u are a worthless scrub
4 sections
- Characters (if you can, add a search funtion)
- Advanced tactics
- Basic tactics (n00b empire)
- Matchups & Teams
All characters are in 1 sub-forum and w/ some kind of search function you can search recent threads on that character
I concur with that.
So, according to the poll, Gene is gay now?
There really is no point in having character specific threads in this forum. I’ve already posted my questions or comments regarding specific characters there already. Otherwise, I posted for nothing… Not that there’s anything wrong with general strat…
Character-threads in general strat might make research harder for newer players, but as an older player I think it’s more convienient to keep the party in general strat since CVS talk is not very active anyways.
sure, cvs2 forums are dead.
It wasn’t really my suggestion. If you guys are looking for someone to blame about the forums being the way they are, i’m gonna have to RC through that. At some point there was some big discussion about how people don’t contribute to the general archiving of strategy information. Eventually the argument got narrowed down to some people claiming that there isn’t enough infrastructure to justify writing down everything about a character. It all just gets lost in the general flow of forum cycling and nobody ever sees any of it.
So i did what was requested of me and tried to create some form of outline that people could flesh out, without feeling like all their contributions disappear into the void. The best way to guarantee that core threads stayed put was to make them sticky. I went through a number of ideas for how to divide and label those threads. Initially it was divided into a thread for Normal Moves, a thread for Special Moves, and a thread for Super Moves. Yes, that was a really dumb idea. But i think the version that i went with was actually pretty good: Moveset and Attributes / Combos and Glitches / Strategies and Matchups.
Unfortunately the one super essential thing was missing: some way of seeing new posts across the entire CvS2 strategy forums. Intially there was something that showed new posts, but unfortunately sticky threads took priority over all other new posts. Not having a way to directly access new posts really really limits the practical usefulness of 50 subforums.
I think, given the current situation, the ideal solution would be to move all the valuable threads from those subforums into this General Strategy forum and delete all these subforums. If anyone thinks that those forums are useful for keeping super basic shit out of General Strategy, i agree. But that’s what the wiki is for. If a few people would be willing to flesh out the SRK wiki with the basic info currently found in the subforums, then people asking basic questions can be redirected to the wiki and no harm done.
So yeah, at the time, i took the best option available but it certainly wasn’t ideal. Anyway i’m just saying that it wouldn’t “hurt my feelings” if the current mods undid all of that in favor of a completely different approach.
Haha, Maj I don’t think anyone’s blaming you at all. I thought the moveset, combos, strategies threads were a good idea, and some of them did get filled out pretty decently, don’t you think?
Just throwing out an idea
Since Maj suggested that part of the problem is people can’t really keep track of new posts spread across character threads, and it would be nice if we could fill up the wiki so that we could archive a lot of known knowledge…
Why don’t we open up a weekly character thread in the general strategy forums? Basically, the idea would be to focus each week on a character, talk about all the stuff we know about them, then archive that knowledge onto the wiki. Focusing on one character at a time would eliminate the keeping track of new threads problem. Discussion is of course welcome, but at the end of the week, we’d probably be able to reach a mutual agreement on what should, and what shouldn’t go on the wiki.
Of course, the success of this would rely heavily on how many forum regulars would be willing to participate in this, interest is pretty much key to get a good amount of info down, it’d have to be a hot topic to work properly. I think it would be easiest to start with a well known character, like Blanka, Bison, Sagat, etc. simply because almost everyone can contribute something about the commonly played characters. I think even if we never made it down to the other characters, but managed to get all the commonly played characters done up well on the wiki, I’d be willing to count the idea successful.
this is a good idea, and would also (hopefully) spark discussion
… though i have a feeling i’m gonna be the only guy thats gonna know anything about peripheral characters though
anyway, i think i might start this up next week or something. busy at work now
Obviously busy at work…
I wish I could browse forums while working…
Dude I’ll post, I know some stuff for a lot of periphary characters… though probably no where near what you do but, what I don’t know I can try and find in good old training mode! I like this idea I hope it goes well.
It’s all good, i just wanted to roll cancel some metaphors, haha. The “character of the week” thread sounds like a great idea. Maybe alternate between a top tier character and a low tier character. Like, Sagat then King then Cammy then Gief then Vega then Terry and so on. Otherwise you might run out of participation once you get into low tier territory.
Get em get em.
Combining the subforums might temporarily make the threads easier to find and more active, but it seems counter productive, since if people started posting as a result, the forum would then immediately become unmanagable again.
I also realize that it is a pain to search through the specific subforums, But retaining the subforums allows us to build a component on top of them to offer a ‘view’ as if they were a single forum, and then we wouldn’t lose the ability to link to the subforum directly from the wiki pages or from anywhere else.
I agree that anything that isn’t really discussion material (answers to common questions, combos, etc…) should start migrating to the wiki, and maybe the subforum would mainly be for bringing up things missing from the wiki, specific match situations, etc…
Here’s my list of top 10 most important factors for forum health:
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Problem is, the initial sentiment was that splitting up the forum into 50 subforums would encourage more participation. Instead, it simply splintered the userbase into small groups and reduced thread visibility. Instead of 30 people checking 20 threads, it turned into groups of 3 people checking 5 threads each. Once you lose 1 of those 3 people, the forum dies. Hell, even 5 people is a dead forum. You need something of a critical mass to keep this thing rolling. I don’t know about everyone else, but after a while i stopped checking the character-specific forums entirely.
If there was a custom page that we could check that would list all threads across all character-specific forums by date of most recent post, then it would make things a lot easier. It would reunite the entire userbase. But we’ve had this problem for years and there hasn’t been a good solution proposed yet.
Bottom line is that a little bit of repetition is a good way to keep people coming back. Otherwise you cover all the basics in a short period of time then have nothing left to talk about. People stop coming back and it creates a slippery slope situation. Every person that leaves is another reason for the remaining people to leave as well.
agreed. the game is to the point where there aren’t too many new players. so the basic questions like, “how do i RC ftw!!!” and fence painting questions have already been driven into the ground. so organization is the least of our concerns, the real issue is keeping the game alive, and allowing character specific threads will help that.
you guys just need to start frosting them cakes.
I can see what you mean here. If the reason behind suggesting that the forums be recombined is that the forum isn’t moving forward. I can understand that, but I still would rather just fix the problem without going back. Consider this prototype I thought of in response to your post:
Would something like this solve the issue the same way as recombining the forum? if not what else would be needed?. Of course there’s a ton of ideas, but i’d like to tackle first the concerns addressed by this thread.
Looks good, except i don’t think it’s a good idea to include threads from General Strategy in that list cuz it’s just gonna clog it up. Everyone will check General Strategy anyway so there’s no point in to drawing extra attention to it.
hahah…Joe…he really DOES say it though