SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Stop. That v-trigger is too easy to gain and has way too many options/momentum stealing capability for it to remain 2 bar. An oversight on their part imo, because they thought it would be hard to execute. There are plenty of Menat players I’ve run into that have proven that not to really be the case with practice.
My prediction is either her st. HP will get hit hard, the VT1 will get hit, or both. The fact that they changed Guile’s VT1 back to 3 bar and Laura’s to 3 bar leads me to believe Menat’s will definitely get turned to 3 bar.


Leave your dumb facts out of this and let me dream


This game is made for let them shine like they never did before, if all the silly moments and questionable were made on purpose then Capcom reached his primary goal, evening the skill level field.

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Ultimately SF must live on. I don’t think Capcom compromised on the integrity of the franchise in making SF5. Not at all. I would like new generations of players to enjoy the game and characters I grew up with and grew to love. If it means Capcom will make adjustments to the game here and there to better adapt to the changing gamers’ mindset then so be it.


I must try this now

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They don’t compromised the integrity of SF, they’ve lowered the standards. I don’t think youngsters are dumb by default, with that in mind I don’t agree with making things easier for them just for business. I was thinking this before and now probably S4 will give us more stuff to work around it. If we grew up with harder SF games I don’t think they necessary need to be babied anymore, this thinking for future SF games. We’re all happy to see new faces on our game, but I prefer them adapt to us, just to not frustrating the olders.


You go get your nice things. Don’t let the only character with anime/good hit boxes suffer because jelly people. TBF the only reason she’s gotten mostly buffs is she came during that “phase” where a character releases late into a season and they don’t figure out how good they are until it’s too late.

Good thing working for you though is that the top tiers are already mostly comprised of characters that Capcom barely bothers to nerf and even still buffs. Plus rumors are S4 is just going to get more wild with new shit to get wild with.

Triggers like Menat VT 1 , Ibuki VT 2 , Kolin VT 2 , Abigail VT 1 should not be 2 bars in my opinion.

All are robbery triggers and getting them twice per round is just bullshit.

Also, Capcom really needs to reconsider with how much ease some characters get their v-triggers, compared to others.Some characters have v-skill that are core of their gameplay while for others its quite situational.

Example :

Akuma vskill = basically a parry, a poke and a launcher
Ibuki vskill = great poke as well,generates tons of meter
Guile = need i say more ? Core of his gameplay is his vskill, double slow boom reks everyone

All those characters have strong v-skill that they can actively use in a fight,then benefit from a strong v-trigger as well.

Cast nr 2 :

Fang - situational / bad vskill , theoretically core of his gameplay, in practice not so much
Juri - good ,when charged only. Slow and useless uncharged
Falke - so much start up on her v-skill it’s not even funny

Bad to modest v-skills , rewards them with average v-triggers at best.

So yes,i stand by what i said.Some triggers need to be toned down.It’s not about “not allowing other characters to be fun”, it’s about balancing the game.You don’t balance by making Juri, Falke, Fang, Alex dumb as well so they can be “fun”, you balance by easing up on what exists in the game, rather then adding to the pile.


V-System and his variety was a mistake.

Toe to toe match with the 2 contenders with VT still ready to go, who win? Y’all know how it’s gonna ends. Atm we have combo extender VT (i.e. Fang) vs comeback ones, here the disparity. Totally agree with the sentiment about V-Skills usefulness, but we have to thank again the casuals/forever Bronze players for this brilliant idea of unique traits. Most of them are gone already or they spend time talking about useless stuff like cinematic story 2 and shit, meanwhile those who kept playing seriously have to deal to this mess.

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I would have agreed with you on Kolin’s trigger before it was nerfed. If they give it back the old duration then yes it should be three bars.

Even if they were 3 bars, there would still be the feeling that the match only starts after they have it available.

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nerf Ibuki

That moment when you get the art you commissioned and it turns out way better than you expected. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::japanese_goblin:


You shouldn’t be backdashing after Ibuki’s back throw any ways. She has a ton of meaties so sit there and block like a good player.

But people seem to think that blocking is hard and filthy!

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I think a character’s vskill has more significance than people credit it for as well. If Capcom were to release a patch that purely focuses on improving bad vskills, I think it would be a game changer for many if not most characters.

Like Fang’s vskill should have a hitbox from the get-go instead of being locked behind VT.


Just SFV things. :slight_smile:


You wanna know what beats Menat’s V Trigger?

Blocking. Long as they don’t give her a command grab I’m good. Send all dem balls in my face. Technically I did get hit once but I think the orb was too far out so no combo. Give her 12 balls S4.


Pretty much! And her overhead setup with her VT is very telegraphed.
Blocking, it is WONDERFUL!

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Blocking? Is that a new mechanic added by the last patch? :smirk: