Don’t take anything I say the wrong way as I’m trying to help and not be an ass, so if I come off that way I am sorry up front. I just have insomnia tonight so I figured I would see if I could help out here.
You both seem to have a problem that alot of cvs players have, you learned to RC without learning first to play street fighter. You guys RC like champs but you dont have ground games other than “sit there and press fierce if they get close to me” and you can RC a funky kick on command but cant do short short super or jab jab tiger uppercut. Practice the important things first.
Both you guys jump way too much, which is a symptom of the fact that neither of you seems to be a big fan of anti air. Learn to jumping up fierce people in the face with Blanka, standing roundhouse people with Rock, and uppercut people with Sagat and Cammy, especially when Rugal tries his dive move. The opponent jumped at your Cammy way too much, you should never be able to jump towards Cammy unless you are just jumping in with JD. With characters like Rock and Sagat being aggressive is important but you have to learn to move in many different ways and mix it up. Work on your footsies and how to approach an opponent on the ground, that way when you do jump its more unexpected. Against people like your friend’s Blanka who does low fierce all day this is really easy, just make that miss and knock him down or JD it and hit him for free.
Tell your friend it is almost never a good idea to start every single round by jumping backwards twice into the corner. He might as well punch himself in the face.
Execution on your combos is important, you hit alot of jabs and shorts and dont finish a combo. I saw a lot of connected jab jab xx nothing with Sagat.
JDing jumpins is good when they are in a position that they are hard to anti air. JDing jumpins when you could have anti aired them and done damage is not a good idea. It seems like you try to JD jumpins even when you could have easily just pressed a button and hit them.
Your trick with Rock doing the double reppuken on the cornered opponent then rising tackle/JD is a gimmick, that is basically like doing a random uppercut. You are putting yourself in a position of frame disadvantage on purpose and then hoping you can fool them into the rising tackle. When you corner an opponent with Rock you should be rushing them, not doing random uppercuts or JD’s hoping to get lucky. At point blank range like that, you could have done double reppuken(blocked) and instead of the tackle, do rage run -> shift if you think theyll stick something out if you really want to use the blocked double reppuken setup. Youll phase through it and get a much bigger reward by 360ing them into the corner and its alot safer than a rising tackle is. The rage run -> shift is invincible very quickly if done at point blank range, it becomes invincible on the 2nd frame so it’ll pass through what they are doing more often than not, much more rewarding. It’s all about risk reward, if a 50/50 trick will get you 10% damage and give him a free super combo then don’t do it, that bet is not in your favor.
Specifically in the matches ->
Match 1:
0:14 you had his Geese cornered and you threw him out of the corner. Dont do that
0:16 he blocks your low short and it looks like you went for a counterhit afterwards but mistimed it and got jabbed. Tighten up the timing on your counterhits
0:23 when you jumped over his air fireball that was a free full jumpin combo, not a sweep
0:26 good throw attempt, you just guessed wrong so he jabbed you but you did the right thing, and you also were on point with the JDs there and taking the advantage back using them, well played here
0:28 but immediately afterwards you land a low jump roundhouse with your super charged. That was a free deadly rave, followed by messing up the 360 cancel to super right afterwards
0:35 Geese does a medium reppuken at close range on you in the corner for some unfathomable reason, and then instead of doing your free low forward -> super you sweep him. Then as he is rising it looks like you attempt a close short whiff setup to your 360, but a fireball comes out instead
0:39 the super was a good idea, just a touch too slow but you weren’t far off from hitting it. although it isnt your mistake I almost cried when the geese player blocked your super and swept you instead of like, killing you instantly. Then at the end of the round it looked like you did rage run ->shift into a 360 attempt but the 360 didnt come out. If it had, it would have worked, so that was a good idea, just need execution
1:00 your cammy starts out really strong but then you jump again instead of just continuing pressing roundhouse and that allows him to roll out of the corner. if you hadnt done this i doubt he would have gotten out of the corner alive
1:10 he jumps at cammy twice in a row, that was 2 uppercuts, i play Geese as one of my mains and I can promise you Geese can’t jump at Cammy unless he is JDing and praying. after this your opponent gets smart and starts shoving fireballs in your face like Geese is supposed to do in this matchup so you have some trouble for a while but that’s not really your fault, you handled it pretty well. Then at the end you knock him down with a cannon drill and run up, low jump roundhouse over his head. not sure what this was supposed to be but he should have killed you right there instead of fierce -> nothinging you
1:33 instead of pushing Blanka into the corner with your roundhouse that dominates him on the ground, you jump at him. in a tournament you just got fierced in the face for no reason but luckily your opponent doesnt react properly. Then you JD the slide and mess up your two in one which would have really put him in a bad situation. Then for the rest of the round you allow him to turtle and press fierce and beat you, which can be fixed if you have a stronger ground game. If he is pressing random or reactionary fierces like that you should be able to make one whiff using cammy’s fast walking speed and score big damage, or you can JD and take your free roundhouse xx super. Oh and dont jump into a charged Blanka like that with Cammy.
Your Sagat starts out really strong. You pressure him into the corner and land a solid combo. Then you land another, which would have ended the round but you have an execution problem and get hit by a super instead. work on your bread and butter combos. everything about the Blanka fight that is below this shouldnt be there cause he should have been dead here
2:35 after you JD any of Blanka’s ranged normals like low roundhouse, retaliate with low forward xx super, not low fierce. Low forward is a free hit, low fierce isnt. in this case you wouldnt have needed the super as low forward would have killed him. then you jump at charged blanka again and get up balled
2:40 too slow with the high tiger super but it was a good idea, and good JDing afterwards. handled it pretty well from here
Rugal comes out and runs back and does an air dive. It looks like you tried to JD it and missed. He did it very slow and from far away, just uppercut it
3:04 you jump over his fireball and could have done a whole combo, you jump roundhouse xx nothing. then you jump in AGAIN allowing him to roll out of the corner. This guy rolls every time you corner him, stop him from doing that. then you jump at him 4 or 5 more times after this and eat a couple roundhouses for no reason. You’re sagat, he is rugal, just walk over there and punch him in his face
3:11 you jump over his low fierce and roundhouse him instead of taking your free combo, then you jump over his roundhouse and do jab x3 xx nothing instead of just ending the game right there with your super
Match 2 ->(ill be more brief from here)
In the rock versus rock fight, theres alot of low jumping and not much stopping it. at the height that you guys are pressing roundhouse (i.e. hella early) all you have to do is JD it and you get a free combo, or you can low strong, stand roundhouse, or back up make it whiff and hit it when it lands. Also try to set up combos when you are close instead of just setting up sweeps. A few good throws though in there
in cammy v rugal, you start out really strong(although in those close block strings I would do fierces instead of low strongs, you get the same advantages both ways and the fierces will do more guard bar damage). But then you low jump in with short at close range which you should never do. free throw into the corner. this is followed by you landing low short x2 once and about 4 standing fierces, all of which could have been hit confirmed to the super and one of which was even after a guard break, but no super was done. You also turtle toward the end for some reason, and the only way that rugal can fight cammy is if the cammy player hangs back and lets him get his fireballs started. blanka then takes out rugal ok but you blocked the air dive move and then tried to attack after, giving him free low shorts when he was raged. The dive move gives him frame advantage, dont do that. I truly cant believe he didnt super you off those low shorts, you would have been virtually dead.
blanka v blanka at the end was alot of low jumping and missed combos like when you empty jumped and hit low short xx nothing. If blanka low jumps at you then jump in normally and cross him up when he lands, he lost his charge jumping forward. not sure why your low forward xx forward hop throw worked, it shouldnt have, that was a free and easy throw for him
In Match 3 theres more of the same, his Kyo starts off real strong but then fucks up easy combos and lets you fierce him and random ball him to death. Neither of you seem to want to anti air. It seems like you both have the gameplan of “jump whenever theres a pause in the action”. Jump up and down more against honda, you could have punished many of those random headbutts. With Ken you are smart to throw fireballs at him but you got way too predictable with it and allowed him to attack you with honda, then he got you dizzy and did nothing for some reason. THE MOMENT honda jumps or walks forward go over there and kill him, your friend should have sat on his ass more and did nothing. You land a crossup combo and dont do your super. You block a close up low fierce from honda and dont do low fwd xx super. In Ken vs rugal you do short short xx nothing at the start then walk up and say hi to his reflector twice instead of just breaking a stock and supering him for it. In Sagat vs Rugal you jump repeatedly and for some reason he doesnt just anti air you every time when he had 2 buttons and the rc wall grab to choose from, then you land jab jab xx nothing. A good Rugal would have had you wall slammed into a super when you jump so predictably. Good combo to finish it off though.
I guess that was pretty long and looks nitpicky but just giving you some things to think about and practice next time you play.