Silver Sam Infinite\combos

What UP!!!

If anyone knows of a silver sam infinate please post. Also, if there is any nice combos using assists please post.

Here’s my favourite using doom anti air assist.

jump towards opponent fp,dash,lp,lk+doom,, lightening special.
p.s. mash during the lightening special for maximum damage.


look man, ya know I love th silver samuri…but he’s not that good as much as i like him he’s not.

but ya know, I do know this thing with the sentinel feel free to fallo along with simple step bytep instrucions

first go into ICE mode, then call out sent. dash over and go light kick light punch light punch ( feel free to free style with it ) then before the sent. flight hits, I mean you gotta time this right, do the ICE SUPERR!!! thencall out the sent. and repeat

so l8er


A very damaging combo with SS that i saw in a vid:

cornered opponent- c.wk+akuma assist(spin kick), cancel into flame sword, shuriken super(aim it up)x3, flame sword super(qcf+kk) need full super bar

once you activate flame sword do the shuriken super and hold up. Wait a little and then do the shuriken super again. what you want to do is do the shuriken super fast enough to connnect but not fast enough that you actually dhc the super.

lk, lk, lighting super. The ultimate large character killer.

Lightning Super is totally fucked up, you can mash that shit till your hand bleeds and it never ends, it’s fucking wrong

Wildcat, tell them about waterfords Silver Sam :). Dave the guy who used to be the jesters manager mashed that shit down redicuously one day he ripped the skin on his hand. R.I.P. Jesters ill miss you :frowning: .

Oh Ill leave you guys with some shit, if you use this though all props goes to team waterford ;). SS/im aaa just do into ironman aaa thats allready 1/3rd or more of their health into raijaken and mash that shit. If you want almost death DHC into proton cannon. I play Storm/SS/IM and Guile/SS/IM for low tier fun, Build meter and turtle and land a lucky hit into either super dhc raiken. This allows for some rediculous combo damage, you can scare certain characters to use assists with not being able to punish raijaken’s on reaction. Just dont DHC into proton cannon when killing an assist against certain people or you will get ahvbed, hypergrav xx magnetic tempest, hsf etc. Though if you play storm/ss/im and start the super chain with ss you can dhc into proton cannon and dhc into safe hailstorm for DEATH. I dont give a shit who the char was ITS DEATH baby. Though If you play silver sam you must be very careful, know matches, play patient, and Turtle at times with all chars. You cant burn meter or else silver sam dies and if silver sam is snapped out make sure you can build two meters to get him out of there till more meter is made. Also always do block strings into a proj assist into ninja stars, it builds very good meter.

PS. Dont fuck with armors its all bout RAIJAKEN!!! Higher Silver Sam baby.

it’s Raimeiken or something not Raijakin or Raiken :stuck_out_tongue: but what the heck

does Raimeiken chip more than Super Ninja Stars?

probably not, cuz you can only mash it real hard when it connects, kinda like amingo’s vine super-ish

and it’s rubykin!!! ahhhh rubykin!!!

mash it till your callusus rub off!!! MASH!

but noting outchips the super ninja starts, + doom xx ninja star, land ninja star xx super ninja start = HURT!!!

[ingrid cold]

"so l8er

NERD!!!" **

One thing I’m not understand is why you have to refer to him as a “nerd”, you were doing so fine helping him out until you made that statment.

I dunno know man…

He has a crouch-cancel infinite. C.HP (1 hit), crouch cancel, repeat as desired. It isn’t practical at all, and it only works in the corner, I think.

SS is a mixture of high-priority jumpins, baiting assists and Lightning them, and chipping w/ the air shurikens. Also, you can get some hits on recovery because he falls as fast as juggernaut =).



Hello all, does anyone by chance know how to do this Silver Samurai infinite that is listed above? Someone wrote to press down during the move, but I can’t seem to make the next s.hp connect…does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Thanks for the help and much luv!


You have to wait until the HP (first part) hits, then press and realease down, then press HP, or any other move or action.

Not sure which character the HP crounch cancel infinite actually works on bc i havent found it to work yet.

Edit: apparently it works on Cable at least, probably most others if thats the case. The link is too hard though atm, I’ve tried maybe an hour and only seen a HP link to itself once.

Sure the cr.HP infinite isn’t suki’d?

You’re probably right. ^^^

I can only get 4-5 links before it pushes me too far away.

ss infinite seems pretty hard and its corner only but you can do lp/lk, hp for about 3 reps pretty easy

Im not sure of this, but I think he has a lightning power-up infinite in the corner. If you use his lightning power up, he can perform more combos than any other, because he has sped up. When you power up, with opponent in the corner, lp+2, lk, hp+2,, its a 6-hit combo. As mentioned earlier, he wouldnt be able to do that in any other form, including his normal state, so its possible something can be strung together with his speed in that form. Thats where Im at right now

Also, with his ice form, you can immediately do another move after throwing the stars out. Its like a cancel, but the thing is hes slower in that form.

:u: soooo, why are you even reading these forums?



I started out just wanting to see who’s pretty good at Mvc2, and have legit advice for those who are up ncoming. I started reading the post, and then I realized that it was kinda pathetic to just have someone babysit you into being a good player. Advice is cool, but if you dont practice on your OWN with YOUR mind and YOUR imagination, then it feels like youre stealing to get better. Ive been playing since it came out (but about 2-3 yrs ago was when I really started focusing) and I almost NEVER get advice from other people. A funny thing that happens to me is, I would practice a combo, and go to the arcades, and see someone else was doing the same combos. It kinda pisses me off a little, because they’ll see you doing it, and you both will get into arguments about who bit off of whose style. But overall, its alright…I was just getting tired of looking through the topics and seeing “How to” topics, thats all.

P.S. Thats a bad-ass icon…

I got a tip…LEARN TO SPELL ADVICE!!! lol