Since the SFIII rom has been hacked

So by anyone sitting and watching videos of Japanese st players makes anyone an expert right? I didn’t know ST was considered a sport. Are you a scout trying to make the “perfect” team. learn how to play first before you make stupid comments like this. Even coaches and scouts played the sport in some way and are able to make assumptions as to who is good and who is not. Even so it’s a GAME. We play the game to enjoy it and it’s even more fun to play when you’re competing.

Explain to me how your opinion is fact? Your opinion maybe supported by fact but in the end it’s still an opinion. Opinions are like assholes everyone’s got one and your opinion still doesn’t mean anything here.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Take your own advice and stop posting.

Listen we’re all going to be in Tenessee if you want come down put your money where your mouth is and enter the qualifier. BMN good luck with your life and we’ll be on the stream. I know you admire us so make sure you watch it ok, bud :tup:

I was specifically referring to the '07 part of DSP’s quote to correct YOUR erroneous statement that he didn’t play Wong at Evo-East. Let me refresh your memory: “You talk about how dsp only beat justin at evo east= he didnt play justin…you incorrectly brought his name up.” By all means, please feel free to continue looking foolish at your own expense.

Putting words in my mouth again I see; you’re really good at that. When did I ever say or specify in those words in my initial argument that he didn’t beat “ANYONE BUT” Wong? I ONLY singled out Wong’s name because DSP in his infinite delusion continues to hold him in high regard as it pertains to ST. That’s the imaginary trump card he likes to throw around when trying so desperately to validate his standing in the game as a self-appointed top pro player, LOL.

I took interest in this thread because of the subject matter and just so happened to see you getting called out by people. At that point, I just took it upon myself to finish the job, that’s all.

LOL @ stalker. This isn’t the first time you’ve accused someone of following you somewhere. I believe you also tried this SAME brand of bs on geo earlier in this thread when he called you out. By golly, here it is: “nah i never had to deal with someone before that followed me into two seperate threads.” LOL.

So we’ve learned that when you’re boxed in from every angle and have no other viable means of defense, you pull the “stalker” card to try to deflect the truth in the hope that swaying the momentum back in your favor will make people forget that you’ve been exposed as a fraud and an enabler. Nice. Didn’t think even you could go so low as to think up despicable ways to shamelessly and groundlessly deface someone else’s character. Well, on second thought, yes I did. Anyway yeah, everyone, when you have John Rambo dead to rights, just know that he won’t hesitate to go out of his way to categorize you as the second coming of Jason Voorhees.

You’re already one step ahead of the competition just by virtue of not watching them, so at least you have some sense in that regard.

If by “probably learn a lot” you mean do everything the opposite of what he does then yes, I agree, you can learn a ton.

Yea, um, I can’t go with you there. I guess we’ll just agree to disagree on that one.

More than a fair share of these results have been readily available for public consumption for many years now. If the Japanese weren’t winning ST in years past at Evo it was usually someone from the WC (e.g., Choi at Evo '08). Even at other majors where there was a heavy concentration of good WC players or just a really strong player from the WC e.g., Valle at MWC '10, they’d usually come out on top, give or take a year here or a year there. So consistency in the results is definitely there to make an ironclad case for the WC having the overall better players. But like I said earlier, my contention was never really about one coast vs. the other. I just think the US would be much better represented at SBO if the team was primarily comprised of top WC players.

Nothing I’ve said is a hunch, I can assure you of that. It’s all pretty clear-cut, actually. You just have to dig a little deeper to find your way through the vortex of bullshit that’s more rampant than ever.

My sentiments are shared by more people in the FGC than you can ever imagine. That is, people who have a fucking clue and see shit for what it is. All of it is pretty WELL-KNOWN and not PERCEIVED like you seem to think it is. If you and your cronies took the time to look outside of your vapid bubble in CT once in a while, you’d realize what I’ve said here is how things ARE, not how I THINK they are. So you can interpret it any way you want, I really don’t care. The very fact that you live in this bubble renders any opinion you may have virtually useless. You just don’t know.

Nope. Never said that. As a matter of fact, you’re living proof to the contrary.

The phrase “evaluator of ST talent” were not my choice of words. Only someone who’s grasping at straws, and trying so hard to make themselves look important, would take that literally and use it as a vehicle to make a stupid analogy that has absolutely zero bearing on anything that’s being discussed.

You’re really doing a good job of living up to your name aren’t you, Mr. Irrelevant? AGAIN, what does me playing or not playing have ANYTHING to do with what’s being talked about?

For the sake of argument, let’s say your point was valid; oddsmakers are the most intuitive people on the planet when it comes to handicapping sports. The lines they make are dependent on factors that they’re just as much privy to as ALL coaches and scouts. It’s scary how often they’re able to almost clairvoyantly predict the tempo, and sometimes the outcome, of a game. And guess what? I’m willing to bet that 80-90% of them never played a lick at any level. So even if there was a point to be made using that analogy, you would’ve FAILED. However, since I do play, your point didn’t have a chance to fail, but rather, has been reduced to MOOT. Like Wesley Snipes in White Men Can’t Jump said to Woody while holding his hands 3 feet apart when he missed another dunk, “Man. You were almost there.”

You’re right, it is just a game. But again, I’m going to tell you what I told you before, that doesn’t make ANYTHING I’ve said any less TRUE.

You have a better chance of becoming a waterboy for the Tennessee Titans than you do of being admired for ANYTHING. Now run along back inside your box Jack, and hopefully this time someone will forget to wind you. :tup:

It’s been done dude, it was called Rainbow Edition.

The cps1 voices would be a good thing for Guile, the announcer, and Balrog (Turn punch voice)… They sound like Big Bird in this.
If you are to hack it, try enabling chain canceling and see what it does for ya. Of course this would buff grapplers unnecessarily and make the game a lot more like alpha in terms of bnbs, but it would allow hit confirming with multiple hits to combo without renda canceling. Thing is this would buff Guile too 0_0… We all know what happens when guile gets some of that top tier juice going, since his combos are so good…
You could try re-balancing Akuma. Take off most of his invincibility frames and just give him a really good ken-like dp and tatsu. Less hits for shakunetsu as well, and damage just a tiny bit higher than Ryu’s. Still, that’s a job within itself there. If you are to give him a super, just aim for a super fireball or something. You could try sgs, but considering the air fireball’s blockstun, it would be best just to give him a ground fireball.

And, maybe this is just me, but doers anyone else notice this weird lag when trying to throw out multiple fireballs? Like the first one hits and then you throw the second and the game has some big slowdown all of a sudden. Happens in a similar situation with meaty fireballs too. Could just be my ported version on ps2…

The slowdown after projectiles hit is intentional, and happens in every SF1 (if that matters) or 2 game. As for Akuma, I believe most just don’t want him in the game, it is better that he remain banned and hidden. Hit-confirming in general is also bad, it turns fighting games into mere combo attempts. Just check any 3S tournament, for an example of how bad it can get. Some hit-confirms are about to exist, but any SF3-4 BS is just too much. Not even gonna talk about A1 or EX series and that chain crap.

Guile would just get high tier with the CPS-1 voice. It is better, hands down.

You don’t like big bird voices? GET OUT

LOL. But no, I really don’t like it in Guile. Boxer, round announcer, I don’t give a shit, but after hearing “sonic BOOM” so many times in past SF2 games it just does not feel right.

Well I would really love for that damage penalty to go away on Blanka’s roll in HDR, and T.Hawk to lose his throw whiff in HDR while keeping the rest of his changes…

So ST rom hacking ftw? Although I heard that the code is a mess to deal with… good shit to anybody/group of people that manage to pull this off, I believe Sirlin/backbone will be the first and the last lol.

This thread is extremely off-topic

Wow, are we the smash community now?