Shinneosnake Match vids

Shit play on xbox live I went from shit offline to woa I seen that comming from a mile away. Thanks to lag, someone jumps in Anti-Air. If’ there using K-Jab the first time to bait the JD then super that shit down. I’f there using A- and jump in with full meter block or gamble and throw them when they land. When all else fails use this set up, walk up throw…walk up actviate.

oh man are those the terrible vids where i fuck up a lot please say its not haha

New Vid up on Filefront.



nothing can stop you

I…can stop you.

kick more with Sagat

Blanka vs. Honda
randomly throw out Blanka ball Honda can only stop it with reversal fierce hands after he blocks it, which is only 1 hit.

argh filefront sucks

I think I im’ed you my thoughts on the match…but I’ll post what I remember telling you so you have a record…filefront doesn’t work in school apparently

-stop doing non crossup low jump blanka mks, really
-when his guard bar is blinking like that, forget the 1 frame link, just do like light medium hard, would’ve changed the result of the match if you DL’ed his sagat

…yeah that’s all I remember

More vids this Thursday/Friday as friends will be coming.

BTW, how is the file size, video quality, and sound quality? I know the vids seem large (20MBish) so I’m wondering if you want me to make the file smaller by sacrificing video/sound or both. Thanks.

New Vids up! Jeff vs Shinneosnake 1-4. Only 1 is up right now, I’m uploading 2 as we speak, the rest will be done before I sleep.

for the love of god, stop doing low jump mk with blanka =/

push st mk with sagat

…and, I don’t think any more can really be said that hasn’t been said

get a new stick…get one you can actually use this time =P
it’s visible who was on the mas and who used the hori

wait, one more thing to say

drop the resolution down to 320x240, up the framerate to at least 30fps, lose the sound if you’re really hurting on filesize, or lower the sound quality to 11hz, having a big ass picture at 15fps isn’t quit the most pleasant thing to look at

Jeff’s Sagat rushdown made me smile.