SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

That’s baby Ryu obvs. Akuma is a terrible father.

Could be true.

At least Ken is doing a great job raising his son though.


It’s pretty hilarious seeing the older players on my timeline talk about how the newer players will become obsolete now that the gimmicks with be minimized. Talking way too soon, but that’s nothing new. I’m sure they’ll go back to the “SFV sucks” movement once they realize the gameplay will likely remain the same, more or less.

I’m looking forward to the patch. Gonna spend a ton of time in the lab to get accustomed to things.


I already got a small update on pc, doesn’t feel that much different from before but the pc version was already ok in terms of input lag

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I like how the tweets are already asking about the PC version.

So it’s on par with sf4 and soul caliber? Is that a good thing?

Good thing, but PC version still slightly faster. Lag is at a point comparable to what people are more used to from SF4, but you’re still gonna get bopped by stuff. It’s still SFV.

PC lag data for reference again.

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It still has some instability, but it is better than it was on PS4.

They didn’t learn from Graham Wolfe

You still gonna get dash grabbed, you still gonna take EX Free Willy, you still gonna miss whiff punishes, you still going to get Mika’d in the corner, you still gonna get SFV’d.


But at least now my buttons will only take half a week to come out on the PS4 instead of a full week!

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I really don’t understand this input delay stuff. His test shows that SFV is 5.3f(before the patch), but someone else like displaylag has it at 6.3f.

Soooo who’s right? Does it really matter?

Different methodology from what I’m reading.WydD is apparently a PhD in Computer Science, so I’d lean towards him being reliable on the subject.

So basically the 8f memes were born from uneducated people just wanting to hate on SFV then.

It had 8f input lag on release.

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SFV will probably and hopefully be USF4 fast/stable in the coming year or so, but this is most welcome.

No akuma nerfs? Lame.

Shouldn’t there be a reduction on PC too…

Given what the PC version was before, I wouldn’t count on it.

Hopefully the servers are up soon so i can test it before bedtime. Haven’t been looking this patch that much. It is also going to buff and nerf characters?.