SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

So did pc get a frame reduction also?

From 3.42F to 3.19F

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Is there a particular configuration to use for pc?

3.19F were measured with Vsync on, max number of prerendered frames set to 1 and in exclusive fullscreen mode. I have no idea how to set up the last one.

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Thing is Sagat takes a lot of work, he doesnā€™t seem to have that mindset. Itā€™s like he wants instant results.

Sanford to his credit though was always quite dynamic , very varied, heā€™d pull something out his ass and win. Youā€™re not going to get that with SF5 Sagat.

Bonchan is the only Sagat you will see in the circuit because his spacing and decision making is top 10 in the world.


Thing about Sanford is that even if he were to pick a bonafide top tier, when he lost with that character he would still want to say it was the character, not that they arenā€™t good, but they take ā€œskillā€ to use. Itā€™s easy for me to see in Sanford because 1, heā€™s done this before, and 2 heā€™s like me in that respectā€¦ so I know what heā€™s talking about:

Basically he wants a top tier that is ā€œfunā€

Cable and sentinel are ā€œfunā€ because a lot of skill can differentiate one player from another based more on use of moves than simple reaction tests. Cable has his grenade and sentinel has his flight. Sanford basically wants a top tier mechanic that is hard to apply but easy for (him specifically) to use.

It happens sometimes where you are the best player of a hard to use TT character, or a hard to use midtier character, or you are ā€œamongstā€ the bets players with that character. From that point on you get stuck in a loop of trying to find THAT character in every game you play. For me it is 3 charactersā€¦ WW guile, SF4 ibuki, and skullgirls painwheel. For Sanford 8 think it was sentinel and cable. Heā€™s an old man just trying to find that fun TT shit and capcom ainā€™t having it.

I think personally heā€™d do well to pick menat. Sheā€™s his style if he can learn to react fast enough to use her slow AA consistently against good competition.

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Sanford with less than 20% health was always so fun to watch and so fucking dangerous for his opponent.

I still think Sanford could pull that shit off with SF5 Sagat.

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sanford can pull being bad, losing, complaining and crying, then saying heā€™s better than everyone else who wins more than him.

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If youre disciplined enough you can sort of play Vanilla /SF4 Sagat in this if you save the Super. Any Dp is easy hit confirm into Tiger Rampage. He plays a little like S1 Ryu that way.

Word. I feel like if I can give you enough damage and build 2 bars then Iā€™m DEFINITELY hitting you with a super at some point to win the round.

Although the last few Bonchan matches Iā€™ve been watching heā€™s been spending meter on EX knee and playing more aggressive

Online has been pretty hit or miss, but the overall feel of the game in general is much better than before.


Iā€™ve found a newfound love and respect for SFV online since playing SCVI online.

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I agree.
Offline, on the PS4, it is heaven. Inputs respond much faster and much better.
Online, well, if the connection is truly 5 bars, they do, but often on poor connections, they feel worse than before.

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Needed a shot of Bison smiling after Problem X but besides that, Canā€™t wait! I wonā€™t be doing anything on the day but be here with you guys watching this!


Iā€™m really happy about this update. Wasnā€™t expecting much at first, but ended up being pleasantly surprised by the changes. My AA game has also gotten much better, too. :raised_hands:

Pretty hyped for Capcom Cup.


Oh itā€™s in Vegas this time. Might have to check that out


Not thrilled about Capcom Cup this year honestly.

Is Infiltration attending Capcom Cup ?

He isnā€™t competing in any tournaments while Capcom and Panda Global investigate the allegations against him.