SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Gs VT1 means you can be absolutely garbage at his president power system and still become SSGSS President later on. Too good to pass up.

VT2 G means you actually have to learn how to play G and deal with his shortcomings more often.

Oh and hour long maintenance for unintended costume in the shop coming up.


Wish Capcom made it so that one chose between 2 V-systems rather than 2 VTs. Like each character has 2 sets of VTs, VSs, and VRs and they are grouped together under the banner of a specific playstyle for that character. This way Capcom can really play around with the strengths and weaknesses of each v-offering. Pair an Average vs with a superb Vt or a superb VS and VR with an average Vt.

I think such a development would bring the premise of the V-system closer to its full potential.


Yes Iā€™ve also mentioned this. One version of the system is tailored to rush and one to defence or zone.

Thats how you vary the character identity per player.

I actually sort of think theyā€™ve tried to do that with V triggers, they are just terrible at designing them. For example I thought Ryu would benifit from Akumas V2. Meanwhile Akuma players are like ā€œnah, I donā€™t want to use that trigger thatā€™s still better than any of your triggersā€.

The system should make you ponder the choice rather than - this one is better 95% of the time.


Guess weā€™ll have to wait until the end of November >_> I blame Infiltration for this. So new skins for Nash and Juri huh Capcom

Some triggers already inadvertently have good reasons to use in different matchups, they just need to do a better job finding that middle ground like with Guile and Rashid so both do enough different things well to work for multiple matchups

Panda going on Capcom levels of delay for this Infiltration investigation


Personally the way I did it and the way I think itā€™s should be done is I used Gā€™s VT1 against fireball throwers and vt2 against non fire ballers.

Works pretty well. The armored command grab makes the offensive characters have to actually think about something rather than just running a train on G. This is even worse with his bad defense in vt1 since thereā€™s a good chance that against those characters that they might make him block like 1 jab and then heā€™s in pressure for days and never gets to see his vt1 activation.

And vt2 makes Cammy bleed, which is super satisfying anyways.


wait wait waitā€¦is the server down right now because of 1 color?

Please support Namco and Namco accessories.


Anyone know whatā€™s up with the title update for today?

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G is getting an EX DP

The cross up stuff was easy to block for me, but then again maybe his setups werenā€™t on point, idk, it they seemed like the ones I saw GO1 and same doing. The instant overhead seemed less dangerous for whatever reason, I donā€™t think menat gets the correct spacing to go for it easily.

Also, since I was using ED, whenever the spacing got ambiguous while I was blocking orbs I just mashed on PPP.

Dude actually complained about itā€¦ but he didnā€™t manage to block one either soā€¦ I guess.

It feels fun to play against really good players. This guy teched so predictably that I actually PPPā€™d his throw tech on oki multiple times. Thatā€™s not something I would attempt against random ass golds and platinums.

The issue surrounding it is more that she can disrupt the flow of the match too early in the exchanges.

Imagine Iā€™m Sagat and I zone the shit out of you, you eventually get in only to then watch me put up a shield of 6 tiger shots around my body.

Iā€™ve had a Menat player outplay me and then also have trigger. I honestly wouldnā€™t change her that much, I think the 3 bar trigger is fine although from a personal stand point, the design of the orb staying out is terrible, one of the worst things Iā€™ve seen in a SF game.

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After yesterdayā€™s update one of Nashā€™s costumes that you can no longer purchase was showing up with the 3D viewer for his Halloween costume, so itā€™s just a quick patch to correct that.

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There is something definitely off with the online after this last patch.
I never missed Falkeā€™s vt shot xx vt low shot before. And today I dropped it all times I tried to do it.
Either it came out too late or didnā€™t come out at all.

Actually that wouldnā€™t even be that good really because Sagatā€™s offense is so honest that it wouldnā€™t be a huge deal. LOL. The reason Menat is a problem is that sheā€™s a zoner that has the offense to go in and beat you up as well. Same with Guile. A zoner that doesnā€™t have to be tied to zoning has the best of both worlds in this game. Which is long buttons to control opponents in a game where you can die fast, while also being able to move in and make people die fast.

I donā€™t think the ball staying out was too much of a problem until they added in soul spark. Now sheā€™s full anime and the hit box will most likely get nerfed in S4.

3 bar trigger would most definitely take her out of top tier for free because I already do too well vs Menat even with her 2 bar trigger. Thatā€™s fine though less problems for me. As long as the rumors of the game turning upside down with crazy new shit isnā€™t real.

Question for the Falke faithful - Falkeful?

Now that she has had some time to breathe what do you think her good and bad match ups look like?

Good: Gief, Birdie, Abigail, Alex.
Bad: Bison, Rog, Fang.

Thatā€™s my list. Akuma might be a favourable one, but so far it depends too much on the Akuma I fight.


Iā€™ve already explained it before.

Basically her best matchups are versus Cammy, Karin, and anyone else that isnā€™t terribly long ranged and has no choice but to run into her anti airs if they jump. Characters like them have to somehow walk into cross up range to reliably jump at her or fake a dive. These are also characters that have very limited punishes for her f+HP which allows her to poke and build v gauge easily vs them at a range that they canā€™t do anything about on block other than dash in.

Bad matchups are characters with a bunch of horizontal moves that take advantage of the fact that she has no real fast/safe fireball to regularly put on screen to make up for her lack of offensive strength. Characters like Boxer and Bipson. Those 2 characters can basically just do whatever they want even if itā€™s wrong as long as they eventually land something and then itā€™s right.

Everyone else is in the middle or generally doable even if somewhat bad.


One set will still be better than the other. And players will probably still mostly pick one set to focus on.

If anything, it would probably make tier separation even worse. The best characters would end up with at least one really solid combination, while the worse characters would likely see their better options split across separate sets. Someone like Akuma or Cammy would end up with their best VT paired with their best VS and VR, or even their second best would still be so good as to not really be a downgrade. Meanwhile, the low end of the tier list would see characters having to choose between getting a decent VT paired with a lousy VS/VR or an adequate VS/VR paired with a poor VT.