SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Holy shit it’s been a long time since I’ve been on. I just saw the changes to Survial Mode, the Dojo, and the random shop mini game.

What is the dojo exactly? Is it an online training mode or am I too hopeful?

Also, has anyone ever gotten anything good from Rose’s mini game in the shop?

@kingcrimson WB. Oh and how are you liking the buffs for Roo man?

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Thanks Jin. I have no idea who I’m going to play as, probably Cammy because she’s pretty straight forward and I need to get a good grasp of this game again.

I haven’t played since before the 3.5 patch though, so I need to look at the patch notes.

I’m also looking forward to giving some of the s3 characters a shot. How’s Falke, Cody, G, and Sagat. Are any of them real strong?

Sooo whats the consensus?

Basically all the fundamental things will get stronger and characters that relied more on fundamentals will get stronger.

So Cammy menat and guile will likely get better or stay the same. Ed might get slightly stronger for neutral, but his random vt2 might get worse… so a fundamental ed will get stronger and an ed that was based around trigger might get worse.

Only time will tell how much better or worse anyone is, but snappier play ALWAYS means more fundamental and defensive play, the same way that speeding up a game will always result in a game that is more offensive than the previous slower version.


Does that mean your salt levels going up over 20’000

*Tiga shot Tiga shot Tiga Upacut

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@KingCrimson Welcome back man! I look forward to getting games in. It has been a minute. :slight_smile:

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Last night I was watching Bonchans stream, was getting beat by a master Sim player so I typed in the comments ( which was 100% Japanese) HK TK very good. Then he reads it out loud in English on his stream and does 5 HK TK in a row that all get blown up.

I’m like, yeah I kinda didn’t mean like that lol. Didn’t type anymore though lol. It was pretty cool though. Maybe I got some Tiger Power off the king.


I guess the King will even take advice from stream monsters.

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Consensus is game feels snappier and we’ll see how it goes at the Log Cabin this weekend.

Cody and G have the best offense of the four, so in this game that means they’re objectively better than Falke and Sagat (minus certain matchups). Falke and Sagat are characters that do particularly well in certain matchups (Falke is pretty anti Cammy and does well vs Akuma), but gets blown up by characters that are walking fireballs like Rog and Bipson.


I remember when I asked Trashbox if he was Superman in his stream chat. He read it out loud and started laughing.

Btw, I can definitely feel the improvement so far. That’s pretty cool.


sheeeeeit i might have to hop on tonight and try it out

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Everyone’s lag testing and I’m here trying to get robo-juri early


Koihime blowing all the mainsteam eatSports games out of the water

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Sanford back on Sagat. I’ll give him 6 days.


That much? I’ll give him 6 hrs.


6 minutes


yeah it was saved then they nerfed him, unsaving the game

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For sure! Though it will take me some time to get back into the swing of things. I just played a best of 3 Casual Set (thanks again @darc_requiem) and I’ve gotten some real bad habits from playing single player MKX over the last few weeks like thinking I can sweep (back and circle) under a projectile, and doing down and triangle to AA. I also keep expecting neutral jump punches to launch the opponent, lol. I am probably going to do some tutorials as well, as I’ve forgotten some very basic mechanics.

If I don’t have a busy day at work tomorrow, I’m hoping to do training for a few hours and then may be okay for games after if you, or anyone else is interested.

Regarding the update, my FT3 set seemed to be a little easier for me to AA. I landed one or two AA’s that I was expecting to be a little late on and was surprised that they landed.

I also didn’t have any hiccups in lag so I’m happy.

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