SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

Theres a reason why i said in my own personal experience. lol. Again, I am not in the mood to explain myself if you are just looking to argue for the sake of it. Dont turn this into a 2 pm soap opera drama scene. Plz.

I just play characters that are fun. Screw tiers and all that mess. I played Wolverine back in Vanilla MVC3 and play Firebrand now, but I played those guys from like week 1 of the games and didn’t expect them to be top tier or anything. As for tier whores, I wish there was really no such thing, but some people do play to win. And it’s always important to know that picking an S-tier character is not a free win.

So yeah. Got some more matches. I feel like I’m learning something. However, I’m aware my execution is a bit inconsistent and need to work on that. Ah well, these matches were pretty exciting, so here ya go.

I play Nina because I like her, not because she’s top tier.

I agree, play whoever you’re comfortable with. If a characters flaws are frustrating you to the point it’s negatively impacting your experience you might want to switch though.

We’ve had this discussion a bunch of times.

I just pick based on how much I like the character, not tier. Though I will admit that sometimes I do look at tier lists and pick based off of which characters are lower on the list, since many times I find that the lower tier characters are more fun to play than the top ones. So far, SF X TK has been one of the few exceptions to this; everyone feels fun to play to some extent.

Thing is people who downloaded the slot can still play with 4 gems online, those who didn’t are stuck with 3 (I didn’t download it, 3 gems is the game’s standard so…).

Sure, her personality, suuuurrreee… ^^

PSN is hilarious.

I still enjoy picking Kuro sometimes and spamming godfist.

Electrics from something knee height are beyond retarded for trolling.

God damn Sakura is 16! She is cute and is a happy go lucky, nothing more T.T Sonic is fine since he said he was 16 too though.

I can understand why tier lists are created but I wouldn’t pick characters based on that, there has to be something cool about them otherwise what’s the point? If I pick a character that is apparently the best then oh well, haters can cry and will have no choice but to hold that. Same goes for characters that are considered “crap” Might have to use different teams though, been using Hwo ever since I got this game lool

Just a question:

Why didn’t Capcom buff more of the SF’s cast ability to anti air? Imagine if characters like Hugo, Vega and Bison had air crush abilities on certain attacks.

And am I deluding myself in thinking Marduk has a viable footsie game?

Thats what i said?

The only footsie tools he has are the far range hard kick, the obnoxious dash in cr. Lk, the armored backfist and far hp (I think) from what I have seen. Nothing that can stop you from jumping though. But maybe I haven’t run into a Marduk that plays footsies well.

I hate PS3 netcode and don’t bother with it unless I absolutely have to.

St.Mk, Cr.Mk and Cr.Mp are all excellent pokes, in my opinion. Also, his St.LK has a deceptively good hitbox and can whiff punish very well. Take things like Shoto Cr.Mk for example, he can stuff that so easily.

Dhalsim with air crush knee? Yes please.

I guess people misinterpreted the purpose of my quote. I am not criticizing a person for being a low tier hero or being a top tier player ( apparently, tier whoring is a FGC slur. People get sensitive like if I was using the F word or the N word).* I am just stating that players on the mid tier are not using shitty characters for them to complain about the game that much and are not using the strongest characters so they won’t say: “yeah, this game has no problems. Scrubs just need to learn to not get knocked down. St3p y0ur G4m3 up”*. Usually you will get the most mixed opinions out of the guys in the middle if asked…“So is this game good or what?”.

In regards to the top tiers in SFxT. Yes, they are already established and I don’t feel they won’t change much. However, there’s some variety in playstyles within them. So you won’t see one type of playstyle dominating the game like SF4 which is a very good thing about the game. I wish the haters would see that. Also, this is a team game you can construct teams with A or B (even C tier) characters paired up with an S tier and do well. It’s not like a team of two S tier works (actually only a few pure S teams do work). You can also create “counterpick” teams of A and B tiers that actually counterpick an S tier character or an S tier team. So they control the current meta even if you beat them since THEY ARE ALWAYS A THREAT. I wish it were different characters, though. But it is not the end of the world.

So lesson of the story: Ask any Alisa, Ryu, Dhalsim, Julia, etc. about how they feel of SFxT’s meta. You are bound to get honest answers. And don’t get mad at people for having a different perspective. smh. Also, Sakura is not a brainless character in this game, which a good thing but she is far from bad. Don’t complain about her. She is not as low tier as people may think. SF4 Sakura should be nerfed to be around SFxT Sakura’s level for USF4 IMO.

Only Hugo player’s opinions matter.

Links are you on XBL? Face is from my hometown and he’s normally on XBL. Did he get the game on PC or something?

I’m gonna start friend’ing some of you on XBL. I was on last night and the only room was one filled with Japanese players.

Anyone east coast?


Is your Xbox OK?