SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

But he’s got low health and stubby normals! I just hate these character archetypes. Give them every advantage, but slap low health on them and call it a day. But Akuma wouldn’t be Akuma without being cheap as fuck.


Chun’s normals are twice as long as Akuma’s but his “stubby” st.mk is more terrifying than anything Chun has.

The worst thing about fighting the character though - is the air fireballs. I can take all the other crap he has - but those are just like the icing on the cake. It’s yet ANOTHER thing you have to deal with that doesn’t even allow you to AA properly, and a lot of characters have no answer for them.


There it is. That ugly free pass that he’s been getting for decades! But god forbid, Bison (The motherfucking BOSS) or most anyone else for that matter has some bullshit and watch everyone lose their god damn mind.

No. Fuck Akuma!


You know why Akuma gets that free pass? Because if he wasn’t cheap, he’d be boring and have no place in the game. He simply doesn’t have a niche without being cheap. His entire existence is predicated on being a Shoto on Crack. Without it, he simply doesn’t have an identity. Bison doesn’t have to be cheap to be Bison. He doesn’t answer to any other character, he lives in his own reality. Akuma is literally defined by other characters and what he does compared to them.


I think all things considered this is a pretty well done Akuma. He’s still good at a lot of things while not 7 3ing every big character in the game (Gief can fight Akuma pretty well in this game). When it comes down to it the only actual thing Akuma is doing wrong is just outclassing the other shotos (nothing new for him) and outclassing other characters (again, nothing new for him). He isn’t a complete gnat to try to land a hit on like he is in ST or earlier SFIV’s so that’s something at least.

Akuma shouldn’t be bashed for just doing some of what he does while being in a game where other characters just aren’t up to par with his basic toolset. Air fireball is solid and works, but his regular air fireball IMO the worst air fireball he’s ever had. For most of the better cast it’s pretty doable to deal with, it just unfortunately is just good enough to act as the barrier for “is your character CPT material/can they deal with Akuma or not?” Air EX Fireball and Trigger air fireballs are legit cheap, but those are resource/trigger based.

Like I don’t think anyone that plays Guile, Cammy, Ibuki or Menat needs to complain about Akuma. The top characters all have good shit vs his air fireball and his gameplan in general. Akuma’s only anti projectile stuff are all arc based and he doesn’t have a real pass through option other than HK tatsu which basically has to be used as a read vs Guile or Sagat. Sagat and Falke are both mid/low tier characters that I believe do very well or come close to beating him. Blanka I would say comes close to legit beating him (he did well vs Akuma in IV also) and Birdie would be the one character I believe beats Akuma (not hugely, but at least slight win and throws off his gameplan the most).

To be a top tier you have to shit on or invalidate other characters and that’s nothing Akuma is doing alone. Cammy, Ibuki, Guile and Menat are all better versions of other archetypes and all should really take as much hate as Akuma does.

Honestly I really don’t understand why Menat isn’t complained about more than Akuma. She basically neutrally removes more of the cast from the game than Akuma does. Just her buttons alone can win entire matches vs quite a lot of the cast and she arguably has more things that need to be changed/altered for her to be “more fair” than Akuma does. Akuma you could literally change 3 or 4 things and he becomes another honest shoto in a game that people slam for not having strong enough shotos.

Akuma is the hero we don’t want that puts the entirely of shotodom on his back for the game (with some side help from fireballess shoto Cammy).


soul kaliber beta is fun u all should play it!!!


I tried playing on PS4 but waited 10 minutes and couldn’t find a match. My friend said they couldn’t find a match on PS4 either and had to switch to Xbone to get matches. From what I’m hearing there isn’t a moves list either and fuck no moves list for a 3d fighter.

Akuma did nothing wrong and he’s pretty balanced. If you have problems fighting Akuma then I’m sure you have problems fighting Ryu, Ken, Sakura and Sagat. Leave Akuma alone, please buff Juri, Sagat and Falke.

And fix Karin. P-please.

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Everyone is a scrub and easy to beat. I learned how to play ivy sort of already by hitting and testing buttons while im 2 rounds up on the next guy, so tough it out!!!

Matches sometime hard to find, sometime not. Make sure to set ping to all, netcode actually super good so its not even a worry.

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Yeah I’ll just wait until launch then. Not pressed to wait to beat up on scrubs without a moves list. I’ll be playing DOA6 more providing that actually has good netcode for once (not counting on it but we’ll see)

SFV Arcade Cab Edition , Sam Sho reboot thingamabobber and DOA6 will work for me until Uncanny Marvel

I played a bit earlier. Basically fought a legion of scrubs (I’m also a scrub) and went up against one good Zasalamel. The netcode seems okay to me, just wish there was training mode.


He’ll have SNK boss Syndrome like: OG Shao Kahn or ST Gouki…


SF5 Cammy???

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Havent played the sc beta, but according to one of my sc2 friends, 8 way run is still pretty shit and the game still devolves to tekken style 2d action rather than the great 3d background and foreground movement the game was known for. Also he seems to hate the new super moves… invincible autoparrying reversal that does ridiculous damage.

SCVI runs really smooth online but without movelists or training mode I’m not going to bother much. Haven’t played any of these characters in the last 15 years.

He invalidates a lot of the cast at a high level. I dont mean that hypoethetically either. He does so for very practical reasons.

Not really sure what you do to him other than lower his life to 850 ot 825 and call it a day.

Keep him with 900 HP but give him 800/850 stun?
He isn’t THAT bad in SFV.

As he is now, a good Zangief will make him stay grounded all through the match because he can’t afford to take those lariats and air SPDs already.
His air fireball is a bit annoying to deal with Falke, but it is not the end of the world. Demon flips? Sweet free scheinder damage.
And with Sakura I would just walk under his air fireball thanks to her OD walkspeed.

The only Akuma thing that pisses me off is hard knockdown from VT1 DP.

Something my zeku training showed me that helps with akuma, and that some Akumas really don’t get… how to use his airfireballs as jumpins:

  1. You need your opponent to be using normals as AA’s
  2. You need to establish a normal jumpin “habit” from a range that your airfireball will work from. Big note is that it is not from upclose and this is one of the biggest problems when fighting akuma, this airfireball jumpin mixup is actually available from quite a far distance away which makes it easy to setup.

The way I learned this was with zeku. With him I could never do his “demonflip” mixups. I would try to use his M flip into a jumpin, or his M flip into fats fall to make the DP wiff. This shit never worked.

I eventually realized that I had to use M flip as a jumpin and L flip into fastfall. Once I started to apply that is when people started whiffing DPs against me and gave up on trying to DP my jumpins regularly. But that’s not all. I also had to know what distance this was available from. That is also what is largely applicable when using Akumas air fireball as a jumpin. In other words if people are walking under it, you are spacing it wrong since it should have been spaced from further out anyways.

I know Zeku’s shoulder is -5 or something but due to inexistent blockstun I always get counterhit by him pressing a button afterwards.

I mean it’s definitely my fault but why on earth are they pressing buttons after a -5 hit move? Seems like a shitty habit to have if you want to rank up because i might work against me but it’s a free ticket to stunland in higher ranks.

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Even in higher ranks i’ve come across fools who mash after -2

Its a byproduct of playing online SFV. They know lag is a factor so why not do it?

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Iirc it’s -6 or -8.

But it’s super low blockstun. That’s why they do moves after it. Here’s the thing:

I can do it once a round if I use the light version and it will basically never be punished, in fact the opponent will probably not get out a button fast enough to get CH.

But what if I use the heavy version from halfscreen on block? Well even though all the versions have the same block advantage and comparable blockstun, the heavy version is much more likely to get me punished or CH if I press a button on block. That’s because of its slow startup. The opponent t will be more ready to take advantage of the negative frames from a slow startup move, than from a fast one.

Predictability is however a thing. If I do cr.lp x2 xx L shoulder… the first time, even the second time I’ll probably get away with it. But after that my opponent will be looking for it and will likely get a punish on me. Likewise if I almost never use that string, but my opponent has played me a lot and knows that whenever I use that string I do blocked L shoulder as well… it doesn’t matter how little I use it because as soon as they see the cr.lp they already know what comes next and will be ready for it. This is why mixing up blockstrings is so important.