SFV should be called "Street Fighter 5-Frames"

One thing that’s of major consideration is that to get into a situation where you’re both at frame advantage and close enough to someone to get any meaningful mixup opportunity out of it, the opponent made a mistake in the neutral.

lol let’s put in some GG, I’ll play as Millia and we’ll see if you can react to her 14f overhead…my bet is that you can’t

Two things would have to happen to test his hypothesis: 1) you’d have to look at frame data for all instances of characters being at -2, 2) afterwards you’d have to look for all characters with 5 frame Ms and Hs, and 3) you’d how likely it is for this scenario to play out.

Since I don’t have the guide or own the game, no way I can do the analysis. But the main point is something that can be legitimately tested. Doing so would let you know whether or not this would have any bearing in actual game and if so, how much.

No, we have the frame data. So you could do the “analysis”. You just don’t want to. So talk more.

You know, there’s that big “properly tested” part of it that you seem to have casually decided not to read. I can read all that frame data I want but that may not necessarily translate to the page.

Yeah. So test it or shut your bitch.

No, you do it.


testing commenced; Do not own game:shut your bitch. Do not read frame data:Shut your bitch.

yeah 3 frame normals and -2 stuff is pretty important in the game.
once people are comfortable in the game a lot of things are going to evaporate.

I bet

Only on SRK can somebody take useful information and put it to use and yet be mad about it.

Only on srk can someone be an expert on a game THEY’VE NEVER FUCKING PLAYED. Holy shit did trollfighter 4 result in trolltheory 5?

Posting in this thread just to say I’m not reading that OP.

Pretty sure, based on his posts here and on other threads that Caim is a troll and has therefore been dealt with.

Reading: hard for sf4.

OP isnt even taking block pushback into account…

You have to block 2 normals before it’s your “turn” again (usually).

From there you’ve got 2 options block again or throw tech, due to pushback the throw will be telegraphed because the aggressor has to walk forward (mediums have huge pushback).

After blocking a medium you re basically put into a two way situation.
Either do nothing aka keep blocking
or tech… doesnt seem that overpowered.

After that comes the shimmy but thats not part of the topic I guess

I think the OP has a valid point even if there are some valid counter points.

Taking ryu solar plexus (-2) as an extremely easy to react example… he does plexus and I block, I then get a free 5 frame medium followup that beats all his options except reversals. This is certainly worth thinking about, plexus against a good player , if blocked, essentially gives them a turn and forces you to block. He can dp, but I only need to mix up with nothing once or twice to scare him from that choice and he can’t even v reverse in this situation except after my normal. Dp is probably an effective answer to use when the opponent shows their abuse of this mechanic and should be used sparingly.

The counterpoint seems to be that it’s a short term situation, one more normal blocked and it’s over. You can take it and block and probably be out of throw range sometimes anyway.

Now! assuming the normal / throw mixup op mentions is legit, I have a thought for a counter: stand blocking. If the opponent hits that 5 frame medium, you block. If they mixup with throw, even assuming frame perfectly and close enough range, you get 5 throw startup frames worth of walking backwards. I’m assuming throws don’t initiate opp block stance on startup? This seems like you would always be out of range and they would rarely be frame perfect anyway which gives you more walk time. Perhaps the op would test my theory? Obviously it would lose in corner and to lows…

Honestly, if you’re putting yourself in a -2 situation it’s because your time to press buttons is over. The move is -2 for one reason, it’s meant to say you lost your chance to pressure and now YOU should be pressured.

Doesnt even need to be a 5f normal, i usually go for the cr lp counter hit combos since Bison has no 5f move.

this whole post makes no sense lol. 5 frame normals beat moves that are thrown out when your opponent is at -2…? ok…? so do 3 and 4 frame normals, without needing the priority system…also invincible moves exist in this game which also breaks your theory of there being nothing to do but block lol.

tl;dr tell me what buttons chun-li can do this with plz i dont want to put much effort into learning this game (training mode for hours ect, watching “tutorial” videos, ect)…


