SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Zumi vs Kazunoko

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There should be a weekly Shadaloo soldier that does the 1000FM/5000FM reward. Stop trying to get me to open my wallet Capcom!

It’s time to give Juri her stores and buff lk fuha, Kaz wasn’t having any of that shit. crlp and stHK checks makes me cry.

Buff her fireball? That’s arguably her strongest tool, it’s totally fine.

In fact I feel like Juri in general is fine right now. The only weird thing still is that she starts the round without stores, I feel like that’s a buff they should totally give her.

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Buffing Juri her fireball isn’t unreasonable at all, regardless if it is her strongest tool. Her fireball honestly needs to be changed from -2 -> +1 oB, and changed from +2 oH -> +4. What you are seeing when fighting against Juri and how she cancels into her fireball and dashes afterwards is fake, you can jump out, do any special or normal that has projectile invincibility. A common scenario is doing crmk xx fireball, dash afterwards. Smoke and mirrors.

It’s a stored fireball one where you risk getting jumped in on or eating a whiffpunish, then the 2nd time you use it you risk the same scenario. If you use her fireball to get in in neutral, then you can’t use it to apply “pressure”(i say pressure because it is minus on block).

What you also seem to forget is that almost every character that has a projectile has an EX version of their projectile that is + oB or it’s locked behind a VT, Juri has neither, then you have Guile who’s regular fireball is +2 but made “fair” because he has to charge for it. Once juri uses it it’s gone, she doesn’t have a 2nd or third fireball ready, it’s one time us

Juri her upclose pressure is not good, look at her framedata, her only + oB button is her st+mp and her lights, her st+mp has so a lot of pushback she struggles converting from it when she uses a light beforehand as sometimes still CH pushback makes st+mk whiff or even her cr+mp/cr+mk.

How about no, she is not fine, her playstyle is too to inconsistent to be “fine”. Constantly running away trying to get her stores which risk you eating a jump in while not even having anything on screen to control the horizontal space, you just whiff a fat special that has no range, risk reward doesnt even out.

Your idea of letting her start with her stores will probably work somewhat but its also the laziest of options, because once her stores are used and gone she still has the same major flaws.

What she actually needs is this:

Her Store needs more horizontal range OR needs to move forward when cancelled into. The reason is so thta she can use herstore later during a blockstring. It currently whiffs after 2 light attack(light, light xx store) So she has to commit to doing 1 light, 1 medium xx store. What if she happened to get a counterhit when st+mp hits? She couldn’t convert because you have to COMMIT to doing it on block. Her store having more range will allow her to apply presure more effectively and she’ll be able to do combos where she gets her store back.

Not convinced yet? Her store does , wait for it, 30 damage, the same as a single light attack. The tradeoff is she needs to eithr use EX bar to get more damage(ex fuha) or be in corner to convrt into more damage. This tradeoff to me seems great, choose your stores to get more pressure or go for the damage, if you want both you’ll need to use EX bar.

This single change will “fix” her playstyle largely and is more fun and effective than simply giving her stores at the beginning of a round.

To throw in a last change, her VT Fireball shouldn’t knock down.

In short Juri needs these 3 changes:

  1. store increased horizontal range(expand hitbox or make it move forward more when cancelled into)
  2. Her Fireball changed from -2 oB > +1 oB, changed from +2 oH > +4 oH(link st+lk naturally)
  3. VT Fireball should NOT knock down.

Hows this dojo thing anybody?

Lock basically summed it up also Cammy and a lot of other characters do not give a flying fuck about Juri’s fireball
I dunno what y’all are looking at when analyzing matches

Edit: In terms of that match
Overall: Zumi’s meaties were getting beat by crlp and EXDP, took him too long to adjust to wake up timing + wrong meaties + Cammy’s normals just butt fucked him when he had no stores aka not giving Juri the spacing to get a store + staying in range to punish a store

-55 Seconds: He just didn’t block
-Proceeds to get butt fucked
-3:24: FB release blocked, Cammy tries to challenge with a crLP and eats a stHK which is nothing to fear in the long run of a set, you block and neutral is reset
-Proceeds to win the round by using stMK, stMP and everything but a fireball
-Wins the set because of dropped combos when she was just getting butt fucked again by Cammy
-5:30 FB release > VT gets butt fucked by DK aka Cammy doesn’t give a shit + bad timing on Zumis part also
-Juri loses due to be overwhelmed again
-Juri Perfected and dies with HK store again
-Kazu has adjusted and is just jumping back when a store is released + Juri does not have VS loaded to punish
-Juri butt fucked again

Man I’m not doing this
Juri is not FINE and she needs proper adjustments to compete
just like the other mid to low tiers
either you get that in S4 or expect Capcom to just nerf all of the top tiers which ain’t happening. Juri had to work her ass off during that set and still got perfected twice

Cammy too skrong


Besides the fireball buff that’s hardly the game changing change list a bad character would need to be strong. And just because some top tiers shit on the fireball doesn’t mean it needs to be buffed to the point of being unreasonable in other matchups. It’s a mini Birdie can right now with way less startup. Sure it would be nice to able to combo off of it à la SFIV but characters who want to fight her inside fireball range without having tools to contest it will be pretty free to it after those changes.

And I say she’s fine because she can totally win matches and doesn’t have glaring weaknesses like Gief or Ryu. She’s not retarded good like Guile, Akuma or Cammy but a lot of characters aren’t and can still be considered good in their own right. the only big thing that sets her apart form characters of similar strength (tier-wise) is that she needs more work to be effective. But that’s a player thing, not a character thing, even if that’s the reason I dropped her midway in S2.


Giving Juri a +oB regular fb? Y’all know her fireballs aren’t 100% beatable like the others, right? I’ll give you that, BUT in exchange I want the possibility to bypass them with Zeku like I do vs every fireball in the game without jumping. Deal? LK Tensenrin -8 oB even after stand block, it’s ok? I have keep going? Juri isn’t top 10 for sure, but I don’t want another female Guile again like she was in SF4 (Capcom neither), so move on and appreciate what you have a bit more.


Didnt the Juri player win the set?

No buffs things are fine wait for v ism to get extended feng shui cawmbos

Juri has 2 moves that tear through projectiles so her projectile won’t ever be anything more than a footsie cover. Which it does pretty well at this point.

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Juri won the battle but not the war.


Y’all pick and choose who to write paragraphs for I swear
But since the current theme is Heavies and Fireballs

Juri is going to get buffed no matter what you think anyway. Also since the term female guile wants to be thrown around. Prepare for Falke to fuck you in the ass in Season 4 as well.

I know the set is kinda old but nobody uses Juri online :^)

Gentleman Thief is still the only Juri I watch (and Hsien when he’s at a major). Actually I’ll probably start watching Rabbito also now that he’s Ultimate Grand and doesn’t jump as much as he used to. He’s real solid now.

I don’t like any of the asian Juris. Think they play really reckless and don’t really optimize her combos or strings. Yossan never charges v skill for like whatever reason. They’re unwatchable for me.

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Juri is in a good spot at the moment. Strong but not retarded like cammy or guile


I’ll keep it a buck too, I don’t watch any and I can only give my experienced opinion no theory fighting.

And according to The Godfather Valle, Juri would not be in a good spot since her VT2 is gutter trash :^) You need two good V-Triggers to for all encounters.

Or something like that. Edit: Random but Claw needs to be shot up to B+ tier so I can feel rage again.

I think Zumi will be the next Juri star.

+1 fireball wouldn’t be overbearing and is all she needs to justify her store mechanic atm. I’d argue giving her +2 to be completely honest, her fireball SHOULD be total lockdown.

Before any counter-points are made, her fireball can’t contest fireball wars, can’t loop itself in the corner and the main point I’d like to bring up is that Juri’s pressure normals are very limited. Not to mention that doing stores in the neutral is punishable by a large portion of the cast.

Juri has her shorts, jabs and st.mp. No other button is able to contest pressure which makes her range 0 pretty linear, open up the close game with her fireball pressure from IV allowing for new throw situations, frame traps and shimmies and suddenly she’s basically a complete package due to adjusting one tool. I’d also argue giving her back her old fireball link combos.


Her fireball doesn’t need to contest fireball wars because she already has the strongest anti-fireball tools in the entire game (pre-emptive flip kick, reactionary EX flip kick and most importantly V-Skill). It’s almost impossible to zone her as is, she doesn’t need a fourth option to bypass plasma.

I’m all for fireball combos but in that case I want Capcom to just go straight back to how she worked in SFIV with negative edge, because a +8 oH fireball while still being able to tech throws and using lights is kind of ridiculous.


Bison, Urien, Balrog, Mika, Birdie, Rashid etc. are characters that are strong without being full blown retarded like the top 5, Juri is a whole tier below them.


Her defensive game is also really strong for how much space she can control. Two 3 frame lights including one that hits low. Anything other than real tight traps and you’re dealing with lights into s.MK into she gets her space back. While still having a command EX DP and a not great, but not terrible v reversal (the best characters have a lot of ways to bait v reversals any way).

If all they did was just give her a plus 3 on block s.MP with more range I’d be fine with that. Maybe make VT1 last a tad longer and make VT2 more presentable. Other than that, she’s pretty solid at this point.

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