Shortcuts to RC'ing?

hey, i’m just wondering if there are any “shortcuts” when it comes to roll canceling. for some reason i can RC stuff like electricity and blanka’s KK hop very easily, but i can’t do charge motions or quarter circle motions to save my life.

what i mean by shortcuts is other techniques besides the common advice of “just press roll before you hit the button and practice it a lot.” i’ve been practicing for a long time and i just can’t get a sense of consistency.

when i’ve had problems with linking stuff, i double/triple tap the buttons. when i’ve had problems with awkward charge motions like blanka’s roaring super or guile’s flashkick super, i found an alternate motion to use. when i’ve had problems comboing charge supers, i’ve held the final button, done the motion, and let go. i’m wondering if there’s some type of trick like that when it comes to roll cancelling moves.


Have you tried doing half circle motions instead of qc? same thing for charge motions, charge and do a fireball motion… other than that i just roll my hands across roll and then rh for example (i find rh/fp the easiest to press after a roll)… when i first learned i pictured it like a 2-in-one (like how i learned to fireball back in the day… i just started the motion and rolled my hand up from mk to mp cuz i was dexterically challenged at my young age :lol:) by 2 in one i mean to button presses in one motion, ive also heard 2-in-1 be used when you hold down a button and press another, this may also help to avoid moves coming out on negative edges. I also find some RCs much easier to do for reasons that i dont understand. For example chuns fireball seems much harder to RC than sakuras fireball/hurricaine, which I can normally get with a fairly good consistency… of course i do have my bad days where my RCs just go downhill…

good stuff. i basically want to be able to consistently RC iori’s rekka, that’s about all:)

anyway, i think my biggest problem is that i just don’t know how RC’s are supposed to sound. i have no video’s where the sound quality is good enough to distinguish it.

and is the difference between RC’ing on the console and the arcade very big? i pretty much practice/play all on console because there’s no decent arcades with cvs2 around here.

rc is the same on the cade as on dc, and psx
I practice by having ryu throw firballs, and tryign to rc at the last possible second so that u can actuly see the fireball pass through my char. its kinda liek parry timing, wait till the last second then go!

The thing with Chun Li’s RC fireball is that the roll has to be pressed before you hit the “down-forward” part of the HCF motion. If the roll is pressed at “down-forward” or “forward” her jab fireball will come out. I have trouble doing HCF or HCB motions too because you have to touch 5 points on the joystick compared to QCF or QCB motions which require only 3 points.

However I found out that you can shortcut the motion on the joystick for her RC fireball by only touching 4 points instead of 5 during the motion. You can actually go B, DB, D + roll, DF + punch. You don’t have to go to the 5th point at “forward” since the RC fireball will come out at “down-forward.” Now if I could only do this consistenly. :bluu:

Try this to start off. Practice doing a roll and immediately pressing the button you want to do the special afterwards. This has to be done as fast as double tapping a single button press. The purpose of doing this is to get your hands used to the speed of RC button presses.

Next comes putting that together with the actual motion on the joystick. Since you want to RC Iori’s QCB + P move, begin with holding the joystick directly on the down position. Input the command for a roll and then simulaneously finish the QCB motion while pressing the punch button to do the RC.

Since you can practice this on console, go to training mode and have the key display turned on. You should see your button presses for the roll at the “down” or “down-back” part of the QCB motion. If you see the roll at the “back” part of the QCB motion, you are hitting the roll too late. Even though the QCB + P move will come out, it won’t register as an RC.

Hope this helps.

is it me or is RC easier in the arcades?

thanks for the tips S cLuBBeR. i’ll try them out soon and post back my results.

and i thought the overall game speed is slower in the arcade than on the console. so that would make RC’s easier right?

try to press the buttons first then do the stick motion, FAST, thats what i do. It works fairly good.

Sakura FB: roll, d-f+fierce

Stuff like that.

Hmm, it really doesnt take taht much speed in pressing the buttons, i find it harder on slow speeds because you have to rc SO much slower… sometiems it’s much much slower than you think, i usually just start the motion near back/down back for a qcf
and try to press roll when i get to down, it’s a pretty fluid motion. especially for sakuras who’s fp and hk moves are fairly easy to do… it really all depends on how fast you do the motion… startin further back and trying to hit roll then fp quickly next to each other (while timing it so roll is pressed near down) is the only way I can think to explain it over the net, practice RC taunts if you dont know how fast the roll needs to be cancelled. You will find it’s not as fast as you might think… also try varying the speeds at which you do the move, if u press the buttons (with the roll at down) and the punch at the same speed you would cancel into a taunt, try to be aware of where the stick is… and change the motion speed to accomodate…

if you do happen to get your rc’s down, be careful not to abuse them. I got pretty dependant on rc sakura and did nothin but rc moves… poking into rc’s is good, never ever do them when you are in grab range… if you do not have some sort of frame advantage. RC reccas are very good for preasure though. RC sakura owns k-groove :smiley:

edit: for reccas doing them while walking forward…

It works for me, and yes i did get a little obsessive with the RC’s. But i also try to be careful not to get thrown out of them. Plus with the way i do it, it has to be FAST so that i don’t accidently do a regular roll.

lol, why quot me if you’re going to snip it all out, :smiley:

edit: i just read my last post, i missed so many words… wow… i read through it and its the most difficult thing to read ever. oh well…

yea, the way you are doing it you definately have to do the movement fast,

but the time between button presses (lp+lk, fp for example) isnt like inhumanly fast (so rcing on console… with a stick… shouldnt be too much more difficult than in an arcade… but i guess this all depends on the speed you are comfortable RCing on… oh well, too much thought into such a small comment… stupid work making me over think things cuz there is nothing else to do.

popoblo: sorry I never responded to your PM.

Well, I’ve coached a lot of people through RCing and I found I kinda have to be there to see what you’re doing wrong. The best advice I can give you right now is to go to the training mode and be sure to turn on the key display.

Turning on the key display will tell you exactly what you’re doing wrong. If Iori’s rekka is the example, there’s basically 2 possible wrong outcomes:

  1. You get a plain roll. This most often means either A: you’re RCing too slow, or B: your motion is too sloppy. Again, check the key display. If it shows (sorry, gonna use number notation here to save time):

21(roll)4+p or 2(roll)14+p

If your key display shows the above and you only got a roll then you indeed did the motion too slow. Anything else, and your motion is too sloppy and missed some inputs. Most commonly, people either accidentally miss the diagonal or hit the punch too early.

  1. You get a plain jab rekka (or even worse, the Running Grab). This is mainly due to sloppy inputs also. The most common mistake is doing:

214+roll, then fierce

People ALWAYS think they’re hitting the roll way earlier than they actually are. If the above result matches yours (as it does for 90% of other people learning RC), concentrate on hitting roll earlier; like hit down+roll then finish the motion.

The other way of getting plain jab rekkas is by accidentally negative edging it. If your motion looks correct, like:

21(roll)4+p or 2(roll)14+p

If your key display shows the above and you still get plain jab rekkas then you are definitely negative edging. Try holding down the roll buttons to help prevent this.

That’s what I do for qcf motions. For some reason, some are MUCH easier than others… notably Sakura’s and Yamazaki’s.

For hcf/hcb motions you have to swing the stick quite a bit faster then for qcf motions to make the requisite 3 frame window to RC it. I try to hit roll at the very first input (but for some reason on the key display it will always show the roll and the 4th input).

There are a few ways to do sonic boom RCs. Some people do them as half-circles, some go from straight back to straight forward (make sure to hit roll VERY early), and some hit roll early and hold the buttons, move the stick forward, then let go of roll to intentionally negative edge an RC jab sonic boom.

I think sonic boom RCs are the easiest to do.

Normal people do:

b, neutral + roll, f+P

I do

b+ roll, f+P


thanks alot buk, and it’s probably better that you answered it here than PM’s because more people will see it.

can somebody tell me which directions the numbers correspond to? i’ve never read anything with numbers instead of directions.

d+roll+fierce, df, f+roll+fierce…it works.

look at your keypad. The numbers correspond to the 8 different directions from the middle (which is the 5 key). 214 would be down, db, back. I don’t the notation either but it saves a bit of time when writing sometimes.

i c, thanks

and does double tapping help in terms of consistency geekboy? it seems like you would have to slow down the motion a little bit to get 2 different sets of roll + fierce.

The only time I would use the double tap is for like weak (ie sakura jab fireball/short hurricane) moves. I tried this for the firs time the other day. It was actually really consistent. And I believe I did have to slow down the movement a bit. But with RC its just the speed at which you read the roll part of the RC as after that you are invincible for some time :slight_smile:

Can someone tell me for how much (frames) of sakura’s wp fireball she is invincible? It seems like a VERY large amount of time (my fireball was already finished and a sweep went through me in my recovery frames)

This thread really helped so thanks a lot Buktooth. Why didn’t I ever think of using the key display?.. :xeye: