Should we allow character-specific threads into general strat?

So i’m thinking, those character specific forums never get anywhere. what if i were to allow character specific threads in here?


  • people would actually see the goddamned threads
  • help put a bit of life into these dead ass forums


  • clutters up general strat forum more

… that’s all i can think of

so what do you guys think?

IMO i think that would be good…

I pesonally think you should have a thread for RCing…thats it…


what about Rcing

Yes, but only if the thread isn’t 1+1 basic. Like, if it refers to more specific advanced topics.
I’d rather GS get cluttered with advanced topics rather than “How do I use (insert character here) topics”

No, I want an excuse to fucking flame out the new people and yell at them that there’s a fucking character specific thread, because you know, they have to go through them to get here.

I didnt vote, theres something in that i didnt agree with.(yes we should allow)

oh and mizuki needs to calm down.

voted yes. a lot of the stuff in char specific threads is out dated

I voted No, and gridman is right about stuff being outdated but not all of it is outdated. It can always be updated by people who notice new “common” plays from watching the pro’s go at it. It’s the choice of whether or not people feel like posting up what they notice are other people’s weakness that is seen in a lot of good players, even regular player mistakes/habits.

only if you promise to mod the forums properly PLEASE


Ryu, Ken, Kim, Dan, Ryo, Kyo, Mai…

Unless you want to change the search feature to include three-letter words, keeping things separate makes it easier to search for things pertaining to specific characters. People are stupid. Even if things get combined, we’ll just tell people to make the search go further back, instead of directing them to character-specific forums.

I voted no. Keeping character specific stuff in the respective character section helps keeping things organized and makes it easier to search. Usually new people post character specific stuff in the general strat section because they don’t know how set the character specific page to display all topics (“from the beginning” instead of “from the last month”) and that’s the reason they never see the older topics.

About the RC thread, maybe someone could copy and paste the more relevant posts about RC in one thread and then go from there (Buktooth posted the basics as well as links to more advanced stuff in the “new to CvS2” thread).

Personally, I voted yes, because it’s easier to answer new player questions if it’s in GD. As I don’t normally go and look at all the character forums. Sure some of it will get ignored but the actual good threads will stay at the top and it won’t really matter that much. It’s not like people post here all the time anyway.

Not for basic stuff; that should stay in char specific… but it’d be good to have detailed discussion of matchups and situations; this way we can really take advantage of the more experienced players…

Basically a thread that’s dedicated to Rcing i guess…

idk, just a thought…

first of all, who the fuck are you and since when did you own the boards? cut that e-thuggery shit out.

going back on topic…

yes, i think we should allow character specific threads in general discussion. like gridman said, ton of character thread is outdated and i really doubt anyone had the dedication anymore to update it.

cvs2 is stagnating at the moment so most posters dont feel like updating anything since hardly anyone is gonna read it and post feedback. general discussion gets the most traffic in the cvs2 forums and most of the posters here are happy enough to help so questions gets answered faster.

and yeah, it would also bring more life to these boards.

good point. buuuut… you actually can search for three-letter words if you just add an asterisk to the end of it (e.g. Ryu*).

i do prefer the idea of throwing “noob shit” into character specific forums. should we do what maj suggested years ago and make a few sticky threads in every character-specific forum (basic strat, combos, movelist)?

that way we can discuss interesting stuff in general strat, then have newer players post the shit we’ve seen a million times already in the sticky threads in the character-specific forums. if somebody feels like a philanthropist they can paste shit posted in the new threads here into the sticky threads

i just really hate the idea of posts going totally unnoticed over there because cvs2 has 55424543 characters and it’s more difficult than it needs to be to see new posts

? is there shit going on i dont know about? i close/delete/move lots of threads actually, though i havent banned anybody in a while

The way the boards are now is cool, I thought you were going to annihilate the chararacter boards altogether.

Oh, and no more pissy Mizuki.

Def bring the old format back, the reason the forums died was cause of the separation.

i would say no because these dumb fucks need to learn how to read and use some forums.

but also on the subject yea include 3 letter searches would be great because of all the 3 letter names. I dont know about that asterisk hack, that means if i search for dan* im searching like, dank dane dana dang and possibly dance (maybe not dance)? I guess itd work ok if you’re like dan* + shitty + character, it’ll only return threads with indeed dan hibiki, but I’d thinkthered be some overlap somewhere.

the forums died people like you post retarded strats that don’t work.