SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Only the privileged should have a chance to watch top 8 anyway. They should start charging folks 50 a pop to stream top 8. We’ll also get more costumes and Rival Skools that way.

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Can’t wait for Capcom Cup then.

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And these dudes will tell you on twitter “chase your dreams, e-sports is a career just like any other!”



Its not part of the CPT but im looking forward to watching Red Bull Kumite this year.

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Removed the pic. Thought it was Brazil’s finals.

This is bullshit of the highest calibre.
It is shameful for our country.

E-sports showing it’s true face.

Nah esports da bes tbh.

Canada Cup was dope even with all the fuckery. Was fun hanging out. Im considering hitting up ComboBreaker next year too. :smiley:


So who are the 8 non Brazilians that managed to register? I heard Itabashi was planning on going to Brazil so I assume he might be one of the 8.

Anyways it’s really unfortunate.You guys are going to get a lot of undeserved hate once news of this becomes more widespread. I hope you guys still have a good tournament but Capcom has to address cases like this for next year.

With Canada Cup I feel like they just fucked up really badly. But with what I’m reading about LATAM Regional Finals, this seems more like a really blatant attempt to favor the players from the home country of the event over everybody else. Even the rest of the region.

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I am back from canada cup

shit sucked bad for me especially cause my shit was stolen, and then there was tons of issues with the event

was cool meeting devil jin though


Was he wearing a big fake moustache and bowler hat?

Should have went in as twinblades.


Why do people always steal your stuff?

From my understanding, this shit has been going like this since 2014.
And I too believe this is a blatant attempt to favour the Brazilian players over the rest of LATAM players.
It is disgraceful.

Should’ve sticked with AirBNB.

What about 3 males + 3 females for S4?

Really, I can’t wait for this season to end.



I’m looking forward to the next wave also, but I’m always interested in the new shinies.

Finally got a chance to play yesterday. Game definitely feels a touch snappier, relative to how snappy the online can be. Hopefully the next leap forward will be stabilizing the online.

Also got a couple more skulls for the sus throne. :skull_and_crossbones:


Since I don’t think ( but hope ) that Gouken will be added in S4 i’m more interested in the balance patch rather then the new characters.

Absolutely sick of running into 3 characters all the time. Online is mostly Akuma,Guile and Ibuki.

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I stopped playing around February/March of this year and came back online after the input delay patch and to me the online feels better than it did before I stopped playing.

When I stopped playing, it felt like most of my matches were lag-fests.

Since I started playing again, I’ve only had one round that was a laggy and it was only bad for a 10 second period. It seemed fine after that hiccup. Now I’ve only played about 20 matches so I may have just gotten lucky…

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Using PC wasn’t the problem for China, not knowing how to run a tournament was the problem.


I think I’m giving this input delay patch thing a shot soon. SCVI turned out to be, well, not that great online so I’m back to this sooner rather than later.

Funny how SFIV and SCV were two excellent fighters with great online modes last gen and both follow-ups messed up really hard. It’s like time is moving backwards in Japan. They’re probably going to rename Tokyo next year and abolish firearms soon after.