SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

ayo LOL @ NG1313 sneaking in that joke so smoothly

I didn’t get a chance to watch the tournament but I caught the highlights, Tokido using wake up demon was funny and Fuudo’s Aegis tech was gdlk lol

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Yeah, this game really needs more stubby buttons.


If you were going to build a character to counter-pick Cammy, what tools would they have to have?

I kind of understand the stuff that forces Akuma to at least change up his game plan, but what are the tools that force this version of Cammy to adapt?

Who has a better guile, daigo or du?

I’d say Daigo at this point. The real argument IMO is Daigo or Caba.

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Du is #1 in my heart, but I think Daigo and Caba fight for the top spot. I think I’d give the edge to Daigo because when his experience shines through he can galaxy brain folks, but Caba is really technically impressive and it seems like his focus on the character pays off (whereas Du still has a rotation).

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Some dude’s posted that he represents a company that’s arranging a tournament in another city. To avoid breaking the playstation ToS, he requires proof that any player actually owns the game in question on the relevant platform, and intends to enforce this by having players to log onto their PSN accounts for their local offline matches. Or Steam, if they have that.

This… sounds like a logistical nightmare and I’m kinda glad I’m joining another tournament elsewhere. :V

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What’s so special about his tourney that the PS ToS is an issue where it doesn’t seem to be elsewhere?

Hell, for those logistical issues just hold the tourney on PC. All the drivers and config get sorted eventually then its smooth sailing, unlike what’s he’s needing.

(Besides it’s always good to grow some TOs that know exactly what a PC needs for a tourney for the day our eventual master race overlords overthrow the existing order.)

Not only does this sound utterly ridiculous, it also sort of reminds of one of the first SFV tournaments where the connection dropped during a Top 8 (?) match and everyone was back in the main menu.

Does anyone know which channel Sf5 Canada Cup top 8 was streamed on?

It wasn’t.
A part of it was streamed at the Capcom Japan channel.

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I was at a wedding all weekend so I missed Canada Cup…I seriously can’t believe they didn’t even stream top 8?!

Give 'em a break, we’re only 2018, streaming is some new-gen tech.

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But even Chun can VTC her regular fireball with a 2 bar and is also +19 on block with it.

Plus Ryu could easily fireball xx FADC in SF4 like the other shotos, so I don’t see why they won’t just let him do it as a one-off in this game. It’s one of those things that would help without going overboard.

-Canada Cup was not a very good experience for me this year. The previous times I went were fine, but this year there was way less space with the little area we were given, setups jumbled everywhere and ridiculously cramped. Almost nothing ran on time and half the time we couldn’t even find the people running the brackets. Multiple top 8s for the big games being run at the same time.

Plus we pretty much had to pay the premium of a convention center (more expensive hotel, parking, etc) when the convention wasn’t really dedicated toward the tournament. The entirety of Canada Cup was treated more like a side event when it should’ve been the main focus. Not to mention they were trying to kick us out of the venue mad early at 8:00 pm… yeah, no. That was never going to work.
Any other major I’ve been to that gets space for a convention center actually dedicates the majority of that space toward fighting games.

Even the “24 hour casual” area (which was really a BYOC spot) in the hotel felt like it was more space than the corner we were pushed into at the convention center (the convention center is like 10 minute walk outside away from the hotel). Too bad that area was also shut down before the weekend was over.
We didn’t even stick around to watch SFV top 8, we just went to get something to eat as everything was running late (then I heard about the power shut down and top 8 matches being played off stream to be broadcast later lol). The 5v5 tournament ran way over time too and had to be finished up… at the after party? :rofl:

And this doesn’t have anything to do with the tournament, but fucked up the experience of traveling up there some more: While we were out to get food, some shithead pick-pocketed my friend’s wallet with his passport card and SS in there. We could only find one of the stores the thief started using his card at, but couldn’t do much else besides report it to the police.
His brother drove back over to the US to get his actual passport for him and got in an accident on the way back up, so now he’s in the hospital. This is before we learned he could’ve just answered a few questions at the border to prove he had a valid passport and things would’ve worked out better. Lesson learned.

Riding on the way home now, hoping nothing else goes wrong.


Latam Regional Finals TOs are working hard to make sure that it will be the most disappointing and corrupt CPT event of the year.


Apparently you need to ask Sony for permission if you want to make money on having someone play a game that person doesn’t own. So they have to sign in with their own account to prove they own it.

Or something. I didn’t fully understand this myself. And I somehow strongly doubt this is something Sony’s gonna bother enforcing. But apparently that’s what the ToS says.

Sounds like they gotta go to Vegas. Hopefully they have the money

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Damn. Sorry you and your friends had such a shitty experience. This legit sounds like a nightmare.


Chinese TOs: “Our CPT events are the shittiest, we make 'em run on PC just to guarantee that!”

Canadian TOs: “I don’t think so! How about cutting the power off in the middle of a Top 8?”

Brazilian TOs: “just hold my Caipirinha, I’ll show you how it’s done!”

The state of the CPT in the second half of 2018.


Ah, so that was why I was going to watch the GF and the stream was mysteriously offline? LMAO.