She Best be Dead: 80yr old Man Shoots WANNA BE-Pregnant Cat Burglar (UPDATE)

The cops did their job so well these 2 were free to rob him multiple times. How does he know? He has had their descriptions from the FIRST time: the police’s job is not to protect you. That’s up to YOU, but cops don’t want people to know this because people would become vigilantes.

You must have missed earlier when I said I’d have likely done the same in his shoes. Still doesn’t make it legal. And if you believe this situation is the same as the previous times his house was broken into, you are completely clueless as to why people do things like this.

There’s a reason we have judges and jurors. If we let the victims dictate sentencing, everybody would be dead.

I wasn’t talking to or about you.

Where did I say the situation was the same? How can it be? He didn’t get attacked the first 3 times…:rofl:. I can’t help but feel like you dove into this conversation blindly, without reading up on what people have been saying to see where they stand and why.

Judge and jury fail at their duty A LOT of the time. When people stop going to jail for crimes they didn’t commit and actual criminals stop getting off on technicalities, I’ll leave things to the judge and jury.

It seemed as though a lot of what you said was in response to my statements on law enforcement and was posted directly after me. Apologies if I misapplied your statements, but you do understand why it looks that way, right?

They were directed towards foger. It’s cool, I can see why you would think I was talking about you lol… This is why I try to always use quotes.

The fuck is this shit? A child’s game of soccer post the mid 90’s?
Fuck your participation trophy!

I kind of have. There was a few month gap where I wasn’t around due to my computer killing itself. When I finally got a new one my name, email, passwords and all other fun stuff was long out of my head. So I said fuck it and started fresh.

I was messing around, but you knew, right?

Exactly, they fought first. They brought the fight, and he finished it.

But hey, maybe I’m jaded on this as my uncle came home one that to find that he was being robbed. The robbers then shot him in the stomach and left him for dead. But hey, them the breaks right?

…Then we’ll bitch about who has the highest score.

SRK Baby. Even when you win, you won’t win.


This is just wrong. You’re trying to make a case for the defense…who in their right mind would actually admit to wanting a confrontation with an armed person especially if you just kicked their ass.

What in the world are you doing on SRK Captain Obvious? Go make more commercials.

food for thought to let some of you peeps u derstand this rationale…

police do not do anything until after the fact

hey it doesn’t matter. you do t get to fear for your life or have lapse in judgement without being thrown in jail because thats reserved for the good peopme of law enforcement.

take notes folk, police and the LAW foesnt do anything until the crime is committed.

Something similar happened to my dad, but it was his friend’s house. He’s paralyzed from the waist down because of that bullshit. I don’t know if they ever caught the guy, but I don’t really want to ask…

Shit like this is why you don’t take chances with home invasions. You don’t know what these people are capable of, and I’ll be DAMNED if I’m going to place my family’s lives in the hands of the justice system. If you break into my home, I’m taking your life. I’m not giving you the opportunity to do it again, nor will I rely on the police to catch you and a jury to convict you.

(I wonder how long this horse will be beaten until it’s dead as the woman is, especially with Phantom Angel now being among the arguers.)

For the record, miss high-witch @Matriarch and anyone still confused by the admittedly could-still-be-phrased-better title, the woman wasn’t pregnant. That was confirmed last Friday, July 25th, 2014.

Now, on to a far more important issues: Why Glinda the Good Witch is the best movie villain ever.

Yeah, @Starhammer. Dorothy actually didn’t want the shoes in the first place. Despite being scared by Elphaba Wicked Witch of the West, Dorothy seemed like she would have been okay with giving the shoes to Witch West if not for the fact that Galinda literally made it so she couldn’t take them off. This while all the time using Dorothy as a human shield despite the fact that Witch West is supposedly “powerless” in Munchkinland as Glinda smiles over the fact that Witch West’s sister just died like that’s anywhere near appropriate.

Cracked has at least two amusing articles about this: one from 2010 that details just what a marvelously manipulative bitch magician Glinda is and a later one where she gets a small section about how she probably at least has Sadistic Personality Disorder.

That said, I can’t even hate on Glinda given I tend to root for the villains anyway, which I ironically kinda started with Wizard of Oz when it seemed odd to me even as a kid that the Wicked Witch of the West was getting treated that way when her sister just died. Glinda manages to do something even the few movie villains who win tend not to do: remain a “hero” with good publicity.

The defense, in this case, would be the old man. He’s the one under discussion on whether or not he should be charged. We already know the other two are guilty. Or is this your backhanded way of agreeing with me?

No the perpetrator who survived will at least get a public defender no?

You basically said like a few others have that as soon as the scum are off his property they are off limits. Needless to say I strongly disagree with this and if criminals ever smarten up they will try to use that as a loophole.

He’ll get a public defender, absolutely. His charges, while within the same situation as the old man, would still be separate. It would be the D.A./State that would be charging Greer in his involvement. The criminals don’t have a loophole to use with regards to her death. It won’t absolve them of their crimes, and in the case of the male, made things a LOT worse since he can now be found directly responsible for his partner’s death.

This thread is too spicy4me

I have to admit, I’m a fucking idiot. When I first heard this story all I caught was the “shooting her in the back while she fled” part, and I overreacted to this story and the replies after it without knowing the whole thing, and may have gone overboard on some things. Certainly this old man has the right to defend himself from this trash, especially after they brutally assaulted him. If I had come off as suggesting otherwise, my bad. I should fucking know better.

<-- Dumb. Ass.

@fishjie Sorry about that tazer dart jab. That may have been too much. I was drunk and not thinking. I also couldn’t figure out how you turned my post about people condemning a now non-existant fetus for it’s mother’s acts into shit about being liberal, criminal rights, and sympathy for them, when I didn’t mention any of that stuff (that I can remember).

I don’t think (most) people are trying to defend this woman, but what I think that people have concern with is the part of him chasing them, and shooting her in the back after she apparently stumbled. It doesn’t clear things up much when, by the guy’s own words, he said he did so because she “didn’t run fast enough”. Maybe he was still angry over it when he said that, but some people are not going to interpret that as him feeling as if he was defending himself as much as it may comes off to them as he just saw the opportunity to kill her and took it. So while I don’t sympathize with the thugs and I don’t blame the old man like I may have earlier, I can see how people might not be comfortable about it, even if it sounds unfair to the guy because we don’t know what his state of mind was.

Then you can enjoy going to prison, because what this man did is murder.

They were RUNNING from him. he wasn’t “defending” jack shit. he shot her in the back as she tried to run away, while she begged for her life.

You really think these two would come back to his house after being chased away at gunpoint? I’ve never heard of petty thieves being that brave.

Yes, they were in the wrong for breaking into his home. Had he shot them during the struggle inside, I’d have not even faulted him for it. but he CHASED them down after they were fleeing for their lives, shot one of them in the back, then literally executed her. That is not defense, no matter how you wanna swing it.