SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Like NCK says, be careful what you wish for.

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either its good, or bad. but at this point i know if i will dive into and support it at release.

Probably bad. Just giving you heads up.

sf2 good, sf3 flop, sf4 good, sf5,ehem…sf6 good. i believe in capcoms product circle. /all of course sales wise…

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I don’t go by sales for whether I like a game or not so can’t relate to that


me neither, but its a indicator about if its a product for the masses or just for people who are really into genre xyz. non then less i still believe they learned and sf6 will be a fleshed out new console gen game title with decent netcode.

ed- one part of me on the other hand would like to see them going the f2p path which they nearly accomplished already just to see if it makes a difference or not, playerbase wise.

it’s not really about the masses though, and in FGs it never has. They’ve been a niche market, and remain to be.

If you like an FG, it’s a good game. And that’s subjective to everybody, and your interpretation of a flop is different to someone else’s.

People can like SFV, and the sales record doesn’t mean shit to make that a flop to a community.


Yeah you see it where games like Injustice 2 sell a bunch to a bunch of people who are not very involved with the game past acquiring gear and waiting for some sell out character to enter the game’s universe. Then it becomes the lowest attended mainstream game at tournaments and you can’t really hear about it much even with its own pro tour. Last time I watched a twitch stream for Injustice 2 it was just a guy talking to a stream monster about “well the reason people play SF is…”

Injustice 2 has good sales and good netcode, but at least within the FGC that doesn’t seem to resonate a whole lot.

Injustice 2 has Mortal Kombat characters but it does not have Hawkgirl.

That’s a epic fail in my book. NO BUY !


people still play it, the overall reception is good and it grants them enough to continue doing fighting games or iterations of it. mvci had to suffer due to sfv(and other things) and we know how it ended…sf6 will need to be good for it not to share the same faith and i doubt capcom will let that happen…again.

After looking at the customization options in SC…I hate SFV some mo’

When all is said and done, SF5 probably will end up making more money for Capcom than SF4 and the net result of what it brought to the table for us, Capcom, and the series will be most definitely be positive.

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As much as i hate a lot of what SF5 does i hope it sells well so we can see SF6 quite fast after SF5 ends.

Having that said,i don’t know how will Capcom see all this if SF5 does indeed make them a lot of money. Do they consider it a success and repeat the formula or put it more effort for SF6 ?

The way the launch was terribly handled aside, I hope they continue with this hybrid business model and refine it.

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Not sure what to say about the current business model.


It’s good that we don’t have to pay for tons of upgrades and versions of the game.
It’s good i can buy costumes for the only characters i am interested in.


Can’t try a character before buying.
Can’t even use them in training mode to practice against.
If you want the full game,you end up spending a lot of money.No rly,SFV is a very expensive game if you want all the characters.
You really have to be some cave dweller if you want to unlock all via fight money.


a one month grace period where the character is F2P would legit prolly have people don’t buy characters buying season passes, cause they’d find fun in ppl they never get to try.


Capcom should adopt Killer Instinct business model for SF6. There is no reason not to.
It is good for them, for the consumers and for the community as a whole.



The player should be able to at least try the character in TRAINING or the character’s TRIALS before buying.

Risking 100k FM or 5 bucks to see if i maybe like the character is pretty bullshit imo.

Yeah people still play a lot of stuff through. I’d just think by now id see an NRS game that isn’t dead last in competitive turnout for once. It is geared towards a different consumer base though