SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

The more they deflate her boobs, the more she’ll get back to her original top tier self from USF4

We SFV now, big boobs means costumes,fuck the balance.

After almost a week I’ve played a bit just to complete the missions. Well, it’s funny how every damn time we are one day left from a maintenance the netcode get worse like there’s no tomorrow. The input lag fix is a step into the right direction, S4 can’t come soon enough.

I think the real question is…

what if S4 comes too soon?

@Phantom_Miria Hey guys, not a pro like some other people out there. Best I could do and keep her color scheme intact. The option that saw to bare her legs didn’t allow me to independently color the gloves.


you are not alone, found this

Hugo and Necro are godlike. I just made Cammy just now. All of my customs so far are original characters.

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Family Dollar Cammy looking good.

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I was thinking a pre-balance patch would be good, but it would probably fuck the game up.

They really didn’t want to delay the patch that fixes the delay. …

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Would have made for some good social media memeing if they did. It’s almost kinda boring that they’re doing stuff in timely manner now. I miss the doom and gloom over 8 frames and characters coming a month and a half after supposed release date

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Sagat being playable “tomorrow” is the hypest Ive got since the game was released.

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I’m still waiting for exact numbers. If it’s just 1F then it’s basically the same game to me since I’m already playing on less lag PC (minus fighting PS4 people online).

Fam, the game was only out for like 2 days… you folded that quickly?

Wew im still going. Nightmare lows won’t scare me away!!!


It being stable I think is more important than the reduction, because let’s face it, they aren’t taking off 3 frames. It’ll be 1-2 at best.

The lag test I saw had SF5 at 40% stability. That’s so much of a joke I’m surprised we are even still playing this. Only SF5 could survive such horrible lag statistics in a genre that’s biggest concern is inputs.

Nah, I’m back on the SC boat. I just briefly hopped off.

Currently doing story stuff.


No idea if this is pre patch stuff or whatever, but inputs were extremely laggy on the PS4 today.
And the wifi warriors were out in force at casual. Good thing I didn’t play ranked or I would have punched something broken tonight here.

And in the few that weren’t, I got outplayed hard in many of them.

So tomorrow there’s an update?

Yes, there is.
So no casuals or ranked nor lounges tomorrow. It will be a mess.
But hopefully it will fix PS4 input lag. Shit was BAD today. 7f consistently.

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OK question from someone new to street fighter series. Which dlc from sf4 are likely coming and do any of them have a fireball??

Rose, and she does have a fireball.
C. Viper too, and she too has some sort of “fireball”.

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I’m really not sure they will put rose in. I mean I know she’s popular. Just can see lots of other characters coming in. We got plenty zone/footsie characters now.