SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

How’s you know they were reverting Tokyo’s name back to Edo? The name change back to Edo was supposed to be top secret.

X-Kira leaked it.

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I’m I the only one unable to log in?

I was able to log in on PC fine. Got some 80003 error on the first try on PS4, but then worked after that.


Obviously back from Canada Cup, but got lazy so only started typing this up now. Didnt even know Darklight had made it. So much was going on that I didnt get to really meet with all of the people that I wanted to or take pictures. Theres definitely some people that I probably wont see in person for another year that I missed out on seeing, but what can you do. Part of that was due to the rushed feeling of the event where they were calling really early hours for people to leave the venue. I believe technically they let you stay, but it was more like precautionary for fire code issues and were just making sure the other events around the FGC were starting to leave.

General things about the event

  • Got there Thursday night. Missed plane so had to get another one, but kinda worked out cuz I got a smaller bag for my luggage and saved bag fees. Plus, I would have gotten there way too early otherwise with nowhere to really stay as even most Canadian people would likely have not been there yet.

  • Really liked the overall look of the venue. The fighting game portion was kinda shooed off to the side and not a huge focus, but the screens they had for the events were very big and much like the ones you see at Evo. Meaning what was streamed was very easy to watch for anyone around. Venue was filled with cute girls at kiosks with different colored hairs trying to sell you on crypto currencies and things you dont really want, but hey it looks nice. I was looking for some friends that were at the art kiosks but there were so many rooms that I wasn’t really bothered to figure which one they were in.

  • 24 hour gaming room got shut down early Thursday night which was kind of a bummer. They opened it back up around 1am but no one was gonna bother with it when early pools for some games were probably starting that Friday.

  • Didnt have much time to really get around the venue on Friday. Mostly just played some casuals, acted like I cared what some of the booth girls were talking about and then went out to a local sports bar. Was really nice looking inside with 2 floors and a big lounge sofa for all of the dudes I met. Which I met these guys while playing casuals with a random ass Ryu player. He ended up knowing one of the best Canadian Fangs and I talked with him awhile about strats and how he decided to change from Rashid to Fang because Fang fit his style better. Also got to try Poutine for the first time which was pretty cool. I think at the bar they tried to jazz it up a bit with a bit of sweetness and they had pork belly which was kinda cool. Next time Ill get some street Poutine and see if theres a difference, but I hear Ottawa Poutine (and Shwarma) are both better.

  • Luckily didnt get any shit stolen. Closest I got was forgetting my bag in the room with the Canadians I met Friday night, but they were chill as hell so I figured nothing would happen to it. My bag didnt even have my stick in it so there was literally nothing of value even if someone did steal it. Heard it was a bit…worse other than that. Sounded like the people who always used to steal shit at Philly tournaments came out to Toronto. Can’t trust poor FGC people to not wanna 5 finger discount your shit.

  • Tournament was cool. Beat some guy who obviously was low ranked online, then got washed up by Punk. It was funny hearing him say “mannn…why do people always play these weird characters” while he was watching me play my first opponent. He probably was scared of another Prototype situation fist match lol. Punk picked Karin which is a pretty good match for Falke, but he played even more patient than I expected him too and it threw me off. Once he got me in the corner it was a wrap. Got close to getting one round but no dice. Beat a couple other scrubs then played against Tali. He’s a Nash player that I usually beat online, but he made sure to just stay in my face and had enough experience from prior playings to get through the neutral and beat me pretty bad. Decided to tough it out with Falke since my main intention was just to play Falke and didnt really care a huge deal how for I got. Next Season will start to focus harder on both Ibuki and Falke barring changes and hopefully get a bit more serious into offline tourneys.


Craziest part of the event was when I went out with a dude I met to a couple spots. Found this one seafood place that had really good muscles and fish and chips. Was chowing on that with some pineapple juices. His friend and his wife had some gummies from the medicinal shop down the road. His wife gave it to me saying there was only one gummy left, but apparently there were 2 left. I said oh good and ate both of them. Not good.

Friend decided to walk back with me all the way to the hotel which is like a 40 minute walk if you dont call a cab/uber. He was talking about how he was feeling smacked but I was like yeah, high is a problem, but better than being drunk we can tough it out. Got to the hotel and I said peace and he went to bed (or at least I thought). I went to the room with Evil Canadian and he was talking to me about the movie he was watching and I knew something was wrong because I started to not care anymore and felt like smiling for no reason. As he was talking to me I felt my heart racing and my head started feeling cold but I said whatever Ill tough this out. Finally we decided to go to bed and as soon as the lights went off I felt more awake then when they were on. I had to go downstairs there was no way I could stay still in this condition.

Started walking up and down the hallway like at least 4 times and the hallways are pretty big in the door hallways. I couldnt sit down and just felt like I had to keep moving. All of a sudden I saw one of the big windows that shows you the view outside and I felt like if there was a way to get out of that window Id think about doing it. The floor felt so limiting and I knew I had too many of them gummies because subconsciously I could tell I was in that state where my mind just wasnt giving a fuck anymore. I knew jumping out a window that I luckily couldnt open would be death, but for some reason these drugs made it feel like freedom.

Knew shit was getting crazy so went back into room and found a chair. I closed my eyes and I saw more things with my eyes closed than with my eyes open. Was fucking crazy. Like shapes and patterns were showing up in my brain like a collage. Stuff Id never be able to draw, so it was amazing that my mind was visually creating these things. It was at that point that I knew I was either going to die while looking at this trippy shit, or I could keep my eyes open and hope it stops. I tried to just keep my eyes open but would still see things. If the next Marvel is anything like the shit I saw, it will be the best one yet.

Finally decided I needed to just go to bed and hope I woke up. Got in the bed, somehow went to sleep and somehow woke up.

  • Evil Canadian was really cool to hang with. He had some friends that also played Soul Calibur and SF. I just watched them to play Soul Calibur since I haven’t played that shit yet, but it looks fun offline at least. Sucks that he got his shit stolen but that’s how tournaments are. You literally have to have 4 eyes on your shit at all times or RIP. He got a really nice room with 2 beds and long walkway in the bathroom. Big ass TVs too. If hes going again Ill have to hit him up.

  • Saw the girl Laura player Mahreen there. She’s definitely pretty damn cute and super friendly. Would have played her but don’t think my Falke is good enough to not get bodied by most rushdown Lauras yet. Sherry was there too and well, yeah Sherry is cool. She had on this cat suit black widow thing that was pretty cool and wished her happy bday. I don’t really care about her past being an FGC girl, but I respect her for what she is.

  • Played a lot of casual matches vs LPN. Definitely the best person I fought there. The way he anti airs with Bison is crazy. If you jump in the air he will anti air you before you get to the top of your jump. His reactions are crazy. I only got any real back and forth matches with him against his Abigail (for matchup reasons). His Bison would be like he’d win 3 before I won one. Really strong player and not surprised he beat Mago

  • @bea_iank will like this story. Played some casual matches in Joey’s room with Brutus the Canadian Zangief. We were going back and forth in Falke vs Abigail matches. Then somehow he starts saying that I keep mashing on wake up for some reason even though he gets hit by ever wake up DP I do. Then somehow someone brings up his Gief and I’m like “oh yeah you dont wanna play Falke vs Gief, that’s pretty bad.” Then he was like “OH YEAH really? Let’s go”. I told him I play sometimes vs Mhike2stronk and he was like “aw Mike that guy sucks” LOL. I was dying laughing in my head that a GIef player could have so much pride about one of his worst matchups. Wasn’t sure whether to find respect in it or find it comical. He of course beats me the first match because I let him get a couple grab setups figuring he would block first (nope he just runs in and grabs). Next 2 matches I beat him pretty sound with him whiffing all kinds of lariats and just not playing the match anywhere near as well as Mhike did. Of course losing the final round to a wake up super. I was dying laughing but shook his hand in the end. I’ll definitely want to play some sets against him with buffed S4 Falke.

There’s more stuff, but that’s the jist of it. Real good times and too bad @bea couldn’t make it. Good playing casuals with you @JoeyTones (I’ll see about Combo Breaker) and thx again Evil Canadian for the good times. S4 will bring top 3 Abigial and T.Hawk (and maybe Rose but who knows). Hope Lap Chi gets through this cuz I don’t wanna see anymore Shin Blanka Final Round crap. He just got back on his feet now.

Oh and yeah top 8 was pretty good. Too bad no one saw it other than us. The projector went out and people were walking up to the stage with their phones to record. Most time outs I’ve seen from Justin’s Menat yet.


Brutus is a funny young guy. Who gets bodied by Mhike at any opportunity. :smile:
Next year this cancer shit will be a non-issue so I will be there at Canada Cup for sure, unless they partner with EGLX again. If so, I am passing that shit.

Glad you had a good time there and got to play strong people too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Mmmm yeah I know you had some complications that kept you from going as well. Hopefully you’re issue free and ready to go experience the cold (well it wasn’t that cold) next one. Yeah the EGLX thing was definitely a big issue. Lap Chi would have ran a much better thing without their BS. I’m sure he wasn’t spending time and resources for how visually nice the event looked for this. Other than cute girls with purple hair and tight jeans it was a mess not needed. eatSports


watch your mouse heeheheheheheheheheh

I cant stand weirdly self entitled people like that on twitter. How Harada deals with shit like that at all is beyond me.


Just ignore what people say?

Happy Halloween everyone!

This day should be a holiday. It doesn’t get the love it deserves. Little work gets done today anyway, half of the people in my office are dressed up and joking around.

Talking to a lady about how we’re losing money on a project while she has green face paint on telling everyone she’s Gamora when she looks more like Fiona is god damn embarrassing.

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What is this dressing up thing? And this Halloween thing?
No such thing around here! :angry:

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Really, no Halloween in Brazil?

I thought it was a world-wide holiday.

So Blanka was in the corner and I was VT Juri semi mid screen, I released a FB early, and he tried to edit :rainbow ball out and I did jump back LP which knocked him back down onto the fireball for a 3 hit combo IIRC

It’s the little things that makes me play once or twice bi-weekly

Also I have a friend that doesn’t celebrate Ween day, he just tells the kids its festival day or some crap like that and they go to the mall

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It may be religious thing or something, but robbing a kid of Halloween sounds pretty selfish to me. It was definitely my favourite holiday as kid, and I still love it today. Though nowadays it’s more about watching horror movies than dressing up and getting candy. Though I love making my house scary as hell.

NA education.

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Lol, I guess so. Did a bit of googling and there is the “Day on the Dead” on Nov 2nd in Latin countries, but it’s very different. It seems my notion of Halloween is more of a Ireland, England, Canada, and US thing.

Halloween got “imported” to Scandinavia like 10-15 years ago, after heavy lobbying/advertising from the candy industry (duh). We had a harvest celebration around the same time previously, nobody remembers that anymore. Bah.


Capcom likes Halloween

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Over here we just import foreign holidays or special occasions so we can get a bunch of sweaty people together in a tent and sell them lots of alcohol.

We have Halloween now, we have Oktoberfest and it’s probably only a matter of time until we also have Chinese New Year because why only sell champagne once per year?

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