SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

A lot of games are “alive and well” in Japan, including USFIV, because the arcade culture is still strong there. Japan is hardly a parameter for anything.


I’m not even halfway through the thread yet, but since all these posts I’m seeing right now are making me think about it, I just want to say fuck Akuma. He’s a stupid meme/April fools joke come fruition from wack ass EGM and has been the consistent factor of killing my fun in the series for decades (and is now crossing over into other series I like such as Tekken ffs). Being matched up against one who knows how to use his tools properly is always a shitty time. IDC who considers him fair or not, it’s a shitty time. Even when I win it feels like I fought some input reading, SNK boss syndrome crap: yeah I survived… but I don’t feel good.

If he ever becomes low tier for once (which he never is) and his player base actually has to struggle. Good. Fuck him!

…okay, carry on with whatever you’re discussing that I haven’t gotten to yet.


I don’t mind Akuma, sure. The dude is cheap, has a diverse array of strong tools and incredible damage access/mobility.

But I’d rather an Akuma be a strong overall pick than something like Guile, because Guile IMO seems to beat certain characters so hard they don’t have a chance at reaching viability and get thrown into a lower tier from him alone.


3s and 2X are still tournament material there, not only in the arcade cabs, i.e. Coop Cup.

Don’t think so, but let’s see what happens in S4.

I think the game would still need slight data adjustments on recovery, dashes etc. to some factors that require a heavy hyper-focus to reactively stop.

Certain characters, jab - dash game is pretty strong for instance. Very hard to see without a pre-mediated idea of what’s coming. Could easily say it has it’s place within the game though.

Some heavy attacks have strange frame data/hurtbox properties that could be seen to, and the obvious range issue some of the older characters have.

Adjust those slightly, and I think a lot of the current complaints would die down. But it could also introduce other problems I can’t think of.

I’m the total opposite, if I beat a top tier character I’d actually enjoy it because it shows that I did things right to overcome his powers. It’s fun to strugge and eventually beat someone who just by character pick has the odds in his/her favor. If we only fought against zangiefs what would be the point?

Dunno, it’s all on Capcom. As always, fixing can help on one side and open a can of worms in the other end. The input lag fix was requested since day one, but we’re still here.

Can be satisfying for a bit, stressful when you have to fight them 90% of the time, the pleasure of overcoming a bad MU goes away then. No surprise here, but I think players becomes a bit too sensitive regarding tier list nowadays, it’s hard to find more variety online.

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but just when they turned off the add blocker :coffee:

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For me anyway fixing input lag so walking forward into a boom or birdie can and actually being able block consistently, stop ken and bison dashing for free, or use certain AA buttons realiably would be a god send.

I can accept a lot of dumb shit, hell I did in umvc3. But I’d like to deal with dumb shit and not feel like I’m wading through a swamp.

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I really enjoy soul calibur 6 its the perfect amount of everything, from BS to footies, whiff punishing, spacing, mind games, 50/50’s and character knowledge.

I really hope it takes off


I really hope I find a character that clicks n the full version but yeah, it’s rather fun. One button supers need to go though, they were already ridiculously good in SCV where they had SF motions but here they’re borderline retarded.

Fixing input lag requires a good adjustment of frame data to keep the game offensive.
Many overheads are already “enters once in a blue moon” kind of moves, with less input lag they become garbage whose challenge is to avoid pulling by input errors (hell, please make Ibuki’s overhead 3 MK instead of 6 MK because it’s annoying having to pull the stick on neutral when pressuring). Similarly, less lag would probably mean a lot of throw teching and that gets boring fast.

About Akuma, more than being annoyed by him I’m annoyed by how the rest of the cast got nerfed for having tools that are about as powerful like his or even less. Kind of feels like SF4 AE Yun situation. If he’s fine, then return Mika, Necalli, Nash, Urien, Balrog, Chun Li and everyone else nerfed to their also fine not nerfed status. Or bringing him down to everyone else’s levels but that would be terrible honestly. I rather have all characters having strong, fearsome tools than playing husks of their former selves. No one has ever picked a character in order to have a fair fight.

Akuma is a douche yeah, but fuck reverting Urien or Mika. That’s the type of shit we don’t need.

We gonna see what Capcom has in mind for next rebalance, no need to bother now.

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I still like overcoming stuff, I still lab heavily to overcome character problems all the time. But I’ve been dealing with it vs this character for over 2 decades now and coupled with Capcom’s BS about their design/balance approach (“commitment”) but really cherry picking who they follow through with that, it just irks me now.

Also it’s mainly just the “everything” characters that tend to boil down to mostly guessing that get annoying to me, not really the odds. Like a lot of people don’t like fighting Guile, but I don’t mind it because I can deal with the “rules of fighting Guile” much much better than the “rules of fighting Akuma” (which imo is mostly guessing because of the plethora of moves he can pull from his roulette that lead to another guess).

Game engine and character aesthetic/appeal to me personally also factor into how much I tolerate dealing with them. In the Marvel vs series I don’t mind Akuma, but he’s fighting amongst a bunch of other characters that do crazy shit too and doesn’t ignore constraints the same way/the constraints are similar for a majority of the roster, so the design makes more sense in that regard.

Adding supers to SC5 was one of the big turn-offs along with some other stuff that ultimately lead me to skipping that game. I’m back into this one simply because they brought back the character I liked, but even in Tekken I’m not a fan of their supers (Rage drives are okay though). Supers in 3D games in general are not appealing to me as they fuck up a lot of the momentum and pressure that I like about those games. Also the animations take way too long… there’s even extra animation if you win with them.
It’s like people who always go for fatalities at the end of a Mortal Kombat match (after you’ve seen them 3-5 times, you should be completely over them imo), but in SCs case they contribute damage and momentum to the actual match.

Top tiers define the gameplay. 20 mediocre honest characters and 3 strong characters full of bullshit = game full of bullshit. Reverting Mika, Urien and others back to their former glories won’t increase the amount of robbery, but it will make it way more varied for playing and watching.

Speaking of it, diminish the scaling on guard crushing moves. It’s sad to see CAs doing damage equal to SF4 scaled levels just because the opponent got their guard crushed. I don’t care if it’s unfair, it’s hella hype.

Supers were pretty short in SCV though and like most 2D games you had to combo into them and couldn’t just throw them out (unless you played Hilde and used them to whiff punish, RIP).
In SCVI they take forever and make Gief’s SFIV Ultra 2 look like a 3frame move.

Some of the purple and gold EX07 colors look so fresh!

4500fm is too much tho… You can never get the colors for the characters you want. Sometimes you get nothing at all.