SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

He was probably scared of taking a reaction super and losing.

That was the lame stuff. My favorite set in a while will be watching the replay. Wong Menat is so basic he might as well not have a v trigger lol

Wong’s lack of creativity when it comes to using those orbs doesn’t help him when he has a life deficit.

Also sounds like Canada Cup was a rough ass tournament to attend.

Wong legitimately has an easier to block v trigger than most of the randoms online lol. Least it shows she’s a character that can work a lot of different ways.

Idk i like wongs menat, he’s real conservative with the orb shit he just wanna press buttonz. Too many Menats get a lil too cheeky with the orb setting then get caught without it and smothered.

Yeah the ball always in style means you keep your disjoints and can always easily call the orb out to catch them hitting buttons

Grand Finals was hype, I never saw so many weirdly shaped dicks in chat.

Oh, and Tokido vs Xiao Hai was close too.

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So bored of seeing the same chars over and over again. Hope Cammy and Akuma get nerfed to oblivion

Canada Cup was atrocious too, I doubt its returning next year unless they do some serious ass kissing

I want SC6

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Yep, but this happens every year around this time. 1st season I was so sick of Chun, Mika, Ryu and now I kind of miss them. There might be a reshuffling of some tiers but Akuma and Cammy will always be good.

Akuma and Cammy are definitely the developers’ husbando and waifu since SF4. They’re not going anywhere, sadly. Guile has the biggest chance of joining Chun Li in the lower tiers and start longing for the past glory days while Sagat will probably receive buffs to make him the tournament zoner to go.

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What do you guys think of ryu being able to cancel fb into vtrigger like the rest of the shotos? Not sure why that hasn’t happened.

Who’s this Mike la na dude on twitter. His shit pops up on my twitter , I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with one thing he’s said.

Akuma neutral better than Cammy? Dreaming son.

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It’d be nice but doesn’t really help that much in the end. As for why he doesn’t have it? I think Capcom’s reasoning is just to differentiate the different shoto’s. Supposedly those traits “fit” Ken and Akuma more because they’re flashy or cheap where as Ryu is suppose to be solid and should have less cool options.

I’m actually fine with Ryu not having “cool” stuff if his solid was actually solid.

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Socal Vega Necalli player. Think he was playing some Blanka too. Regular on WNF. Most of his tweets are fanboying Xiaohai to a nasty degree. Lol


I have here one of the few known photos of Mike:


He can’t because they’re 2 bar VTs. If you want that sweet sweet frame advantage, you gotta pay the price of 1 EX bar.

Ex Hadou xx VT is +19 on block.

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Vega. Shit if anyone should know about neutral…

Surely Cammy is a Horrendous match up for Vega and I’d imagine Akuma isn’t that bad. Vega goes ok against shoto type. Maybe he can’t deal with the Air fireball. Is he really Dime in disguise!

EDIT: he’s telling me Vega needs more work than sagat so he would know. We have entered the eventhubs zone.


6-4 for akuma he said.
Xh way better than tokido. I’ve stopped reading there.


Soooo I ended up going to Canada Cup cuz I felt like it last minute. Didn’t get to see everyone but met up with @JoeyTones and @Evil_Canadian hooked me up with place to stay. Went like 3 and 2 essentially and entered other different name since I only came to stress test Falke in tourney.

I hear a lot of Shin Blanka Final Round esque drama happened between the live event and the stream, but I personally didn’t have any problems and had good time. Well…relatively speaking. I’ll explain more tomorrow night after flight


Cammy should lose her long range buttons, in my opinion. Watch how cautious Smug and Balrog were against Xiaohai. It was like Mike Tyson fighting a white woman but in court. She should lose range on her st.mk and cr.mk, cr.mp and cr.hp and st.lk.