SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

it’s -6 but hard to punish, low blockstun. I almost never use a 6f punish on it, I go for a 4f.

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Wow confident that sfv, samsho, and doa6 will last until the end of time then eh? I like it.


I don’t know what some of you all are talking about. Akuma IS cheap as fuck. He’s got options out the ass, and just cause some of the other top tiers might be better than him doesn’t mean that he’s fair or some shit. At the end of the day though I don’t care. I don’t play at a level where it makes a huge difference like the pros.

All of the current top tiers have been so since they dropped so they’re damn lucky cause being good for just one season in this new age of fighters is really all you can expect nowadays. And most of them have been top for several. If they get heavily nerfed they are the ones that have ZERO reason to complain.

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SC6 is really really good, I always loved swordplay games like Dark Souls/For Honor etc. Having a fighting game that revolves around it is dope.

I used to play IV when I was younger on the 360, had a ton of fun on that.


pc… :frowning:

Topanga League is on right now. MOV and Daigo are neck and neck.

Like @Dime said it depends on which Hozanto you use, the LP one is more ambiguous to react with the properly punish. In pressure situations I use cr.lp xxlp Palm more often, I’ll go with the LP Hozanto when the opponent mistimed his meaties. Since it works after cr.lp X2 you have enough time to decide if using the shoulder or not. Being hitter by buttons after LP Hozanto happens often, don’t worry, you have to be used for. You’re right, against whoever does his homework it’s useless.

That’s the thing I hate the most in SFV. Having a -2 normal/special and an EX Reversal means having the possibility to do that turn steal, it’s risky and could be punished, but that thing gave to the game an awkward random feeling. Even spaced moves at -3/-4 can do the trick, a friend of mine is a master of it with well spaced Necalli st.HK (-4) and then EX Dp right after. There’s a plenty of it in the game, but I don’t think Capcom will touch this thing.

100% agree, the fact that few characters have answers to some of his options doesn’t mean the character is fine since the biggest part of the cast can’t do shit against him. Since S1 we have assisted at top tier changes, so I wouldn’t be surprised nor disappointed if even the actual ones will drop off the top spots.

I don’t mind Menat being top tier. She can wake up 3 frame if she wants to. If I keep my meaties and oki on point she ain’t stealing back her turn. And menats are easily the most non v reversal using players in sfv. (Urien and G love to sit on v trigger too).

Akuma has a fuck load of options AND you still gotta worry bout Ex DP. Rashid, Cammy and guile can go fuck themselves too. I’d lump necalli with them, but no one plays him.

Sometimes I legit be forgetting Necalli is in this game.

  • on his master rank up match…opponent is Luffy.

fuck man, i almost had it. i was so close.


Finally got the damn thing,


Congrats homie. Always nice to see my SRK brethren level up.

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That is part of the issue that others have raised.

Most similar characters will have trade-offs in their designs. Ken isn’t Ryu-but-worse, he is Ryu taken in a different direction. Storywise, Sakura should be weaker than Ryu, but her moveset is different enough (not strictly better or worse, just different) that she can be equal or excel. Sagat gets two fireball heights but loses the hurricane kick, and gets other benefits and losses.

Nash and Guile are a particularly good example; Nash is no longer a charge character. Early in SFV’s life, Ono had stressed that he didn’t want characters that were too similar, and Nash appeared to be proof of that early desire.

When you look at other (non-shoto) master/apprentice characters, you find that Capcom has largely sidestepped the whole issue by making the characters rather different, sometimes with only token similarities. Menat takes almost nothing from Rose. Zeku is different from Guy. Ed is almost nothing like either Boxer or Dictator.

Akuma, by design, is “better shoto”. As Saitsu said, Akuma is defined by being more than the other shotos. Akuka is a stock shoto design; just with twice (or more) the number of extra options bolted onto his moveset. He was originally made to unfairly dominate with those extras, and they’ve become staples of his design. Even during the Alpha era, Capcom openly acknowledged the feeling that characters like Akuma and Dan didn’t need to be balanced, justifying it with the (IMO false) belief that unbalanced characters gave players more “choice”. That period only helped cement Akuma’s design.

There might have been some wiggle room if Akuma’s stock shoto elements hadn’t been so stock. Sean didn’t get a fireball. Dan got a short-range fireball. Sakura has every stock element changed. Introduce some holes in that all-round core, or at least shake up the formula. There might have been some wiggle room if Akuma’s extras weren’t so all around effective, both on individual use and in how they cover other areas of play. But instead Capcom made sure those extra features were all both useful on their own and that each added to the whole. Capcom took an all-rounder core, then built it up to cover so much more.

Capcom was left trying to justify matters by making Akuma a glass cannon, but that doesn’t really work. Making him glass enough to matter really just shifts victory and loss to greater extremes.


Bonus points for using the Lilith colour on Chun, it’s my favourite as well.

M Bison really won Evo


This is awesome!
Congratulations on the master rank! :slight_smile:

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Menat is the only character after Necalli I’ve ever seen waking up with shorts practically most of the time at any level. Why spending V-meter for VR when popping VT she can erase half of your life? Being 2 bars she can do it twice a round if she use VS often. Orb explosion hitbox and her not having hurtbox on her limbs are good reasons to not want her where she is now. I don’t want more Justin Wong-like Menats around.

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I’d rather deal with a top tier that you can whiff punish and play some interesting neutral with than Menat. There are very few characters that can fight Menat in meaningful way. It’s basically “how many good ways do you have to bait/guess hop over her s.HP and start shit” the matchup. Only strong fireball characters can play interesting neutral vs her otherwise and she always has a reflect to reverse their momentum.

In the limb character situation at least Dhalsim can actually be whiff punished and you get some really interesting matches with Fuudo vs F.Champ and the such. Akuma has a lot of good stuff, but at long as you’re playing a character that isn’t shit you can actually play footsies and whiff punish him for the most part and fight him with more traditional options.

Menat is one of those characters that for the most part only lets you play neutral her way and you have to be one of the characters that can reliably hop over her neutral or fireball it down and press shit at her until she dies. Making most of the matchups vs her very similar. Most characters the only interesting way they have to fight Menat is “somehow get in and don’t let her play, because if she plays then you don’t get to play”. Akuma is good, but he doesn’t work like that at all.


Meh, there is no CC problem. People need to git gud and stop whiffing buttons because they can’t actually play neutral which is basically everyone that plays sf5. “Hey, I can’t play neutral and react to dashes so I’m just going to sit here and press shittily spaced buttons hoping that I hit my opponents shittily spaced buttons and dashes!, yeah awesome (gets CC’d) man, CCs suck, nerf them!”


The game is bad and nerfing it more isn’t gojng to make it better. You want a good game? Bring back long ranged lows and long ranged special cancels that are safe on block and do good damage. Bam, better game.
After that, make either quick rise or backrise cost a bar (not both, just one). Bam, MUCH better game. If that happened you could take out CC and the game would be legit and all that it would need is better AA all around.

But none of that shit will happen. IMHO.
What might happen is that CC gets nerfed to hell and people are basically going to be playing “wiff attack, the game” and people will ore of that shit in 5 months and people will leave sf5 in droves after getting “what they want” and people will look towards sf6 to “save” them with good gameplay which will once again be cheap as fuck and fun and people will complain about that again after 6 months or so and the cycle repeats itself.

TLDR, don’t nerf the cheap shit. Just keep the cheap shit in check so the game don’t turn into marvel, and give the characters who don’t have cheap enough shit, cheaper shit so they can compete. Non cheap shit is boring as fuck.


Today will be footsies Saturday, where we all play footsies and never jump. And when we land crazy confirms we scream HI HI