SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Infiltration replaced with Angrybird for the upcoming Red Bull Kumite:


Now this is quality decision making.


Not the big, but the angry bird.

Which is good, there’s only so much Rashid anyone can watch.


Barely even off and on, just once in a while since s2 pretty much. Now I’m interested in the game again, it still has some glaring issues imo but the input delay fix has me interested (online play won’t be affected but I always kept expectations low in the department).

And G is just too cool, gonna be playin Ken and G

One thing I’m loving right now with Sakura and Balrog is just being able to walk forward and block consistently on this new patch. Also AA game on Sakura hasn’t been getting straight up stuffed. Either cr. Hp is clean or I get trade. Haven’t been getting crazy rollback lag spikes either. Maybe I’m just lucky, but around 50+ Matches on new patch and I haven’t had one happen.

Ken still a douche but atleast it feels like bison ain’t dashing in on me for free.

I’m satisfied atm. If Capcom can optimize this shit further I’ll be hella impressed.

Canada Cup 2018 schedule for Friday and Saturday


I’m looking forward to Sunday. I’m going to see Halloween in the afternoon (which I’ve been looking forward to for a while), and should be home in time for Top 32.

The #1 question I always ask myself whenever I’m fighting F.A.N.G.:


Hey guys, is there an SRK Dojo or some specific one that y’all have joined, or did you just create you own?

you got no time to waste anyway, soulcal framedata sheet is waiting for you.


Anyone know what time in pacific time zone top 8 will be streamed at? And SFV is the last game right? Also what’s the tournament of legends they’re streaming?

Frost made a dojo that a few of us are in.


Awesome! Thanks Beekmeer!

Good way to remember is that if it ends in a special move, it’s your turn. Also neutral jumping isn’t a bad play against fang. A lot of them do a string, then slide or dash back in after they get pushed out.





Tbh, after investing more time into Falke I feel like she suffers more vs zoners rather then rushdown, at least for me.Having access to a dp with so much ease is very useful and you can react to a lot of bullshit.

Having that said, I started to appreciate a lot of what Juri has in her kit to deal with multiple scenarios now that I played Falke and seen some of her struggles.

Oh and on that note, fuck Guile.A character with that zoning should not be able to play rushdown that well.


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I can’t see Guile being that dominant even next season, he’s a dead man walking.

2B is coming to Soul Calibur


Her super move is a combination of Cammy CA plus Kolin VT 1