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I blame the base

Tekken, mk have thriving scenes the thing that is killing mk is the yearly sequels instead of updates

So there is no incentive with nrs games to grind and grow

Dfz is still growing there are new metas coming out.

Samurai Showdown is the best game out

But the meat of the matter is we are in an age where kids have grown up watching other people play games. That pewdiepie episode of south park is 6 years old and he was hitting those numbers in 2011

So we have a generation of gamers who become fans of people who play the games but not the actual games

There is no lack of content. No lack or new ip. What is there? People who will watch darksydephil vinegar etrokes and throw money at him.

Srk still produces stats and strats for sfv and the other tentpole fighting games.

Just the base now is not the base 10 years ago.

We were all college aged or mid twenties and younger than going to tournaments and locals. With a nice arcade scene

Arcades shut down

So now all strats are online based. And streamers steeam to consume. I mean evo airs on espn proper who fucking knew it got that far.

But yeah we are now left with a bunch of lapsed fans. Because it used to be better

So we come to srk to unwind. To relax. To wax nostalgic.

Because we are grown ups now

There is no grass roots movement with video games anymore.

So without that. Eh…


I know what you mean, when I was a teen arcades as still around, the internet had Real Player. That famous Street Fighter III Ken chun Li match between Justin and Diago, I first saw that video on VHS.

Most of us didn’t went to forums for anything as they didn’t really exist. Yeah there BBS boards, thats an whole separate scene. You get your fighting game tips and techniques from magazines, people at the arcades or from your friends at school. I got a $15 guide I got in clearance for $4.49 of the Snes version of KI.

I am old school enough that I remember calling someone salty was a compliment not an insult.

You need to scale back your fighting game sections. Its way too big for the activity it gets and only just divides the already small community up.

I bet each character really only needs the one thread with an organised top section (or shit, shove all that tech and knowledge in the wiki - bnbs, matchups, gimmicks/setups, blah, blah, blah and just link to it). Much better than 50+ god damn character specific sub forums that just becomes a wasteland.


The last chance for hype was mvc infinity and we saw how capcom massively failed with an ip that prints money

You know it was Disney who fucked that game up yea?


I hope for modern games that we just use the tag system for characters instead of the subforums. The transition across 20 years of forum hosts has been clunky. The old character forums for MVC2 actually have a lot of value, and even the division into subforums was at that point healthy when you had people wanting to just know/talk about top tiers like Tron Bonne and Megaman. But yeah I don’t think character subforums work in Discourse at all: it’s just oddly super clunky compared to how it used to be.

I spent too long trying to figure out what would be helpful/useful here for organization: at the end of the day I think tags are far superior to subforums, as you say.

But generally there is a markedly unwieldy field of knowledge to know about any game, so the one thread option is probably not enough. The wiki is amazing if people do it, but it takes a lot of time and people have to do it.



I reached out and now have admin powers on the wiki. So now if you need help with that, hit me up here or on Twitter and I’ll try to help.

I’m typically going to be off doing my own thing, but will try to help where I can.


As Pertho is wont to say, it sometimes feels like Discourse was made by people who don’t like forums (or don’t know how they work).


I don’t think Discourse was designed to be a traditional forum and trying to make it one is where the problems begin.


I’ve seen a ton of dissatisfaction with Discourse in multiple places. Lack of signatures, consolidating entire threads to one page, auto-closing threads after post limit, etc. Anything big I’m missing? I’m obviously not familiar with it on a moderator’s end.

The search function is largely inaccurate, the occasional glitch where accident threads appear on suggested topics.


This is sort of getting sidetracked into a lot of weird places. Saying GD is or was a cesspool is wrong. I’ve heard plenty of stories of people being blown up. To be honest most of the people thinking this place was troll heaven probably weren’t reading GD in the last 12 years.

In GD's Defense

Because this is the subforum that gave a home to a pretty decent chunk of gay and trans folks to be gay and trans. This is also the place where people’s dumb shit was routinely blown up.

The amount of legit troll threads were like BeGuiled’s dumb shit, which happened about once every two months, and then Magnetix. If you clicked on a Magnetix thread thinking you were going to get something other than a dick story, you’re messed out.

I’d really need to be pointed to what was these “rage threads” and other random stuff. There was some silly ass behavior like making puns on news stories. But a lot of heated arguments in one thread from two users usually lead to chill behavior between the same two in a different one.

People take way too much of the clowning here in some goofy way. Yeah dudes get heated but this place would also help you lose weight, get financial advice, help white people and black people get to know each other and all sorts of other hilariously silly threads (like the one made by a kid detailing his different adventures getting random jobs).

If I’d had my way, I would’ve put a 6 month time limit on GD. You can’t post in GD unless you’ve been a forum member for 6 months. That’s long enough to show that you actually care about fighting games before posting here.

Yeah though, not gonna start saying the subforum taht’s helped out multiple members financial with their struggles is a piece of shit. If you got trolled well fuck you and I can’t help you. Not gonna go ban people because you thought somebody was a cab driver.

As a matter of fact, the amount of great threads on random subjects is really high. When GD was popping you had body transformation threads, workout thread, a very active music producer threads, threads on multiple consoles, various anime threads…You can’t take random human interactions and say its a negative of this place. GD basically functions as a breakpad for people that get tired of the grind of the subforums.

Think Chris G is a good example of stuff people blamed SRK for when it was just some dudes in the FGC are wild. Chris G stated in either twitter or facebook, on multiple occasions, random terrible hot takes on black women. Had this happened on SRK, a lot of people would’ve been blaming the site even though that user would’ve gotten clowned to high heaven.

Instead he says that shit on facebook but nobody is mad at the platform for what he said.

Either way:

SRK went to shit when people pretend the Front Page was the whole website. The Front Page gets to be the whole website when its helping build a community. Front Page also spent time focusing on dumb shit that didn’t help people get better. SRK was here to help people get better at games. Get Good or Get Got should always be the SRK way. Either the site goes back to essence of being a repository of people who want to get good at games or it continues having an identity crisis.

Writers don’t get paid to be good at fighting games, they get paid to write. Let them write actual articles about getting good at fighting games. If you don’t actively play fighting games or are working on getting good at any of them, you probably shouldn’t write for the front page though.

Also just saying but 30th anniversary sucks balls for streaming. Literally the worst.

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Also at no point should there ever be an official SRK Discord.

The whole point of this place is the forums and people use the chit chatty, gossipy nonsense to compete with the forums. Its counter productive to the end goals of bringing this site back to snuff would be.


I’m gonna more or less assume this is directed towards my comments, so yeah, I admit to overstepping a bit. My suggestions originally came from trying to build upon other suggestions in incentivizing other subforums, but came off as me bashing GD, so I apologize. I’ve had a lot of great memories on GD and I greatly valued a lot of the discussions (especially the workout thread). I do think it’s the least important subforum pertaining to the original vision of the website (which is a bit hypocritical since I spent a ton of time there), but that’s irrelevant now. It’s obviously the only main area keeping the website together at the moment, so I’m shutting about that now.

I’ve since dropped my original suggestions and have been only suggesting that already banned accounts don’t have their threads show up on SRK, since they still show up in searches every now and then (not sure why searching by “relevance” has threads from 2010 showing up so early, but I guess that’s Discourse?).

Agree with this 1000%. For old games I suppose it’s fine to leave old subforums, but for SF6 for example, one thread should definitely be sufficient for every character. A lot of the stuff should be wiki-fied. Frankly there’s not a shortage of people for that activity.


I’m fairly sure we don’t need this subforum, as this is all on discord anyway.


Can probably nuke this too, as people just post stuff in GD regardless.


Same with online subforums, it’s all on discord.


MvCI, Injustice, KOF (14), Blazblue are no longer current, frankly speaking. Minor nitpick.

I know all this stuff is still there because “it’s not hurting anything” (true) but it’s all legacy stuff that we won’t need unless there’s a -huge- surge of new members.

Also, screw discourse. I wish there were another option.

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fwiw: let us presume that GD is the most valuable part of the FGC/SRK. in many ways it is: it’s a representation of the “C” in FGC. the question is how to level up everything else on srk, not bring GD down.

we want SRK to be around in another ten years: we need to have breeding grounds for the next generation or you kinda risk running out of people that want to take up thankless roles. i know people never get how fucking shallow the “”“leadership”"" roster of the fgc is, but hey - you have multiple people in this thread saying “oh yeah i am singularly responsible for this important thing” and that should give you pause.

i think ideally you want johnny donuts to pop onto the site, find whatever they’re looking for, notice the opportunity for community, and come back. hook them up to information, chances to play games online or locally, and the awesome community.

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You are trying apply symtptoms to something thats not the cause
If you want a “breeding grounds” for the next generation, you need to have people already here.
That’s not happening if you make them all want leave.

As for leadership, wishing for someone to pick up the reins and be competent in leadership is at best wishful thinking.
You need someone who

  1. cares (and you can’t just teach caring)
  2. have people skills, not easy to teach on a forum
  3. makes themselves standout in their roles in the FGC with a postive light

That was never leadership, not even shallow leadership, thats just poinless bragging.

nobody is going for that.

you’re reading this really wrong. refer back to the OP here - “I am the only active staff member of the site”. that’s just unfortunate factual commentary. you’re going to find this same problem in all sorts of areas in everything you do in life. but we’re talking about the fgc here. the people who can get shit done aren’t necessarily great recruiters. most times we offer people that step up a hearty thumbs up at best, accompanied by a heaping side order of dicks.

right, which is why i had done things like given only marginally competent people leadership roles … because the volunteer talent pool is that small. let people prove themselves or fail, maybe inspiring themselves or other people to do better. fuck-ups are okay: things are usually going to churn along regardless. we just want to do what we can while we can still make a positive difference.

but i think my essays in volunteerism vs community cannibalism are super duper off-topic in this thread, so i’ll stop. :slight_smile:

Just joined today but I’ve been lurking for a bit.

Not really a complaint, but I prefer the older layout. Not saying that there’s anything wrong with this one though. Just an idea :slight_smile:

Looking foward to using this forum.

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One idea I’ve had, that I’m still not sure whether it’s terrible or brilliant, is having a Twitter bot (similar to NESbot for ResetERA) that tweets out new threads whenever one’s made. Part of me thinks it might help drive traffic to the forums, another part thinks it’ll just drive people away.