SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Oh fuck yes SC feels amazing. Gonna hard with Geralt and the goat Zasalamel.

@Dime yeah feels like sieg mains just gonna migrate on over to nightmare and wreck shit. That character is a problem for sure.


3k can transition into stance for a faster turn take into mixup

& nah Sieg is fucking insane his damage output when he has Dark Legacy(<30% health) is stupidly high. Couple it with Soul Charge and he can probably one touch kill you.

Ok so it seems that he no longer has his old sweep from sc1 and sc2. That’s nightmare. Ok. Fuck Siegfried and Namco. Shithouse company.

I’ve been trying Soul Calibur too.

Ivy is THICC, but my heart belongs to that Rasputin-looking motherfucker Azwel. Shame he’s not in the beta.

By the way, it’s amazing how many wins you can get with literal mashing without even knowing what moves you have.

I’ve been saying you the best for awhile now!
I’ll go watch your match asap.

Don’t forget 3s and stop dreaming. SFV ain’t gonna end successful like none of his predecessors, don’t be delusional.

You actually think people give a shit about SF3 let alone 3s? Lol! You stop dreaming.


I…I’ve never read a Daemos comment witha curse word

DOA5 also had an arcade cab. Used to watch tournaments for it sometimes.


What is even worse is that once you get to the 2000pp points or so, everyone constantly abuse the fuck out of RE, cause ofcourse it needs to armor through lows and highs, unthrowable and does massive damage and build you a fuck ton of meter so you can yolo your 1 button CA later.

Sure you can side step it but thay mechanic is seriously dumb as shit, especially since the actual clash thing is nothing but a glorified rock papers scissors.

Also 1.button CA is stupid beyond belief. Very easy to throw out mid string or punish whiffs since the zero execution.

Other than that,game is great and Ivy seems OP so am enjoying it.

My friend was also talking about the 1 button stuff in the game you can just throw around that can take away 25 percent of life or more. I imagine stuff like that will get altered later in the game’s life. Soul Calibur has always been notorious for funky mechanics that have to get fleshed out or never exactly do.

Looking how the game is alive and well at least in Japan? Yes. Same story for 2X. Without not even including his rocky start SFV will be remembered as the first SF that opened the E-Sports door, nothing else, but definitely Capcom did better works before. Not from a mere gameplay standpoint, which is subjective, but as overall quality of the game itself. They have time to fix some things, but they’ve lost the chance to improve their SF4 results. That’s a fact.

You’ve got so much wrong my friend.

SF5 is in the present, it has so much going for it, and we are barely at the halfway point. So much could change from now until the end. Capcom has ample opportunity to improve and they have!

SF5 as of today has done a lot of right besides the “subjective gameplay”. The roster, animations, story, game modes, music, stages, update system, DLC, all of which are some of the best in the series if not outright best in terms of quality, and attention to detail. Not to mention the e-sports. That’s a lot of good to remember and be thankful for IMO.

I really hope you get Makoto next season just so you can put down those dark shades, and join the party with the rest of us. There’s enough costumes and CC’s for everyone here!


Capcom has done incredibly well supporting SFV and bringing it to a wider audience. From the character reveals to the seamless integration into e-sports, they have done a fantastic job marketing the brand SF.

Now imagine how successful SFV would be if it were actually a good game. Think for a second how mind-boggling it is that the game is promoted so well that people are willing to gloss over things like shallow gameplay, slot machine-esque mechanics and input lag cycles. If nothing else, Capcom deserves credit for that.


Having fun with the SC6 network test atm.
Only concerns I have so far is the input delay you can really notice sometimes (but it seems to be a bug because according to Aris, he played a version at his house with less input lag).
And Reversal Edge. I mean, it could be that we don’t know enough about the game yet, but to me it feels like it has too many advantages and slows down the match too much. But we’ll see how it is when the game comes out.

Ivy feels great in this one. I still remember a lot of her stuff from previous games. Very strong mid/long range game. Feels stronger than she was in V.

Other characters I tried are Siegfried, Sophitia, Tira, Voldo and Zasalamel.
Especially Tira and Zasalamel are fun. Zas is interesting to me and could end up being a secondary of mine, because he has a similar playstyle to Ivy.

It felt really good doing GI super with him yesterday:

Tira is quite fun as well. But like Ivy, I really need practice mode with her.

Youll notice people are hypocrites when it comes to low tier. I’ve tried to argue that Sagats gaurd break should do more damage. “Broken” apparently.

Meanwhile Menat…

If Capcom just fixed input lag the game would be damn near perfect.

All the shit flinging bout top tiers is venting and happens with all fighting games. Just gotta remember getting gud is the end game.

I made silly soulcalibur video


I want to play astaroth but he’s not in the beta :frowning:


I see you with the 37k subscribers dude. :eyes: :+1:t5:


When max is overthrown and the FGC is saved, those who had part in the revolution will be remembered as heroes