SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Regardless of all these “great tools” she still gets mauled down by a lot of the cast.

God forbid Juri actually gets something good i guess.


Can’t tell if serious…all these characters are full blown retarded except Urien. Before he got knee capped by Capcops he was dumb as hell too.


uh? Urien is easily top 10, and I play him

Pre nerfs I would agree with you. Post nerf Urien is tame as hell. I’d take the Urien matchup over every real top 10 character in this game 10/10.

Necalli, Mika, Cammy, guile, Menat, rashid, bison, Ibuki, birdie, and Akuma are all better than Urien.

I put Urien below all them with Kolin, ken, Karin and Balrog.

Mauled down doesn’t really mean anything. Most of the cast of ST can maul you down. 3S just about everyone can maul you or stun you off some shit once they have meter, that’s not really inherently a problem and she has better anti rush tools than most of the cast. Lot of characters wish they could cover their approach with a fireball that stuffs most normal based attacks while still having some of the better AA’s in the game, 2 3 frame lights, a s.MK that’s has a short hurt box and pretty safe to throw around and an EX DP.

Alex and G you could say are characters that are more subject to getting mauled down with no recourse once it gets going. Unless you have super, if you are caught blocking some serious stuff with G you better have the best V Reversal of your life or you’re eating shit until you’re dead. Alex luckily at least has VT1 parry to break up some frame traps and wake up scenarios.

I’ll have to mostly agree with Stronzolo on this. Urien is still basically near top 10 in top hands. All of his nerfs are things that top players have already adjusted for or lead to a similar situation by just changing their gameplan (using more charged s.HP, going for different post EX DP block/whiff combos etc.) His changes only nerfed scrub Uriens. He even has better AA now which was one of the only things average Urien players complained about. It’s still not foolproof AA, but considering he racks up near the highest AA damage in the game and can use Aegis as an AA, it’s definitely enough for him.


Urien is no doubt good, but he’s no longer oppressive like the characters I rank above him.

I would say he’s every bit oppressive as those characters, he just has other holes that they don’t like not having any true projectile invincible option outside of Aegis or situational V Skill special move (the reason he has trouble vs Guile). Rough match vs Guile is probably the only actual thing keeping him out of top 10.

Aegis is still nearly the most game changing trigger in the game and completely changes how you have to fight him before he even activates which is big. It also allows him to convert off of special moves into combos that he can convert into game winning situations that he normally can’t.


honestly I can’t understand why people are against buffing Juri, she’s the epitome of a mediocre character (most notable players put her exactly at the center of their tier lists) with the aggravating that she’s also very hard to optimize.
Heck most of the cast should be brought to the same level of Guile and Akuma

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Hell yes, let’s buff Zangief to Akuma levels!

it’s funny because I was just talking with a friend of mine how Akuma has a seconda CA that’s basically Gief CA (same damage too) with the exception that his can be kara cancelled:smiley:

Thankfully he needs full resources to do it. Can’t remember the last time I actually got hit with a raging demon. Akuma is too reliant on his ex moves to make it feasible too often. Akuma players basically have to spend EX to have a shot of getting on my Falke so it at least makes demon a non factor most of the time.

Last time I was faced with the demon situation, I air shot and saw he go past under me, missing it completely.
Then I was left to deal with a low life Akuma with no trigger and no bar.
Definitely worth using demon against Falke, yep.


I’m still waiting for the footage of a Akuma player doing a regular teleport into Demon. One day the stars will align, a player’s brain will fail and I’ll get the laugh of the year.

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Full blown retarded? This is true power! FEEL IT WITHIN YOUR BODY!


I think the last time I got hit by a demon was when I played Chris Hu.

I’m usually pretty mindful when they’re trying to catch me slippin. Once I see them getting ready to whiff HK, I’m holding-up.

Dunno I just rate sfv characters based on if they are a douchebag from round start to round end or just a douche when they got that trigger ready. Urien is simply the latter in my eyes.

Maybe it’s cause I played a bit of Urien and I just know the character well. Outside of v trigger he seems so damn fair. He reminds me of Kolin where I just don’t give a damn bout what they can do until they got trigger.

That’s mostly how I feel about fighting Akuma. He’s the most overcomplained about of the top 5 and very beatable but he’s still top 5.

Urien still has a lot of things that are strong in this game and he only needs to hit you 2 or 3 times to kill you with a vast array of things that hit high and low and confirm into damage and corner carry. Corner carry among the best in the game and he can kill you with or without trigger with ease once you hit the corner. Play against grand master urien with optimized block strings that put the feat of ex headbutt in so you have to hold shit and he’s always a threat easily in or or of trigger. Vs any character that doesn’t have a zoning game his fireball basically sets up free get ins and the fact that he has a fireball at all for his offense is really strong. Then aegis on top of it all.

I either hate Akuma when I’m playing Sakura or I get to unga with Balrog st. Hk.

Akuma gets so much hate cause he shits on half the cast free without trying.

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I’ll hate akuma all I want because I said he was good from the jump off and nobody believed.

The problem with him is that he has the gameplan of 5 different characters and he is better at it than all of then. If you play Ryu, Ken, Necalli, Zeku, Sakura, Sagat, Juri, Ed or Cody then you should just play Akuma instead. There is literally nothing those characters do that akuma cant do better. Hell you could probably play Akuma like Karin and it’d work out. In some spots Air Fireball is better than Cammy’s divekick so fuck that blonde bitch too.

When you look at how much he has, its kind of nonsensical.