SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

but it still has a pro tour and people participating on it…wouldnt call it dead.

I’m Tommy Lee Jones. :frowning:

Yeah some pretty poverty games have pro tours also.

Dead and dead last in mainstream competitive turnout are 2 different things. Never used the word dead on its own. If NRS wants to stay a main game at Evo they need to find a way to break numbers that aren’t lower than other poverty games at the events before Evo. The Evo numbers were really poor also

mvci doesnt :wink:
they dont need to find a way to break numbers for evo. they need a paycheck or a new mk game.

Yeah within the competitive circle that won’t gain much respect. You can’t sell millions of copies and struggle to have people show up at events. Just an odds of popularity that shouldn’t really happen. If your game is competitive and sells well it shouldn’t be the least turnout game at major events.

they can and it works out for em so…what you or i think about it at the end doesnt matter much.
the pro tour is actually something nr doesnt even need so…be happy that they let a few people have fun and get some money out of it.

Thanks to all of you guys who congratulated me, i really appreciate it.

You know, after being a throw away from beating Luffy, i really feel much better about myself now. I know it now in my bones that i can beat him.I was just really pressured cuz it was my first master rank up chance and i went against an EVO champion, i couldn’t believe that i was winning and i blew it.

In a weird way, that loss made me feel better than actually getting the rank all together.


Still think it’s a legitimate problem for their brand that they should tackle in the future. There is no other fighter that sells a bunch that brings such poverty numbers for events. It’s a consistent eyesore and something they shouldn’t ignore competitively.

Dead game that has slow or low turnout at least makes sense. Big selling game that can’t push competitive numbers and purely relies on spin off game to boost competitive viability after a year does not

its growing in term of support, at least from what i have seen…that might improve things… there are for sure different reasons why its not as big as other titles but in comparison to capcom it doesnt need a pro tour to be successfull. imagine sfv without one…and the nr circle is most likely a aspect of why not so many people dive into it comp wise…and to get owned by a furry…

Surrounded by the rest of the FGC.

SFV will follow the same faith of SF4,praised by few die-hards and forgotten by the rest.

I get more peeps showing up for injustice than mvci and a lot of anime titles…doing fine imo.

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I’ve played against Luffy during the SF4 days, his real ability is being cold blooded af, when you think it’s done he’s able to comeback in an heartbeat. His adaptation is too good.

Agreed yeah, he picks up on habits very quickly and his neutral is very strong for someone who play Mika.

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I can’t imagine fighting him using a more aggressive character like Mika instead of a more ‘quiet’ character like Rose, scary.

Well, i had an edge of me being a former Mika player as well so i know his character very well and most of the setups so that certainly helped me.

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Just played the beta for sc.

Parry feels WONDERFUL!!!
Parry was one of my favorite things about sc1 and sc2 and it seems even better in this game since there seems to be no high/low parry.

I really couldn’t have asked for anything more!

I main Siegfried and Taki. Been using Siegfried. He’s slow as shit now. Seems to be exacerbated by the lag. I’m getting hit with stupid auto low strings in lag that are easily reaction blockable offline. Same thing with trying to 8wr in this game. Constantly being hit out of it which is forcing me to rely on parry to get out of abusive noob attack strings like AA, 2A, AA, 2A etc

Siegs moves seem to be very functional save for gtfo properties as I’ve been getting hit high out of moves that auto crouch in sc2 (cough 3B, cough) but he still has some pretty abusive moves which is always fun. People still get hit by 66B like it’s their job.

Don’t yet know what his low is. Been trying to get out his old sweep but I may be flubbing the motion or not hitting the correct buttons.

His old 6K which is one of his fastest normals seems to have been changed.

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You just described every SF game that isn’t SF2. Congratulations on your insight.

I don’t think we’ll get sf6 anytime soon, not when SFV has more entrants and viewers in every fgc event than any other fighter, newer or older. (=

Isn’t it fitting?

The main boss is the 2018 world Street Fighter champion at EVO

On the other hand, Nightmare is fast and very brutal. You might wanna change to the dark side :wink:

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