SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

That’s one fucked up bug with the input commands, i hope this gets fixed the next day at the most.

EDIT : nvm its fixed i guess ?


Blocking command grabs is about honor.


I am SO ready to get bodied because my younger and nubile opponents now can press buttons 1f faster!

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I don’t know if it’s a placebo thing/confirmation bias, but things DO feel snappier for me. It’s hard to tell cause I haven’t played in like a week though.

Online is shit right now though so whatever.

It’s less about the 1f reduction and more about the improved consistency. Instead it randomly giving you 5, 6, or 7F of input lag. The input lag is always over 4F but less than 5F. It’s better and it’s one less excuse for people toss out.


Now I will use the excuse that young people can press buttons faster than me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing with help my dinosaur ass react faster. It will make high level play more fun to watch.

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I beat Rog player with Falke 2 0 and blocked all of his EX dash lows. That’s with playing in windowed mode which supposedly adds a frame of lag compared to fullscreen.

Patch working so far.


Well, let’s see how it will help me fare at my weekly tomorrow. I won’t play online today.
Too risky with the Brazilian wifi jungle out there.

In the case of the law of diminishing returns, the one frame really doesn’t matter… IF the frames are already high.

As an example, going from 100 frames of input lag to 99 frames of input lag represents a 1% difference which is extremely negligible.

HOWEVER, going from something like 4 frames down to 3 frames represents a 25% buff which is incredible. So don’t count out the people that say it makes a difference.

I remember ps3 and x box having one frame of difference when everyone was saying they felt the same but a few like myself could easily tell the difference. Once you get REALLY decent at a fighting game, the frames start to matter more, especially if the game is heavy on frame specifics.

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Only if I see people jumping out of neutral EX Free Willy on reaction will I say it’s a big deal.

For me it’s a big deal if I can bulldog on reaction from 25% closer.

In sf4 I could block Sagat/shoto fireball from just inside or outside shoto cr.mk range on reaction, fairly consistently, in sf5… no way.

I’m not really looking for an increase in ability to see this or that and do something about this or that, I’m looking for an increased ability to twitch react on my blocks.

Expecting everyone to be able to get out of free Willy easily is a rather simple metric to be using, expert level play in older more precise streetfighters is a game of pixels, not one of moves… generally speaking.

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Oh yeah that reminds me. The big one is whether or not people are gonna be able to block EX booms from poke range on reaction now. Probably not.

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My buttons only take half a week to come out on PS4 now instead of taking between half a week and a full week!
I am pleased. But not pleased enough to risk playing online tonight.

Its bigger than that frame instability was the biggest problem less variance

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Ok so how many frames did they shave off?? Are you guys happy with the amount?

They shaved off 1f and made PS4 consistent.
I am fucking happy with it. I press my buttons on PS4 and they happen a wee bit later!

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Hey guys, I’ve been away from the game (and here) for a while. Hope you’re all good!

I’m happy to see this change, not that it makes a huge difference with my old man reactions…

How’s online feel today? It was crap for me ever since AE dropped. I’m hoping this change has a bit of a positive effect to online as well.

Edit to add: my cousin has my SFV disc right now and my PS+ account needs to get renewed so I can’t test it myself, but I’m hoping to come back soon.


Welcome back @KingCrimson!
Can’t say anything about online because Brazil and I ain’t risking it today.
But the change feels pretty good.

Also, Yuriko is definitely presistent. :frowning:

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Hey if you need a PS+ Code let me know. I’ll hook you up fam. I owe you from the SRK Warrior forum help you did.

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