SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Definitely both gameplay and lore reasons for Rose being iffy for S4/5. Rumors suggest she’s possible, but could go other way.

unpopular opinion i know y’all wont like but i honestly think Evil Ryu is gonna be one of the characters for S4.

Its makes the most sense $$$ for Capcom. ALL Ryu main will switch. Add couple of DLC/fighting chance costumes to squeeze every bit of FM and real money out of Ryu mains souls…

As much as I hate E.Ryu, it definitely makes sense business wise. They said they didn’t really wanna push clone/palette characters back in S1, but I think they’ll change up because it’s free money from the edgelord shoto lovers that whore characters with QCF motions like Ryu and Sagat.

They’re not going to jump the shark into guest character crap (at least not anything non capcom fighter related) so E.Ryu is their other go to.

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Yeah I can definitely see a other shoto get put in, but it’s definitely a wasted slot since you delete Ryu in the process. Gouken would be a smarter choice. Easy for them too, they already have shin shoryuken, tatsu, angled fireball, horizontal palm and dive kick animations in the game. Take Cody’s command grab as his back throw and Karins as his front, bet you could 90% re-use animation and make Gouken.

Save money - new character. Sounds like Capcom.

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Fuck Evil Ryu. Seriously, I hate alternate versions of a character already in the game. No Evil Ryu, No Oni, No Violent Ken.


Hah. It’s funny because you can tell how far they went to cater Ultra SF2 to casuals. Put in on cute kids Nintendo system, make sure E.Ryu comes back and then make sure the shoto lovers get a double dose of purple action by going full sell out to Violent Ken.

Violent Ken better not step into any newer mainline SF. Leave him for crossover/remix/port crap

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Indeed,the only “shoto” that needs to return is Gouken.

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Gouken’s daughter would like to have a word with you…

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Fuka ?

It’s not confirmed that she is the daughter of Gouken.

Regardless, I want the old man instead.But I would not mind a new female shoto besides Sakura.

No one knows what her true name is, only that she probably exists and that she would make babies with Ryu on the side eventually. Not to mention that she would kick Akuma’s ass.

Sakura will be heart broken but she will always have Dan and Blanka.

At the same time? What a slut. Those SF5 legs could crack a bank vault though.

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Sakura should make up her mind…

One moment she…

The next…


Off-topic, because fuck it: my boss just told me they want to make my current temp job (my first full-time job out of uni) permanent, and they’re offering me a huge raise to boot.

Happy times. :3


Shadow Juri


I always felt Rose as an anti-zoning character with her zoning abilities. Guess what? We have already a character with that characteristics and she’s also a fortune teller, her name is Menat.

Meanwhile X-Kira is back at it with more BS on his Twitter account.

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Yeah that was my other reasoning. It would be weird to have another orb chucking character so soon and Menat trigger makes Roses SF4 Ultra ( that people also bitched about) look like Ryus V1.

Personally I never played 3S but I appreciated the character designs. Also The hawk is a must for me. Grappler with a reversal? Yes please.

Dude would be TT.

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X-Kira is prescient in the same way that carpet bombing is accurate.

All that said, I’m personally pulling for Viper and I could see Rose just because she is so popular, and this game seems to want to be a weird cross section of SF3 and Alpha.

I still love how Ryu’s expression changed when she mentions kids. He goes from stoic to “oh shit” in one second.

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Idk if Ryu is into kids but Akuma seems to be at least trying…