SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

It’ll be another couple of days til I can test, but I’m happy to sit back and watch the Twitter show unfold.

I expect lots of videos confusing whiff punishing with buffering whilst raving about how much better the lag is.

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Hey guys, just dropping by real quick to say that it’s great that they finally decided to fix the lag, also, the top tier characters will be stronger with it and low tier characters will get their fake pressure wrecked which will make them worse, the only top tier that I think can actually get worse from this Abigail.

Also I was thinking about Election Night the other day and remembered that I made a post here saying that “the people that want a better economy will get fucked and the racists will get a platform” and got some people going mad over it, gee, I wonder how that turned out.

Stay cool SRK.

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I think it’s very tough to say who will get better worse ( by very small margins). Cammy for example I was thinking it’ll be slightly easier to AA her, but then on the flip side, she might get slightly better at whiff punishing.

Ken his confirming might go up, but his shenanigans might get worse.

Seems there’s a case for nothing really changing. It is a welcome change though. PC numbers seem very promising.


I played a bit now and the number one thing i feel became easier is hit confirming. I feel that its easier to single hit confirm and to counter hit confirm now. By far what i felt the most.

I can also react to dashes easier, if i am anticipating them. So if i think a Ryu may dash, now i can get my 4F (w/Cody) and punish the dash and sometimes i was getting him with cr.MP to CH the dash button so that is a great change.

Obviously it is still pretty hard to react to the dash and the jump but i don’t feel like i have to "commit " as much when i wanna deal with the dash. Now it is a bit reactable i would say.

Another thing i greatly felt was walking forward and blocking, that feels SIGNIFICANTLY better now.


How the hell do you quote messages on this revamped forum again? Lol.

@Bea_Iank Who the fuck is that? Lmao. Does she pop up automatically?

@Darc_Requiem I’ll take one if you have a spare, free one, but if it’s coming out your pocket, please don’t worry about it! Aside from taking 15 minutes to google how to embed YouTube and Twitter links, all I really did was start a Lounge thread and make an ass banner that lasted about an hour, lol! Also, has the forum been taken down or was the link changed? I checked it out a few weeks ago but it didn’t seem to be up.

I think that the top tier characters are great at playing solid, Cammy will be able to play a neutral game more akin to SF4’s instead of having to hamfist her way in, and that will still be a thing since EX Divekick is still pretty great and challenging it is something not many characters want to do, Akuma getting to react more easily to jump-ins and shit will be great and reacting to his offense will still be a mess between all his options and just being + on everything, Guile still Guiles hard now with better ability to AA motherfuckers, Ibuki will still have EX Kunai and gets to react to shit too, Menat with the ability to react and stop people throwing shit to the wall to see if something sticks will make her harder to fight against which plays directly to her strengths, and so on, all of those characters become better at playing their game with this change.

Meanwhile Alex will never land a stun-gun headbutt ever again.

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So, I have SFV still installed on my PS4 but don’t have the disc. If I buy a digital copy of base SFV will it load from my original account or ask to start a new CFN?

It will load from your original account.

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Thanks Bea, I wasn’t sure if it would replace the file or create another and how it would mix them up. Would it actually be smarter to delete the disc file first?

Edit: well, it’s on sale on PS Store anyway so I’m downloading it now. I actually had to delete my original file before I could download it. I still need to get PS+ though, which won’t be for a few days at least. It’s okay, I have lots of training to grind out anyway

Alex player still Gona mix up 3 x headstomp in a row then stun gun for a 4th.

You’ll be aight.

I fear for offense. It was already kind of hard to mount an initiative without V-trigger, This could become a “you first. No, you first. I insist” situation of turtle play and timeouts that sends people to sleep while watching a stream.

Ideally a frame data rework should follow the input lag. Otherwise let us play with an Overheads Disabled option lest they come up in the way of inputs and now you perform your 22f unsafe on block move for the lose.

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Check your messages, your PSN problem should be solved now :wink:


This is awesome! Thank you! I won’t forget this. Whenever you want games, I’m down, even if my wife happens to be giving birth, I’ll bounce.


Don’t get your in divorce court fam. Just looking out man.



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it feels a little snappier now. if this doesn’t help the gameplay a lot it still helps with the game’s QoL. anything to help it feel less mushy is welcomed.

Nah this aint pre patch SFxT. Game is still going to mostly have swingy rounds because you will get shimmied out of your tech grab attempts and a lot of the better characters have combos that push you into the corner for free. Only character that will be able to time out Urien is Guile.

So is SFV saved yet

No T Hawk yet so no. Keep an ear out for CPT news.



I thought you said Abigail saved it? Or was that before the patch that nerfed him out of top 3?

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