SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I don’t think there is a CC problem.

I think the problem is there is only CC sometimes. Like Dime said, give more bullshit to characters that need it, and give all characters options outside of CC and more options to keep CC in check (this latter one probably requires a new universal mechanic).

That is the way.


I’m not so sure about fighting cheap shit with more cheap shit at all, giving to every character tools like Alex Lariat or Rashid cr.HP looks more like a Old Wild West showdown where who shots first win.

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The game is what it is. I liked that Vesper’s video didn’t go too much into input priority. It only happens on trades any ways and other games like 3S and KI have had the system and still had neutral.

Nerfing CCs into the ground doesn’t do much for the IMO as well as then you’re still left with using a bunch of low damage buttons that have weak hit boxes and big hurt boxes. The heavy buttons are the meat of the game and I’d rather they be good with some occasional whiff punishes on them with mediums and heavies than a game where we’re left with something that they won’t change and doesn’t lead to damage for a lot of characters outside of VTC’s.

Besides Makoto is coming and there’s no way she isn’t going to have a good CC and continue to promote what the game is about.

Pay attention at what you wish for

The opposite extreme isn’t as appetizing either. “Balance” as it is understood by many is overrated IMO (not the same as unimportant). To me, a balanced game isn’t a noun, or a state of being, it’s more like transitive verb and it is in constant flux. A game that is balanced is a game that progressively changes and improves itself over time. In this sense, I believe SF5 is the most balanced SF game to date.

However much like how the act of balancing is there to keep certain things in check, so must balancing itself be kept in check - By Fun. Handicapping characters further and gimping the game design some more is the name of balance can’t happen if it makes the game more dry and less fun.

This is one reason why I am in favor of “cheap shit” across the board. We’re spending so much of our time playing and watching this game, it would be a terrible waste if we’re not having fun doing it.


Nerfing Bison is not the way. Leave him alone!

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Akuma had really low health in older games partly because he was super mobile and do special moves backwards and shit. SFV Akuma is not slippery enough for paper thin health. Lowering his health to 850 or ESPECIALLY 825 would basically remove him from the game vs any other top tier and only allow shitty characters to do better vs him. Not a good solution at all. Going back to 875 is doable as that’s where he was in S2, but it’s still stupid to base balancing around health either way. 875 is the only thing that would even begin to make sense as far as health goes but its just never been a good way of balancing characters. Taking away his interesting stuff just adds to the whole rhetoric of Capcom removing options from characters so I don’t think that’s very good either.

Top 10 characters can all fight Akuma pretty well and he even loses to at least one character and that’s pretty decent for a top character. You can’t play shit characters vs him unless it’s one of the rare shit characters that do well vs him, but if you play a good character vs him it’s pretty doable.

Akuma and Cammy get claimed for this “better version of other character” thing that invalidates other characters. Sooo…basically people usually say Akuma and Cammy are better versions of…

Ryu, Ken, Necalli, Juri (I think Juri is completely different from these characters, but sure she is effectively not necessary because of them), Nash, Chun Ed, Sakura and Zeku. Those are all characters you could say have some parts of their gameplan or play similar ranges, but they just do it better. Which is normal, that’s what top tiers do.

More important though I believe is which characters can fight Akuma/Cammy and are around good enough to win CPT events

Bison, Birdie, Rashid, Karin, Mika, Guile, Ibuki, Rog, Urien, Kolin, Abi, Menat, Blanka (think Blanka is good enough to win shit, just need more exposure)

G is wild card because he’s still new and his hot cold/no 3 frame or EX DP playstyle is yet to be very proven in tournament, but he at least has the momentum and neutral to fight Akuma/Cammy decently. That is at least 14 or so characters that are regularly or decently seen at tourneys that can fight Akuma or Cammy and have a shot at winning a CPT barring maybe switching characters for a matchup or 2 for a few of them. I think that’s pretty solid in a game that has about 30 something characters now.

I think people get hung up on the fact that they play CPT unviable characters that inevitably do bad vs Akuma or Cammy or are worse versions of them, but the upper part of the cast can definitely contend with them and doesn’t get invalidated by them. There are also CPT unviable characters that do well vs Akuma and Cammy like Sagat and Falke.


Speaking of long ranged lows one my wish list for S4 Sagat is having more range on his cr.mk maybe make it more faster!

Yeah blanka will be with necalli. Really good and no one plays em. Hopefully it stays that way. Character is near birdie levels of retarded and nobody picks em.

He reminds me more of Laura to be honest. Lots of short-range movement options that are all reactable/punishable in a vaccuum, but looking out for all of them at once and reacting accordingly (hop, jump, V-Skill jump, different Ball strengths, command grab) is really hard in the heat of the moment.

V-Trigger is also incredibly retarded.

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Bad characters doing bad against good ones is nothing new, same with the firsts complaining about. Talking about SFV we’ve seen that every season with a lot of changes at the top 10 of the game, something bad (nerfs) on the good ones it’s going to happen to the actual top tiers, like in all the previous seasons. The variety people and Capcom praised lead to this,some things in SFV are too hard to balance.

I’ve wondered why SFV doesn’t have a character select option after every match like every other game has. It should give you the option to choose a different character instead of having to fight with the same one and having to go through menus to choose another character.

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I am kinda glad it doesn’t. Sometimes it takes forever to find a match, then someone takes forever at the vs screen, then forever again when it comes to accepting the rematch. I am just ready to play the game. I’d rather not have more options to slow that down imo.

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Emotional blackmail won’t work with me, Capcom.
Also, I already have all the costume and colours for Gief, so… why try to make me buy more if there isn’t more for me to buy?


SFV is not the only game that doesn’t allow you to switch for ranked matches (although you could argue it wouldn’t be bad as an option for casual match if casual allowed more matches).

They want the ranking system to reflect how well people are winning with a solidified character over a variety of matchups. They don’t want counter picking during the ranked sets. Killer Instinct lets you choose your character in ranked before you fight, but once you are locked in you are locked in to deter counter picking your matchups. SFV takes it one step further by forcing you to pre select your character so you can’t counter pick them on the first match after you see who they are.

Allows them to track matchup stats on CFN pretty easily when everything is structured that way. If you wanna switch/counter pick you have to go to the lounges. I believe the Soul Calibur beta works the same way where you must pre select your character before you hit ranked.

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that…thing is real?

Yes, it is.
Straight from the in-game store. :frowning:

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Is the Mecha Gief out yet or nah?

i really dont want to know how far they will go with sf6 at this point…

I think you’ll be at least interested. Interested.


oh, of course. looking forward to it…actually i wish it would come rather sooner then later. :coffee: