just look at your computer numberpad (5 is neutral)
edit: i hate replying without knowing there’s a 2nd page
anyway, to add, i practice RCing with sakura, because when she rolls her back foot sticks out of her sprite, so if you are trying to RC fireballs, you’ll see her foot stick out of her leg if you get a successful RC
I think it’s easy to RC Rekka’s it was like the first thing I ever RCed. I do the motion with the same speed I’d do a normal rekka in a combo. It’s just that I put my thumb and index over the lp and lk and my ring is over the hp. I hit all 3 NEARLY at the same time with FP coming in a tad bit later than the roll. Besides going through fireballs in training you can tell if Iori’s RCing a rekka in real battle if he does like a jerky motion with his foot like he backs up into the rekka.
Rcing rekka’s is mad fun. Too bad the only thing I can rc at the moment is qcfs, qcbs and charge moves
I’ve been trying to RC Honda’s hands…and what I’ve been doing is HP, MP, roll, HP, MP…but it never works…is it just better if I do LP, MP, HP, roll, MP? Or what…
As a rule of thumb, you want to put the roll before the last input of the motion. So, if you’re starting from fierce, do the motion as “fierce-strong-jab, roll, strong.” I like starting from jab myself, but it really doesn’t matter - at least, not when you do it after a dash… fierces have longer lag on the whiff, so I think that starting with jab is easier to time, but YMMV.
I’ve just started messing around with cvs2 and I found the method that is the easiest for me is kinda pianoing all buttons involved in RCing. Keep in mind, this is mostly from my own experience and mainly for use with fireball motions, but my method is pianoing 2+short, 1+jab, 4+desired button used for action. I also the motion of the 214 pretty fast, but it works for me.
for some RC moves, you can just double tap roll. Ken’s hcf+lk is one such example. Another example is Vega’s Jab rolling.
CvS2 has button taps that “out prioritize” another when they are pressed together, and iirc, it’s character dependent. When Ken does hcf+lp+lk, it could technically be read as qcf+lp or hcf+lk. But since lk out ranks lp, you’ll always get the hcf+lk move.
in the end, for ken, just double tap roll twice and you’ll get your RC funky kick.
ps. I take no credit for finding that out. I believe it as Maj that figured that out.
it’s in the systems guide somewhere. basically how it works is that the button that gets priority actually depends on the motion inputted, which is weird. i think qcf prioritize punches, and qcb prioritize kicks? something like that. anyway, there are a few moves that are exceptions to the rule, but i dont remember what they are.
I don’t remember who put it in writing, but Valle was the one who told me about that method for doing Ken’s RC LK funkykick. Also, a long long time ago, omni told me that Choi was the one who sat down and figured out the priorities for special move inputs in SFA3. People were getting fireball a lot when they were trying to DP during VC, and i guess Ryu’s fireball input has higher priority than his DP input if they overlap, but it’s the other way around for other Shotos.
I dunno, a lot of this stuff is OG knowledge that gets passed around in random stories. Then someone like me hears it and applies it to new games to get updated/relevant results. Sometimes it works the other way around though. For example 90% of all the bootleg Guile combo explanations i’ve ever heard has been pure misinformation.
I have a question that’s bugging me about RC’s and an article I once read but can no longer find.
Say you’re cornered by any 360 capable character cough Honda cough and he’s about to do his 50/50 on you, and you don’t want to jump. The meaning of which is you have to beat the tick to RC 360 / or the roundhouse on wakeup with a reversal that counts.
Except nothing beats an RC’d 360 command grab.
That article I read about says you can evade throws by ensuring that the jump input is in there somewhere, and you kara that by hitting the relevant button for the special you want to come out, making you “un-throwable.”
I honestly have no way to test this at present, all I have on me are rather shitty d-pads and no one in the house who has any idea how to execute these specials as required, I would imagine that on the subject matter here the Roll command would “out-prioritize” the jump input that article presented for that “glitch.”
That was a while back, maybe the jump thing applied to a different game, I just was wondering if anyone knew off hand what would happen if you tried to apply both of those concepts in this scenario.