I never played any of these games except SH as a demo at best buy, lol.
I’ve watched a lot of the endings for the games and speed runs on youtube.
from what I saw, SH2 was better. SH4 was annoying to me. My bro played it but never beat it. I forgot why but everytime you could see through a hole to the girl’s room, I think, I kept expecting tho get stabbed in the eye or something. SH3 was coo, but I only got “shooked” when at the end she made a crazy face when she was talking the camera was on her face. it seemed like she was posed for just a second.
Early reviews are already stating complaints I had been worried about since they announced it was in development by American developers (IE. not scary).
I’m a fan though…will buy. Need something to tide over until Dead Space.
…whenever it comes out on Steam. They say it’s suppose to be out, but it’s not even mentioned on Steams site.
But I actually don’t doubt that IGN review for a second. It’s clearly more actiony and less focused on “WTF was dat!?” moments. Just watch the vids. I generally don’t like IGN, GS, or whoever, but for once, the evidence is there.
I don’t give a rat’s ass about western/japanese teams, since Team Silent started crumbling after Sh1 anyway, but stuff like going through mirrors to get the nightmareish SH doesn’t sound right to me.
What i’m wondering is, if the team from Origins did such a good job, why not give them Sh5/Homecoming?
No PS3 experience maybe, but I don’t think the Homecoming team has much experience of anything really. Didn’t they make the Buffy game?
I haven’t. It just looks like shit in every video I’ve seen. I want to buy just because it’s a new SH, but this one just comes off as a “Best of” Silent Hill. I hope I’m wrong though. Also, reports of it not being scary makes buying this game pointless to me. I don’t think there will ever be a Silent Hill game to top 2, but yeah.