Shoryuken wants your feedback! Let’s build a brighter future together!

If you want a wiki lead effort (which I kind of agree with) you’re better of having proper character subsections rather than one big ass thread. Ideally most character subforums should have 3 to 4 key threads:

  1. combos
  2. Match up
  3. Questions & Answer
  4. random tech

You can add a 5th/6th for mix ups and you’d cover everything. You get additional threads for really specific stuff (if you play Urien then having a thread just to talk about Aegis Reflector more indepth makes sense). This way you can have stuff sepearated and curated in ways that make it easier to move to the wiki.

If you’re reorganizing the website, you’d have a 3 to 4 people in charge of managing disputes between people. Most modding is just conflict resolution so that’d be the bulk of it. Then you have a group of people dedicated to just editing and updating the OP of character subforums. Those guys can later on be made to be wiki editors if they want, if not you’d have a group of people taking pertinent info from the subforums and updating the wiki with it.

But that would mean advertising the forums for what they were and what they should be. Matchmaking threads should be in the game subforum generals. A lot of those subforums you’re complaining about are kinda relics of those situations.

Similar to Media outlet. Its a lot of SRK history in those places. May not be as important now a days but you shouldn’t really delete it.

The FGD subsections were sort of mistakes. I don’t know why SRK needed to have a subsection for a bunch of games SRKers weren’t playing. Think this was back when they wanted this place to be the hub for every fighting game.

Also stop saying Discord. You can either improve the forums or let people fuck off to discord. right now people have fucked off to discord and that’s shitty as all hell.

Forgot to hit reply on this. Oh well.

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Make a subreddit.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let’s create a forum that has a better layout than discord (discourse doesn’t) and I’ll never mention it again :smiley:

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So what was the end result of all this?


Shoryuken didn’t want our feedback.


The worlds going to shit. I doubt this ranks up very high on the priority list.

They hired a new writer for the front page. Guy doesn’t have an account of the forums. Guess we’re gonna run back all the dumb shit.

Might as well nuke the forums at this rate. Its just gonna be the same stupidity from last time. Lets make the front page silly separate for lol reasons.

And the forums are doing a better job of discussing it than FGC twitter and w/e plan they are trying to do in the back.



If rather we didn’t just because the front page is jokes.



So what happened with tbe brand new SRK that you get to build all by yourself?


Its one guy. Fixing the site is bigger than a man job, unless he’s some crazy ass one man army type shit.

Like what is the vision of the site anymore? What are we even trying to achieve? And where does SRK even want to play? What can SRK offer that others places dont?

The population is drastically reliant around game releases and hype levels as well. Frankly speaking this is rather uninteresting time for SF at the moment so its not surprising activity is down the drain.


Here’s an idea @Lazybones2020

I remember getting my start just writing good guides in the forums. I remember, when the site had stiched to the “star” system, I actually got my stars from doing so.

So how about we bring something like that back with a “community content” column on the front page, featuring stuff from the forums people.

While the job’s keeping me busy, I can help with editing and guidance, just as long as someone can act as a line editor for me.


If we want to make things better, people need to work together - as the post title says. There’s nobody else swooping in to save us or do the busy work for us. But as a leader you know that, so I don’t know why I’m telling you this. Not everyone wants to do the unfun laborious parts of building a community but we should celebrate, support, and try to help people that do.

He’s dogging on the “leader” for never coming back to thread he made.

I legit think he has to be a better person than that. I like thinking the best of people: the world is way more enjoyable that way.

Dude asked us and never returned
That’s worth dogging on. You “think the best of people” shit is a reallu nice sentiment. I use it most of the time to, but I have little for someone who asks for our opinions and then never returns, never updates, not even smoke up our ass “Thanks for the feedback” nothing.

So he’s lost the benefit of the doubt and gets to be dogged on a bit for it. Don’t say you wanna work with people on making things better and then poof into non-existance.

He was barely even rude.

Hey there, guys. I really appreciate all of the honest responses you have made.

I apologize for not responding more quickly after making the initial post. There will be a more official statement on the site regarding the next steps soon, but essentially I am taking note of everything that has been shared and trying to find the most feasible ways to fulfill the requests that have been made both on the Feedback Hub, here on the forum, and on social media.

This is a huge undertaking for a team of people, but right now it is just me and Terry who is helping with the strategizing and web design. I am dedicating as much time as I can to building the site, working on content, and seeking out support, but I am only one person.

I know that it has been a very long time since there has been any kind of momentum with the site, but what we have accomplished in the last couple of months is huge in making SRK more than what it was before.

There are a lot of awesome ideas that I want nothing more than to make a reality. It is just going to take a lot of time, a lot of planning, and a lot of collaboration. I will work to be better on collaborating and making sure your voices are heard.

I apologize again for the lack of communication, but I promise you, I am doing as much as I can, whenever I can. I will be better at keeping the community in the loop with what is going on and where we are going next.


Also, Mr. Mostafles is a staff member from before we our lost our funding. He heard about the recent event and wrote about it as a volunteer. No new writers have been brought on since before we had to switch to being volunteers at the start of 2019.

Things are now changed per above comments, but I was just about to post this and think it’s a kinda useful perspective since I’ve been taking part in and leading volunteer efforts since high school:

In fairness, you had no idea of their current status or efforts.

Per above, you jump towards a conclusion here when you don’t really have enough information to “dog” them.

This is troubling for all sorts of reasons:

  • you have no idea of their efforts nor plans. jumping to antagonism based upon what you deem to be poor communication seems needlessly destructive
  • organization, planning, and life happen: let people have time to work and think. took me ten days to figure out something, and I was also incommunicano during that time: do you need to dog me for that? if not why not? and that wiki example is an easy quick one: it can often take a lot longer to for work and thoughts to come together.
  • you want to dog somebody that tries. seems 1000% more productive to “dog” them by showing how it should be done, doing the work yourself if you don’t want to wait for them.

This is all volunteer/community-based. If you want it to grow, you need to give the few people that do step up time and love. Maybe yet another person disappears off the scene for whatever reason - Covid and the economy is fucking up life even more than normal - and if so that happens as it has happened and always will happen, and you can move on without that person. It ain’t no thang. But flipping people grief because they’re not prompt enough is needless.

And hey - looks like they were indeed busy, which seems awesome.

If you want things to grow and continue, give people time and support.

Sure, and all he had to do was drop by and clear things up which he has done. You’re taking some side ribbing too seriously. Stop it.

If it’s per above then why repeat yourself? I won’t do the same. Look above.

No it’s not. It’s internet ribbing.

He was givin tons of time and plenty of support from people here so don’t even start.

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