SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Not to mention the characters who have V-Skills part of their normal moveset like Nash and Necalli who have it as part of their TCs.

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Thats because they deliberately unbalance the game. Thats on the designers. There’s no Reason after 4 attempts Vega and Alex are still gash tier and Cammy and Akuma are still S tier other than - we want it to be this way.

Thats not exclusive to 5 though. Same shit happened in 4. Dee Jay was locked in ass tier and Akuma was locked in S tier. Sagat never got any changes for 2 years etc.


You try to point out a balanced SF game and I’ll point out someone talking out of their ass.

TBF this wouldn’t have been as fun if Alex was top tier.

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Honestly , if I live locally and can get to a tourney relatively cheap I’d rock my main.

If I was getting on planes to go to overseas tourneys I’d be picking TT , no brainer.

The only dudes that can rock low tier are branded guys like Bonchan.


Atlas Bear Gunfight and Kichipa gonna low tier grappler 4 lyfe. They already too knee deep.

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I guess it depends how you view your gaming life. I thought about this the other day. I went travelling for 10 years and saw some of the coolest stuff around the world. If a gamer chose to use the tourney experience as life experience then yeah, play anyone. Use the games as an excuse to see the world make friends.

…but to win? You got rocks in your head spending 2 grand on a flight to Japan to bust out Alex at a tourney.

If you look at the Pro tour rankings, you’ve got to go to about 60th place before you even get to a shady character. Outside of Bonchan.


I mean, if you’re playing Gief or Alex as long as they like what you’re doing and comp your plane and tourney fees I guess you can continue travelling the world. You definitely need something comped or some general push to take low tiers across the Pro Tour. Luckily with sponsorship you just need to place and have youtube moments to fly around being a low tier hero. If sponsors understand it’s possible for you to upset a top player once in a blue moon, I guess that puts their name out there and that’s generally what they want.

Anybody aspiring who hasn’t proved to be sponsor worthy definitely will need to play Akuma if they’re spending 2,000 dollars. Unless they’re on the cusp of getting sponsored and need that nice moment with Sakura or Zeku to get started.

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So picture this, you played 3 ranked games in a row lost all 3. In the third one, your opponent even tea bagged you for good measure.

You’re raging, you’re steaming.

Next opponent comes up.

You beat him. You beat him good. First round’s a perfect, and second round, you end with a CA combo.

And just as your CA animation is about to complete…

The opponent disconnects.

Now you’re superfly TNT. You’re guns of Navarrone. The fact that you haven’t stroked out from your anger is already a minor miracle.

Next game starts, and you win the first round good. Beat him with a full stick of butter to spare. Your victory, your rightful victory is about to arrive. You know it. You feel it.

Then baby cries.

No more games. Time to be a good daddy. Better luck tomorrow night!

Welcome to fatherhood.


baby wouldn’t have cried if you won those first 3 games tho, they can sense things like this I read it in a book.


One thing that really helped me as a dad of three for when they cry -

Noise cancelling headphones.


When they turn 1yo and start walking they’ll grab your arm mid-match, inadvertently killing you.

Then you gotta go old school. You gotta play standing up.

Which your wife likes, because she knows that you can’t stand up still for much more than an hour straight before your lower back aches and you gotta quit anyway.


Wait, people get lower back aches from standing? I get it from sitting. I have a standing desk at work to help my back.

My issues with playing standing would be holding an arcade stick/hitbox and still manage to do, well, anything relevant.

You get lower back aches from bad posture which can happen while sitting or standing. Although from my what I understand back pains usually start at the feet (bad/wrong shoes, bad walk, etc.).

When I entered my 30s the best lesson I taught myself and still try to improve in is good posture. I can’t stress enough how much of a life changer it is. Posture loss as you get older is real, especially if you’re a gamer so it’s best to learn how to deal with these aches (which tend to be symptoms of posture loss).


I’ve had back problems ever since my early 20’s and one of the best ways I’ve found to stave off pain or muscle blowouts is maintaining good posture as much as possible. If you are mindful about it, you can be surprised how often you slouch, twist, lean, bend, etc, and over time that adds up.

Don’t play games like Itabashi kids.

Also @Bea_Iank @DevilJin_01 Thanks for the Falke MU thoughts.


Standing at work helps me a lot tbh. As does regular exercise of core muscles, and getting a new bed also solved a lot of problems recently.

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Sanford looking for a main that’s top tier.

6 days, what was I thinking.


He’ll just be a fairweather player of one the top 5 and then complain about one of the nerfs they get in S4. He hasn’t actually been playing top tier for like 6 or 7 years funny enough. Probably longer

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He’s a pro complainer


I’m fat and I work standing 9 hours a day. I only sit when I pretend I’m going to take a shit.
Third world problems.

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