Sick of people abusing projectiles

I’m sick of playing street fighter and the CPU or a friend abuse the power of their projectiles. It’s like whenever i fight against Sagat or Ryu all they do is hadoken and tiger shot. It leaves me either blocking or jumping over it which they then counter with an uppercut _

I think they should try a street fighter game where u cant just keep doing your projectile. Like it should take a bit out of the special bar or something. What do you guys think?

It maybe lame, but if you can’t get over it, they’ve got a tactic to beat you nonetheless. But yeah it is kinda cheap.

Ahhh shit, the old Fireball Uppercut trap.
You know if this was SFII:WW I would understand( or if you were playing Daigo ), but frankly:
There’s a way to get past that.

I think you need to play the game more.

It’s the oldest trap in the book. Just jump straight up to avoid getting hit by an uppercut. If you know the fireball is coming, jump forward and you’ll have time to roundhouse them in the face.

Ryu and Ken’s jab uppercuts can go through a fireball. So that’s another way to avoid blocking.

Or you can try spamming fireballs yourself and see what happens.

     How About No?      

I think you suck and need to practice more. :lame:

haha good stuff well in old sf maybe but now if you have that problem probably need to put the difficult level to one star

well, with some characters its definitely their main strategy (just check out some SBO ST vids) but as for a street fighter game where you keep doing projectiles, try SF3 :karate:

You are

A. A scrub yourself, since in ANY game beyond the original SFII, you can get out of these traps by Rolling/Parrying/Reflecting/Jumping+Stuffing/Taking a Dump

B. Playing scrubs since even casual players don’t like to sit there all day and throw firecuts.

Thank you have a nice day.

man most of you here are a miserable bunch. hes obviously new, being condesending doesnt really help

Well instead of bitching at us,
Why don’t you help the guy, instead of giving us a moral speech.

Good job dude, way to be unhelpful yourself.

Didn’t some of the Art of Fighting games come with a meter for special moves, so that people couldn’t throw fireballs all day? Lemme tell you man, though it sounds like a good idea, limiting the number of special moves a person can do in a match sucks.

What you need to do is find the answer for the fireball/dragon punch trap you’re playing against, and the answer should depend on what game you’re playing. In some games jumping up/super-jumping/anticipating the fireball is the best thing to do. Other games it’s rolling under/sidestepping or otherwise dodging the fireball while getting closer to your enemy. Sometimes you have to block/parry/just defend it. But fundamentally you should always be looking for the answer to your problem and never letting the trap beat you! If a fireball/uppercut trap is the best tactic in the whole game, it probably isn’t a very good game. Otherwise, anticipating, experimenting, and mixing it up is what you need to do to beat that trap. :wink:


Just learn from it, and eventually you will be able to beat it!

Play the CPU at a high setting, and you will get used to it.

What game are you playing? If you have air blocking in the game you can jump the fireball and pull back into a Air-block durring the jump their Shoryuken will score one blocked hit and a little knock back. Now after you land you need to pull off your Shotyuken (assuming you are playing a Shoto) while htey are in the Air and still in the Shoryuken Frames. You should land one. If they change up and stop the uppercut you can always do a super late Roundhouse in the jump and follow with anything else when you land (since you have a small frame advantage)

Listen it isn’t hard to get passed it, i’m almost sure ryu and ken’s hurricane kicks go through fire balls so you can close distance on them.

You need to be more tactful, and yea if you don’t like fireballs sf3 is the game for you, just learn how to parry them.

your new, and that’s cool but that’s a strategy, give them a reason to stop throwing fireballs, when your almost sure they are about to shoot a fire ball jump over and kick them in the face, i dont’ mean after it’s barely about to hit you i mean before it evenc omes out or barely comes out.

If you want to know how much time you have before they can uppercut you, go to practice or just go to arcade mode against the computer, throw a fire ball and see how much time it takes to come out, and recover from because they can’t keep doing it indefinantly there is a ammount of time they just stand there completely vulnerable, a way to find out about what time this wears off is by doing the fireball then mashing jab, once you jab you know your out of recovery and you’ll know how much time you have to jump over and kick them in the face or just time a hurricane kick if your playing a shoto (down back kick, ryu/ken/akuma) and i think in most of the games the hurricane kick goes over the projectiles, but you’ll have to test it out.

If your playing super turbo or any classic street fighter game it isn’t the fireballs you should be worrying about, it’s the throws, instant start up, most times untechable and will beat any meaty attack ( a meaty is a attack that is already out when you getting up froma knock down, like for example, your knocked down and the opponent times his down + mk, to be right at the spot you get up in so when you get up all you can do is take it, well in sf2 turbo if timed correctly a throw will beat out any meaty if i’m not mistaken)

and remember, shotos aren’t unbeatable, they are fun hell i play them alot, but uppercuts have recovery, so do fireballs, unless your playing this guy named daigo, that does uppercuts the very first frame that he comes out of fireball recovery, you’ll be fine.

and if your playing a versus game (marvel vs. capcom or something) you can always super jump over them, and you can air block so there.

rofl <— posted for the second time

I had to go to lunch. dont judge me.

We’ve been playing games like this for years. Alpha series, CvS series, SF3 series…in all of these games, projectiles are nowhere near abuseable.