SFxT General Discussion #4 - Witty title

I never dared trying to J HP guile’s anti airs. Going to go to the lab and test it out thanks.

As for bison, yoshi’s walk speed is like a crab lol. A really slow one. He has a super quick forward dash and a pretty…eh backdash. As for kuma, walk speed is pretty eh too, his back dash goes a pretty far way and hunting stance forward dash is some 3S makoto shit.

So anyways neutral jump into Air to Air? Just to beat the headstomp or to make it whiff?

Neutral jump or jumpback hp beats headstomps usually, especially with Yoshi’s amazing j.hp

Usually I lose air to airs with J. Hp if the other guy is within the same height or higher. If it’s jump back HP then I usually win…Though recently I saw Hwo kick the tip of my jump back HP with the tip of his shoe. God DAAAMN that’s some crazy air to air. I really need to use his other air to airs more when jumping forward lol J. mp, J. HK, his aerial chain.

J. HP is a great amazing jump in attack from what I seen personally and read. *Kuma is somewhat the same to me with his J. HP

Anyways no harm in testing it anyways thanks again.

You gonna need to post some evidence.

It’s not doujin, it’s this,


I don’t know what scene, but Asuka says pinch her and she grabs her tits. She jumps in bed with her as well but it’s kinda PG rated. Your imagination is probably more interesting.

Combined with the rest, it’s fairly conclusive evidence.

Guile is very strong air to air.

His j. strong beats most things and gives him cr. strong xx flash kick on counter hit.

His air - throw will beat most things as well, it’s one of the things that makes the match so hard on Bison because boom neuters his ground game and having an air - throw gives him a way to deal with headstomp / reverse.

thats why everyone has a teleport, (backdash). i LOVE raw launching after Sakura’s cl.hk, EVERYONE presses buttons after that. EVERYONE. it a lil derpy, but not my fault. people wont stop relying on cr.mk to save the day! ghetto ewgf (Launcher) FTW!

I decided to try Nina. I read up some basic/beginner stuff with her to get me started, but I’m having issues actually putting it together. Mostly consistently opening people up, when to throw out her good buttons, and keeping pressure going with her right now.

gasp someone having a problem learning nina??? Blasphemy! She is sooooooo herp derp brain dead easy you shouldn’t have trouble at all!

Some good teachers here.

I can probably give you a hand if you have specifics.

Well I suppose the main issue for me is trying to figure what button I should be using and when. I know what her good mid-range pokes are, and I know what her up-close buttons should be. I just need to get down when I should toss them out. I suppose I’m having some issues keeping myself in people faces too.

Mimic him since you aren’t a very aggressive player. You’ll probably do better with a defensive style of Nina. I can’t teach that since it’s not my forte.

jab > strong (her Tekken chain) is 0 on block and her jab starts up in 3f with deceptively huge range. That right there is your pressure. On hit that strong cancels into MK geyser cannon.

The two far reaching buttons are her sweep, which is actually decent, and Ivory Cutter. Ivory Cutter is a safe overhead and you get huge damage off it on counter hit. You should be using it a lot from certain ranges to catch the backdash or train your opponent to stand more often.

The normal you want to hit with meatily is st. strong. It’s +3 / +7 giving you huge frame advantage. This leads to frame traps and full damage with cr. fierce combos. Her cr. fierce comes out in 5f and has an incredible hitbox, it even anti - airs, that’s your main button whenever you’re looking to punish.

Low forward is the only way you’re getting damage off a low. You can use st. strong to link into it. Otherwise you’re taking a gamble cancelling it because while you’ll get a big damage combo off hk geyser, it’s punishable on block. She does have a 3f cr. short with good range, but it’s -3 on block and only cancels into LK or EX geyser variants which are -8 making it very, very unsafe.

I personally like to use cr. strong has a poke. It has a lot of range and it’s safe. On hit you can link into jab > strong for a full combo. You should be using st. strong at closer ranges though, or cr. fierce when damage is guaranteed.

Decent enough rundown? Nina’s my girl. This game and Tekken Tag.

Yo her0, when are you going to make that SAKURA GUIDE? DD:

The way I look at it with Nina’s cr.mk xx geyser is if they get hit by it then they are losing 50-60% depending on my gems active at the moment (they basically activate with her BnB and as she comes in from a launcher so they are pretty much always active for the first 2-3 mixups) and if its blocked then I will pretty much always lose less than that so I just take the risk after having conditioned my opponent to block my overheads.

You can also do stuff like cr.mk xx ex ‘command grab’ and thats pretty much guaranteed 200 damage there, whether they block or not lol

Thanks for the advice! I’ll keep this all in mind then.

Googled the first part. No real results. Googled the second part. Couldn’t find the manga pics. Besides, a wiki is the last place to get solid info + you should be careful about how fans interpret information. Like how people swear that Juri’s a lesbian just because of her dialogue getting a tad bit more aggressive when Chun and Cammy are around. >_>

Exactly. “Your imagination is probably more interesting”. Crap like this happens in Japanese entertainment all the time. Guys grab boobs. Girls grab boobs. Boobs are like the hot topic in Japan at all times. Doesn’t make someone gay outright.

Not like I’m overly sensitive about these types of things, but I normally look at characters in a predetermined “default” light until I get official confirms about things like this. Homosexuality is hardly ever a default in that regard (Zhang He from Dynasty Warriors is the first exception to that rule…).

Side note: The comic, from what I understand, isn’t canon. Lili’s assistant isn’t Sebastion here, and is instead Leo. That…is impossible…thus non-canon. Myth bustin. :coffee:

http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6453/h0m5.jpg All this talk about remind me of this picture, which is official artwork at that. Someone at Namco is clearly shipping them. Also in Zafina’s version of scenario campaign in T6 she apparently wanted to make Lili her pet, and Lili didn’t exactly object.

Juri’s win quote to Chun is kinda… saucy but it’s quite obvious Juri isn’t a lesbian. She could potentially be bi? Who knows? It’s obvious from the anime she’s QUITE interested in men however. She’s a spiderlike predator as far as they’re involved.

Lili makes for a very convincing lesbian for a LOT of reasons. Asuka, not so much despite the shorter haircut and tough girl attitude. Asuka is an older character though and could be. ALL of the evidence regarding Lili is that she is, very much so. I mean, there are enough signs that after one or two you can sit on the fence, but when you put it all together it paints a fairly clear picture.

Nina has some fun stuff with all her different chains and her lesser used specials. I devised a reset with her which is cr. short, low forward, cr. fierce xx EX blonde bomb (hold), backdash, Ivory Cutter, HP skullsplitter, cr. fierce xx hk geyser, ivory cutter.

These are just things I’ve developed as a player from spending so much lab and game time with her.

But but where is the footsies? Tech is not useful in this game! Ok let me stop, i’m killing the joke already. Ok no more bsing around, posting my nina guide tomorrow… probably. Lol