have no involvement in that particular game’s story.
Brain is not functioning well right now after this.
I just personally thinks it cheapens the characters a bit. For bosses, sure, I can understand, but for say… Peacock? Would you honestly want Peacock killed off? She’s a core game character. Since it’s the first game in the series, we know very little about the characters, and killing off characters soo early just makes them feel like they’re throw away toys and not something we can enjoy or get to know.
Agreed, but only if a character remains playable after their death. I don’t want to see Marie’s death in every ending cause her to never be DLC, for instance.
Then make your own story if you want to control the characters’ destinies.
It’s theirs, let them to do it, let them invoke emotions/reactions like anger for a character dying too soon if that’s what they want.
No freaking Marvel/DC stuff where’s fan demand guides the story please. That cheapens it.
Also, killing any of the main 8 might cause the roster to shrink in future games, which, I thought we all wanted the roster to grow?
Justice and Kiff are tournament banned if I remember correctly because they’re overpowered boss like characters? I dunno, haven’t picked up my copy of Accent Core+ in awhile.
Just because one interpretation of dead characters is as overpowered boss characters doesn’t require them to be like that anywhere else.
More likely than not, however, they probably already have done their core concept, so I doubt they’re taking story advice anyway, which they wouldn’t since it is their story.
Killing a character doesn’t make them unplayable. I don’t think finishing story mode will remove whoever off the selectable roster unless you delete your save data (my idea, don’t steal it).
Justice/Kliff are not balance for competitive play. That aren’t banned for being dead.
I really wish developers would stop saying a character wasn’t added because they are too old or too dead. Just say you didn’t want to include that character.
wratches painwheel ending
I want to …er…hug painwheel…though it may be painful…and I dont mean the emotinal one either.
I just finished playing everyone’s story and I gotta say, I’m pretty pleased with all of them. They may all start silly (which I don’t mind at all), but they all get pretty serious/sad towards the end. Peacock especially D: . I think people would pay for a continued story, I at the very least think its a great idea. I come from the age of Half-Life 1 mods, and seeing people constantly update and constantly retool their mods, and I always admired that kind of dedication. So to hear the people are continuing that spirit in this day and age, one that isn’t as simple and even more time consuming… and for a fighting game of all things; well that just makes me smile! I think that’s what really makes me love SG, is the community out reach.
Also, I second the ‘conditions’ for story mode. It’s good to change things up, adds spice to the gameplay. I liked the Marie fight, Skullgirls turned into Contra for it lol. Although some chars I had a harder time beating her with.
Good work, Ravi/Alex! Also on that point… will there be stories for DLC characters?
I’d definitely put down $5 for a true story mode. As long as it was about as long as the original 8’s stories combined, or thereabouts (who am I lying to, I’d buy it no matter what )
I’ll agree with Mr.X as well, let the writers write their story. If they feel killing off a character (in story) is necessary, do it! Some of the best video game stories have been the ones that dared to do something different (Aerith… :()
I would easily, and I’m sure most of this thread would, but I’m honestly not sure how big of a seller that would be on its own. The fight specific mechanics would have defiantly made the gameplay more unique from arcade, and give the single round 1v1 battles more consequence. I would hope people got enough out of the original story to want more, but unless it was packaged with a larger system or content update, I’m very cynical of what people might find worthwhile as DLC.
But I also don’t know s*** about f***, so who knows…
Thank you for making the “what-if” scenarios so good anyways.
There’s also the MacGuffin trope. Peacock even actively referenced the Skullheart as a MacGuffin to Marie, wich was a real nice touch for her character.
Pfft Aerith, play Suikoden II.
This is like the holy grail
I would! What about dlc characters- will they have a story mode?
I hope you know of the impending infraction armegeddon that is about to rain down upon you, don’t quote images. Although I do agree. dayum.